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Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo Preaches On Tithe, Calls Daddy Freeze Wife Beater Who Sleeps With Women

pastor ashimolowo tithe

November 30, 2017 – Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo Preaches On Tithing, Calls Daddy Freeze A Wife Beater Who Sleeps With Women

The founder of Kingsway Int’l Church in London Pastor Ashimolowo has officially lent  his voice to the ongoing tithing debate controversial OAP Daddy Freeze started on the social media few weeks ago.

The highly respected man of God who addressed the issue during a night service at this church in Lagos slammed Daddy Freeze even before he started preaching.

Ashimolowo who called Daddy Freeze a ‘yoyo’ urged him to ‘shut up’ because he doesn’t have the moral power to tell people what to do.

This is part of what Ashimolowo told Freeze in the video now making round on the social media.

I felt like sharing with you a subject once and for all let’s settle this matter.
I will like to speak tonight on the power of the tithe.
I will like to speak on the power of the tithe
Some bunch of yoyo somewhere should not determine what we believe.
Some guy who beats his wife, throws her out, throw his children out of the house should not determine what we believe.
Not only that, he broke his own son’s knees while he was trying to defend his wife.
Not only that, he drinks alcohol,sleeps with women and he is trying to preach to preacher.

Watch the viral video below:

Watch the full sermon below

The issue with Daddy Freeze is that he is intentionally making Nigerians curse men of God, this can only be done by a man who have zero respect for the things of God.

A glance on his Instagram profile show how most clueless Nigerians acting on impulse have been cursing highly respected men of God.

It is very important for everyone to express their opinion on this subject matter but to blaspheme against God in the process is risky… Watch it Nigerians!!!



  1. Chinenye Alu

    November 30, 2017 at 8:10 PM

    Thanks Lord pls forgive me, I am going to delete all my comments of Adeboye. I too put a comment there on Monday please lord forgive me for this. so sorry

    • open mind

      November 30, 2017 at 8:53 PM

      So just because he came out hauling insults was enough to make you change your mind! Is he without faults? When Daddy Freeze and others attacked Tithing, they put up meaningful arguments in support of their stance using the Bible. The way to counter that is to use the same Bible that they read and preach out of to prove their own points in favor of tithing. So far, none of the big guns have put up any convincing arguments to prove otherwise other than curses and insults. If they really want to tear down the anti-tithing party, readers want to see similar quotes from the Bible in favor of tithing. All the nonsense from the likes of this guy is directed at feeble minded and ignorant people who think everyone who claims to be a minister is above boards and consequently exempted from being attacked. Remember many are called but only a few are chosen. If they don’t have any meaning arguments, they need to shut the heck up. The argument is on tithing not on collection, which you give as the spirit moves you.

  2. adex

    November 30, 2017 at 9:51 PM

    am with daddy freez those people that call themselfe men of god are all coocks they must look for something eles to do in live as mumus will soon weak up.

  3. Mojuwonlo

    November 30, 2017 at 11:56 PM

    It’s shameful of Pastor Ashimolowo to reply daddy Freeze in this manner. It was unbelievable and nothing to support his arguments from the Bible.

  4. Mojuwonlo

    December 1, 2017 at 12:04 AM

    Besides that, daddy Freeze arguments was supported with facts in the Bible, and he didn’t abuse you Pastor Ashimolowo.

  5. Mojuwonlo

    December 1, 2017 at 12:15 AM

    Were Pst Ashimolowo not the same person that told his congregations to pay money into his church coffers according to the numbers of years they had lived on Earth as if he is God who has been protecting them????

  6. Mojuwonlo

    December 1, 2017 at 12:22 AM

    Remember Pst Ashimolowo that one thing is certain, and that is, you cannot fool God and you can never be God!!!

  7. Ifeoma

    December 1, 2017 at 1:08 AM

    Yahoo Pastors want to die o!
    Somebody wan block their hustle.
    Mansions, automobiles and aircraft acquisitions source.
    Dem don declare war and don send agents to fight Daddy Freeze.
    Other parts of bible no matter anymore, dat money part must not block.
    Dem go soon charge Daddy Freeze to Sharia Court.

  8. Olaizo

    December 1, 2017 at 2:10 AM

    He sleeps around, he threw his family out, he do this do that but he his telling the truth you don’t know and you don’t want to now for him.
    He knew more than you, even we no be be pastor know say God can use sinner instead of Pastors, In fact see how mumus dey shout on top of ignorant doctrine.
    Wide is tha way that leads to Fire, that words na true.
    Daddy freeze abeg keep opening people eyes, na so Jesus himself try wey dem no hear him, at the end of the day dem set am up. Na everybody be the man of God,

  9. david

    December 1, 2017 at 3:01 AM

    they are mostly thieving in the name of religion and gullible people and weak minded people fearful of a curse or hellfire who do not understand that Christ has paid the ultimate price, will keep falling for their lies.
    however it should be stated that Christ encouraged us to give, the apostles even and this was exemplified in the early church, but never was there tithes paid or received by Christ, any of the apostles or the early church.

  10. derek

    December 1, 2017 at 3:40 AM

    we need bible facts ,proof thats what even the law says,support your case with facts….no personality attack

  11. Jilo

    December 1, 2017 at 3:45 AM

    General Overseer is cruising in a $65 million dollars private jet while some worshippers are trecking from Ikorodu to Lagos in order to attend a Church session. Calculate that in Naira. Daddy freeze, thank you so much for opening people’s eyes in this 2017.

    I have no doubt that God is trying to reveal some hidden truth through this guy called Daddy freeze. The issue of Tithe in the Church has become big issue in our churches. We only hear about tithe not about preaching the scripture and the kingdom of heaven. A young man from Cameroon used his money to arrange for Air plane that will bring back all Cameroonians who were stranded in Libya. To me,that is spreading Evangelism. Some of our men of God are only occupied themselves soliciting for donation in Billions of Naira. Tell me who is doing evangelism work?.

  12. Stanley Jones

    December 1, 2017 at 6:33 AM

    first of all I’m not a Nigerian but a Biafran, secondly Daddy freeze is keeping it real 100%

  13. Elvis

    December 1, 2017 at 7:15 AM

    If you allude to what Freeze says, you may not know the secret of financial success and your life will be misery-one feeding could be from hand to mouth unless the mercies of God . People you need to search the scripture, do not allow any fool to fool you around like Freeze. Freeze doesn’t have a settled home then how can he minister to children Of God he should first lead and rule his family well…

    • Adams

      December 1, 2017 at 11:25 AM

      *****like you will continue to attack him, proof your point with biblical fact and lets close it, even your so call Go dont have answer to Freeze query on their act on tithe,Abi na only freeze fight him wife for nigeria ni. how many pastors in this country that divorce their wife and marry another one, how many pastors that were caught pant down with another women, freeze is not pastor, he is human and can send wife packing if they are not compatible.

    • allowmeasme

      December 1, 2017 at 11:45 AM

      So your own secret of financial success is stealing in the name of God abi, oh you even thought ur pastors are morally perfect without fault too. so you can not talk to ur God or study scriptures by urself? you need daddy pastor to help you. I know you’re not stupid you just suffer from extreme fear, low self-esteem and lack of confidence, so you become too rigid to accept the real truth. Brain washing is powerful than you thought. Mark zuckerberg does not believe in God but he does way more for charity than all of ur pastors combined, has a positive lifestyle and he’s blessed. No pastor should judge cos no one is clean.

  14. Femi

    December 1, 2017 at 7:54 AM

    Nobody is blaspheming against God …but you the thieves in the form of Pastors…

  15. Babs

    December 1, 2017 at 8:49 AM

    What DO you expect from ******* pastor? Nothing **** can come our from his mouth.***** pastor.

  16. baby

    December 1, 2017 at 10:13 AM

    pastors would have ignore daddy freeze,tithe is good but what are our pastors doing with the money,bulding expensive houses,buying new cars and expensive watches and shoe,bulding private universities and buying jets,3pastors can share 1 jet.Jesus travel with his dicples in one boath os ship,Jesus Christ didn’t have anything,the money people gives to jesus Christ he dosent touches it or see it one of his disciple handles the money,churches in Nigeria should support Nigeria Government to build Nigeria,donate alots of money to hospital,orphneges,and other organisation,Jesus went about doing good,feeding people,healing sick setting the captive free,pls Nigeria churches realise some money to the poor Nigerian,help build and equip Nigeria hospital and stop building universities and new branches we have a lot of church already,is not compulsory that every pastor must have thousands of branch,some of the pastor can turn to evangelist going to other church and preach,Jesus goes from one place to another.

  17. Abayomi Adebayo

    December 2, 2017 at 1:31 PM

    The most interesting creature is man. All I know is that giving to God is not disputable. And that giving to God in the Acts was more, I mean really more than tithes. Stand on Malachi 3 on tithes helps decision making in consistent giving to God’s work.

    What I expect is for all Pastors talking about the tithe issue to state that the it is not prescribed in any of the new testament scriptures. But real giving to God by Christians in the new testament was more than tithes. In Act 5 in the case of a couple( Ananias and Sapphira) give was total and the church was responsible.
    I am a Professor of Economics and a Presiding Pastor of a Ministry in Nigeria (Precisely in Ile-Ife),I have never earned or spent church money on myself, but yet give all I earn to serve God, the one I love. I found by personal experience that the tithes revenue of Church is not actually was make church great church. People who are touch give more in unbelievable way to see God’s counsel established in implementation of mandates that God gives.

    I wish to appeal as we argue to respect the Pastors. No doubt some have no business on the pulpit they are but recognize that many of the Pastors you are attacking are genuine Pastor. Many of then gave their all to God (You know their history more than I do – their career, their job etc to serve God) and the blessings you are querying are the result of their sacrifices.
    The poor you were defending were the poor Judas was defending when expensive oil was poured on Christ in honour. I just pray we get the message right. Be blessed.

  18. Oluwakemi

    December 2, 2017 at 10:00 PM

    Malachi 3:8-10 is there to answer your question, I have been blessed personally for paying my tithe and offerings and nobody force me to pay, even if Pastors are not using the tithe righly, God has not put you in the position to judge, He is the judge, they don’t force you to pay tithe if you don’t want to please let it be rather than ranting.


    December 3, 2017 at 3:50 PM

    most of these pastors are fake money grabbers this Matthew Asimolowo is a big ***** EFCC should start to investigate all their source of wealth

  20. effiong ekpo

    December 5, 2017 at 12:12 PM

    I always believed that Pastor Matthew has been too busy to have time for such people desiring to be relevant. Please permit me to refer us back to 2 kings 22, where we were told of a certain king that desired death and the bible says that God decided to allow the lying spirit into prophets who told him lies just to allow him feel important until when he say death before him. Not even the prank he put up could save him. I advice those interested to go and read the chapter for a better understanding please. The money belongs to me and should I decides not to pay any tithe out of it is no body concern. If I pay the tithe and God decides to prosper me or not is no bodies concern, after all, those that has not be paying, what are they doing with the money. I bet you, some of them are not even meeting up satisfactorily with their financial obligations. Sir, please leave the so call daddy failure alone to walk toward his doom


    March 27, 2018 at 10:33 PM

    Greetings all these arguments will end if all Pastors show us where GentileChristians were commanded to pay tithes. I believe in faith tithing but I don’t pay because I lack the faith to pay tithes. Below are my articles

    **** links removed****

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