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Pakistani Bride Killed By Angry In-laws For Paying Small Dowry, Woman Forced To Drink Acid In Daska

pakistani bride killed dowry

September 29, 2015 – Pakistani Bride Killed By Angry Inlaws For Paying Small Dowry, Newly Married Takreem Bibi Forced To Drink Acid In Daska Punjab

A very bizarre marriage tradition in Pakistan has sent a newly married bride to an early grave.

A woman usually pays dowry to the parents of the man she plans to marry before marriage in Pakistan.

25-year-old Takreem Bibi was killed by her angry in-laws yesterday after they accused her of paying a small dowry.

Bibi who got married on the 4th of September 2015 was forced to drink acid in Daska area of Punjab Province yesterday and died hours later of internal injuries.

Just this past week, a 26-year-old Pakistani bride was poisoned to death by  her husband in Daska for not paying enough dowry.

Bibi’s husband has been declared wanted in connection with her death.

Why must a woman be forced to pay dowry for a man, this is one strange culture.



  1. RAPO

    September 29, 2015 at 4:03 PM

    those people are living in darkness!!! they would never see light if they don’t change!!! fooools

  2. mr fact

    September 29, 2015 at 4:32 PM

    Cap on the waist,trouser on d arms…………………..upside-down world.

  3. Amanda

    September 29, 2015 at 6:46 PM

    Insult upon injury isn’t. Paki govt needs to get real with these scumbags. It’s man who pays woman dowry. Tell them people. Bunch of lunatics. I know not all Pakistanis are like this. There are various cultures therein like Nigeria. So it is unfair to put blames on all of them.

    The idiot should face possible death sentence.

  4. mulikat

    September 29, 2015 at 7:12 PM

    God have mercy woman,paying dowry for man,things they happen in this world,really strange,never hard about this type of culture.

  5. T

    September 29, 2015 at 9:06 PM

    If the woman didn’t pay enough money must they killed her, the least they could is for the man to return the money and say he can’t marry her until she can afford money to marry a man. Why did they have to killed her.


    September 29, 2015 at 10:17 PM


  7. Truth

    September 30, 2015 at 9:23 PM

    Stupid Muslims.

    • Jilo

      September 15, 2016 at 5:26 PM

      The problem is not Muslims but culture or tradition. There are some Muslim countries where such primitive act never exist.

    • Dua khan

      October 28, 2018 at 9:45 PM

      stupid you bcz you are the problem not muslims plus you people cant respect others soo how you expect others o respect you.

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