Crime News
Photo: Igbo Woman, Deeper Life Pastor’s Wife Stoned To Death In Kano..RIP Mummy Bridget
June 5, 2016 – Pictures Of Igbo Woman, Deeper Life Bible Church Member, Pastor’s Wife Stoned To Death In Kano For Banning Hausa Man From Praying At Her Shop
The identity of the Igbo woman murdered in Kano few days ago has been revealed.
The deceased has been identified as 74-year-old Bridget Patience Agbahime who hailed from Orodo in Imo state, the wife of Pastor Mike Agbahime of DLBC Brigade Quarters in Kano state.
Contrary to the false report that hit the web like wildfire shortly after the murder, Pastor Mrs Agbahime was not beheaded, she was stoned to death by angry Muslim youths on Thursday after she banned a Northerner from praying in her shop.
This is not the photo
Mummy Bridget as she is fondly called reportedly got into a serious argument with a Muslim youth and in the process, the two got into a religious argument that turned violent.
Eyewitnesses said violence erupted at her shop at Kofar Wambai market around 4pm when she was accused of saying blasphemous things against Allah.
They later dragged her to the head of the community where she was stoned to death as her husband watched in horror.
The deceased was a top leader in DLBC in Kano State
May her soul rest in peace (amen).

Dotun KY
June 5, 2016 at 7:44 PM
June 5, 2016 at 7:50 PM
Islam is a religion of peace indeed,
June 5, 2016 at 8:08 PM
If their religion stoned to death anyone that said blaspheming things about their Gods, then they should practice it among themselve, not with people with another belief. What the trouble maker man should have done is to say blaspheming things about her own God, since they are not of the same faith.
Metu Nyetu
June 5, 2016 at 8:54 PM
I may never be able to explain what helpless pain that happens to me whenever I hear this kind of news. Firstly, I would like to know if that northerner was a member of her staff. If so, then I would say that this death was avoidable. If you know you cannot give another person of a different religion his freedom in your company, then rather not employ that person in the first place. I am just wondering if this Christian woman had willfully and foolhardily match into martyrdom.
Be that at any rate, it does not absolve this crude and savage act by these moslems that have redefined peace and beaten that heavenly word into a monsterous image. If God were as violent as these men have made Him to appear, do we think that any man would have still been left on this earth? A former moslem that converted to Christianity once said it, that if Islam is from God, then God must be confused.
Should we expect justice for this woman, or do we just discard that hope because the injustice was done in the name of Allah? It is glaringly obvious that the Christian God is way different from Allah. We don’t worship the same God. D Huntet once said it here and a particular commentator came after him. But this is true. The Christians who call God Allah do that out of ignorance. Allah is a man of gore and blood who never drinks his fill of it.
sharon stone
June 5, 2016 at 9:42 PM
stupid religion.
June 5, 2016 at 9:54 PM
OMG, dis is too much what sort of babarism is dis, been a muslim leader does not give u d right to pass on a death sentence to anyone moreso dat d offence is just mere urterances. The end time as definately come for people to just only think about suckg other peoples blood.
Na wa o, may her soul rest in peace.
June 5, 2016 at 10:45 PM
what an irony for a ‘religion of peace’
D Hunter
June 6, 2016 at 12:02 AM
God bless you Metu. I dont know you still remember that comment of mine. I said it and I will keep saying it again and again. Islam is of the devil. Take it or leave it.
A religion of violence and blood thirsty vampires. Islam is a punishment to the world more dngerous than the Egytian pleagues put together.
The perpatrators of this dastadly act will not escape the imminent kerma that will surely come their ways.
May God help His sheep from the Lions.
May the soul of the pastor‘s wife rest in peace till we meet again.
June 6, 2016 at 1:12 AM
This is very wrong on the part of the youths that perpetrated this silly horrible act. My condolence goes to her family and loved ones of the victim.
However, you commenters are not rational at all. You judge religion base on youth behavior. These are YOUTHS. Do I need to spell that?. Y O U T H. There was no religious edict or court that ordered them to carry out this stupid act. They did it at their own peril.
I also see that many of you Nigerians are hypocrites. Right here on this website, there are many reports of crimes like this carry out on daily basis in nigeria. They are tagged “common crimes”. Is it that only when a phrase with Islamic reference appears next to horrible crime you scream “Islam is evil”? What’s wrong wit you people?.
Did you guys blame “soka” on any religion?
Did you blame Niger Delta militant on Christianity?
“Avengers”, Massob and the list of criminal act goes on.
And haven’t you noticed that the more you blame Islam, there are more Muslim converts?. Did you guys notice that?. This is God’s religion and He will continue to defend it.
These youths need to be arrested and brought to book. If there should be any “punishment” for blasphemy in nigeria, it is ONLY the authority that has the right to execute such order. Not every Tom, Dick, and Harry. This crime is indifferent from the “jungle justices” rampant in nigeria.
You people should rather grow up and get a life than blaming Islam for the act of nincompoop. And I support My president that whoever would try to use this to escalate religious violence should be arrested too.
June 6, 2016 at 11:33 AM
@Amanda,Good observation. this is truly an appalling crime and should be dealt by the authorities; and should attract very harsh punishment. i too have always advocated the need to be objective on this forum, especially when the issue of religion comes up given the current atmosphere in the country. we need to be careful not to inadvertently stir up tribal and religious conflicts in our our communities as religious tension is stifling development.ones religious believe is personal and should not be used to instigate confusion.Lawlessness is a contributory factor in all of this. I wonder why a pastor wife would engage the jobless youths in an argument like what is described here. why?. With the rate of atrocities we witness everyday in Nigeria i wonder if there are true believers in both main religions.Also i think the media is whipping up hysteria by putting every issue as religious, these are all designed to attract emotional response and religious sentiment;we should try to be objective and not fall for the trap of these media houses in their quest to gain more readership to claim greater market share. lets all work for the advancement of our nation.India has just launched a space shuttle recently for the development of their nation, we are feuding over religions that was forced fed us its just outrageous! i hope the authorities find those responsible and justice takes it course.
June 6, 2016 at 5:22 PM
@ Tee, good one :)
Metu Nyetu
June 6, 2016 at 2:07 PM
@Amanda, did you read from the news that they dragged the woman to the community head before stoning her to death right there? Is the community head a youth as well? Again, do the Niger Delta militants strike in the name of religion? Does MASSOB resist Nigeria in the name of religion? All the issues you raised here are very much out of context. It is just clear how you have refused to face the truth.
June 6, 2016 at 3:54 PM
@Metu, “Head of the community” as mentioned here, i didn’t pay attention. You know why?. Does head of the community means authority?. You ever heard “omo onile” called themselves head of the hood too?. You ever heard thugs called themselves by that as well?. This article does not specify or define what “head of the community” is. It can simply mean thugs.
Besides, does head of the community has anything to do with islam according to this article?. Does it say “Islamic head of the community”?.
As for Massob, are you kidding me?. You dont see them on youtube vouching their support for Israel and openly and verbally threatening the North and Nigeria with their symbol of faith?. You people aren’t facing reality. Anytime average non-muslims commit horrible crimes, you said they did not do it in the name of christianity or religion. That’s a big problem.
What message are you trying to pass out there?. Why are you people distinguishing crimes?. Crime is crime madam. As long as you people keep doing this, i weep for the world. In order t blame Islam for this silly crime,you have to point evidence from Islam’s primary source which is Quran. If you find it, and apply it to this crime appropriately, then, you are correct to blame islam.
Remember this woman was killed because she “blasphemed” prophet of Islam. Now,here is what Quran says about none muslims who speak foul against islam
Sura 6:68
“And when you see those who engage in [offensive] discourse concerning Our verses, then turn away from them until they enter into another conversion. And if Satan should cause you to forget, then do not remain after the reminder with the wrongdoing people”.
So from this verse, it is talking about those who blaspheme. And it says we should not engage them until they change their subject. So when the woman was saying things they think was against the religion, all they had to do was either leave her alone to scream at herself or better still, engage her in peaceful religious dialog.
Where is killing in this verse?. Anyways, my understanding is perpetrators have been arrested. So what’s Islam has to do with this?
June 6, 2016 at 4:08 AM
Southern Nigerians, LEAVE KANO. LEAVE, LEAVE, LEAVE. I lived in Kano when Gideon Akaluka was beheaded in 1995. After his gruesome murder, his head was placed on a stick and paraded in Kano. Kano people are worse than barbarians. I lived there for nine years. LEAVE THE ZOO CALLED KANO. There is life elsewhere in the South. Stop being second class citizens.
June 6, 2016 at 6:40 AM
D Hunter
June 6, 2016 at 7:09 AM
Amanda or whatever you called yourself, if you did not read the account very well, I did.
The woman in question was practically dragged to the leader of the community before she was stoned to death. Question for you Amanda: Who do you think was that community leader in Kano? Do you think he is a Christian? Or do you expect them to take her to the sultan of Sokoto before the carry out their desired act? If that wicked monster they called a leader did not give his consent, the stonning of the innocent pastor‘s wife wont have taken place in the first place.
Now let me ask you again, do you think that a muslim woman would on any ground allow a Christian MAN to say his prayers in her shop? Answer that you that is defending evil?
Do you think that if a group of Christian youths ganged up and kill an iman‘s wife by any means whether by stonning or not, there would be peace in that state entirely?
I want you to know that the blood of this woman shall be on the heads of all those foolish born by mistake servants of devil that carried out this dasterdly acts.
And on *****and your *****for coming out here to defend evil perpetrated by a garbage confused satanic religion.
I take a stroll…
John Emeka
June 6, 2016 at 7:30 AM
Islams don’t have a soul… Take it or leave it Life means nothing to them..
Turn a new leafe and accept Jesus christ as d only personal lord and saviour & u ill see ur life will never remain dsame again..
Watch out d country without or less islam and u ill see there is much peace there..
It’s high time we start realising d truth instead of keeping on decieving ourselfs all bcos of religion..
Islam is not lover of peace period!!!!!!!!!
June 6, 2016 at 11:51 AM
Why would she even ban someone from praying in her shop in Kano where 85% if not 90% of its occupants worship allah, for that matter? This religion thing is what ever you believe in, you believe it. She should have not insulted the islam allah or whatever. On the part of those TOMFOOLS that stoned the woman to death and the idiot(s) that gave the order, they’ve just bought the rot of God upon themselves. RIP mummy
sola olaniyi
June 6, 2016 at 1:17 PM
Muslims and violence…
June 6, 2016 at 3:06 PM
June 6, 2016 at 3:08 PM
Why would she even ban someone from praying in her shop in Kano where 85% if not 90% of its occupants worship allah, for that matter? This religion thing is what ever you believe in, you believe it. She should have not insulted the islam allah or whatever. On the part of those TOMFOOLS that stoned the woman to death and the idiot(s) that gave the order, they’ve just bought the rot of God upon themselves. RIP mummy
end times
June 6, 2016 at 3:50 PM
Comment at
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:05 PM
islam is the rligion of the antichrist,Jesus said the antichrist is the one who denies the father and the islam says Jesus is not the son of GOD.pls read ur bible and compare the antichrist with islam and u would see a lot of similarities.and the souls who have been BEHEADED for the testiomny of Jesus .who beheads pple today.for more on this search for walid shobat on google and u would see some shocking revelation about islam.JESUS loves u
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:08 PM
the bible says the antichrist worships a god of war(fortress).we are all familiar with the saying allah akbar when muslims are killing
what is jihad?
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:11 PM
the anti christ does not honour the desires of women.are we familiar with that in islam?
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:13 PM
pls read the book of habkkuk and u will find out in the end times Jesus is waging war against islamic nations ,y did the bible mention this specifically
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:25 PM
isaiah 63;1
who are the edomites today
who is bozrah
these are the islamic territory today
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:33 PM
do u know that muslims are expecting a 12th imam who would come to bring 7 yrs of peace to the world and make islam the only religion in the world?and they have an islamic jesus christ that would deny he ever died on the cross and he would blasphem GOD and make pple worship the islamic warned,JESUS SAID IF U HEAR COME THE CHRIST IN THE DESERT DONT GO BECOS I AM NOT THE ONE ,for JESUS would come and all man would see him in his glory
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:46 PM
the false christ comes in peace but in reality he is war.the dream of every muslim is to see the madhi(false christ) sit on the throne of GOD in jerusalem.the Bible says he had the power to defeat the jews and he will sit on the throne of GOD(this is the ultimate blaspemy and abomination that causes the second coming of christ)
y do muslims go to mecca to worship the kabba stone and yet claim they are not idol worshippers.they call the it the star that came from heaven,wait a minute is lucifer not the star that fell from heaven.allah is great (that great dragon).can u see the similarity in description
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:52 PM
do u know that the muslims call the kabba stone the star that came from haeven?is lucifer not the star that fell from heaven according to the bible.
allah akbar(that great dragon).the word great is common
the symbol for islam is crescent moon and a star(the bible calls lucifer son of the dawn)
end times
June 6, 2016 at 4:54 PM
do u know that the allah in hebrew means curse,alligience,oath
June 6, 2016 at 5:03 PM
We have to learn to respect each other ´s religion its very important
end times
June 6, 2016 at 5:20 PM
yes we have to respect each other but have asked ur self is GOD a GOD of confusion.y are they so many religions with different doctrines
end times
June 6, 2016 at 5:08 PM
my fellow brethren beware of the coming false messiah who behead those who donot submit to him(the meaning of islam is submission)and make his followers incure the wrath of GOD
end times
June 6, 2016 at 5:16 PM
he who has understanding let him count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man or the number of his name and his number is 666.john wrote this greek and it is shocking that the writing of 666 in greek is exactly the same description of in the name of allah in arabic.can i say john wrote wat he saw without really understanding it and people interpreted wrongly as 666
end times
June 6, 2016 at 5:24 PM
do u know the meaning of hudna
end times
June 6, 2016 at 5:27 PM
it means a TEMPORARY truce or cease fire practiced by islam today until the time of the madhi.he who has ears let him hear.only the truth can set me and u free
June 6, 2016 at 7:24 PM
@end times. Calm down ! you are on collision course , and disaster awaits! why have you set your life up for confrontation? why? instead of peace. coming out as a fanatic rather than a true christian.i get a feeling you are the one that wrote the goobly goop ‘opinion’ You are in contradiction of the doctrine of the teachings of Jesus.Suffice to say Jesus even prayed for his antagonist,i will not start quoting the bible; what you have displayed here is sheer ignorance and irrational symptoms which can be indication of psychological condition.just seek help . please learn to be tolerant and respect other peoples way of life.The white people that gave us the religion don’t behave like this. the killing of the woman is despicable and the people responsible should be dealt with according to full extent of the law.
end times
June 7, 2016 at 12:35 AM
are u saying GOD is a GOD of confusion?that he would make so many religions so different.let me tell u even JESUS himself was killed becos of the truth,a lot of people have been persrcuted becos of the truth.let me correct u the white people didnt give us any religion,Jesus not suprised that u feel the way u do,the bible already tells me that people dont like the truth becos its to raw and sometimes be honest with u if u are a christian be truthful as much as u still love sorry tee if u feel bad about my approach but its just simply the truth
June 7, 2016 at 6:37 AM
@end times. You want to know the truth ? here is a piece of history for you:- Christianity came to Nigeria in the 15th century through Augustinian and Capuchin monks from Portugal. The first mission of the Church of England was established in 1842 in Badagry by Henry Townsend. In 1864 Samuel Ajayi Crowther, an ethnic Yoruba and former slave, was elected Bishop of the Niger and the first black Bishop of the Anglican Communion. Lagos became a diocese of its own in 1919. this is the truth, and its main purpose was to colonize and take resources back to Europe please educate yourself for the best interest of your mother land. it is well and good to profess to be christian but please be civilized and tolerant so that peace can reign in Nigeria.Have you ever sat down to reflect why over the centuries the 2 main religions have caused so much destruction to humanity? please stay calm and you will see beyond and more then you
open your mind and be objective. we need peace in Nigerian if any body chooses to commit criminal offense the the law of the land will adequately deal with them; lets not fan the flame of destruction and war and don’t play into the hand of the people with ulterior motives to take over our existence through propaganda and fear mongering. what happened to the woman is a criminal offense by any standard and am sure the authorities will not sit and watch.Nigeria will be better soon.
end times
June 7, 2016 at 3:17 PM
listen @tee .every true follower of christ knows when to be silent and when to speak out,it doesnt matter when it came or how it came to nigeria,what matters is conviction of the holy spirit that christ died so we might be u know true peace means?it is the peace that GOD gives to those who believe and trust him even in times like this not human peace.i do not come to cause confusion among thee but to speak the truth at the appointed is time for every christian to stand up and speak the truth and stop being politicizing prophetic BIBLE tells me in this times men would hate the followers of christ.go and check how the persecution of chritians has increased over 10 yrs.the bible has already told us this things would come to duty is to warn the chritians to be prepared for the coming persecution
end times
June 7, 2016 at 3:27 PM
persecution would always come for us christians.the bible doesnt say we should fight or behead any one who persecutes us.but we should watch and pray.sorry @tee am not speaking what u want to hear,as long as u dont love JESUS u would never find peace.muslims claim they belive in JESUS but do they follow his words?no,instead they persecute those that do.this calls for more prayers from the believers for the coming days would be more scary but do not pick up arms but put on the armor of GOD so thet when CHRIST returns that u shall be found ready to go to the place he has prepared for u.if u are a “FOLLOWER OF CHRIST”(NOT A POLITICAL CHRISTIAN)then it is time to be more prayerful because the great tribulation is coming soon.WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS IN JESUS NAME AMEN
end times
June 7, 2016 at 3:37 PM
@tee .do u know y two religion has been so much confusion is because they are opposing forces that is after our of GOD,the other of the devil.even in the church the devil still attacks but thank GOD that my eyes has been opened and the truth has been revealed.JESUS LOVES U MORE.GOD BLESS U TEE
June 6, 2016 at 5:56 PM
In additiona to what I have penned up there, I found this piece of information that support my claims as well.
@Metu and D Hunter, do you agree or disagree with this below?
Esteemed readers, having established the position of Islam on insulting any Prophet of Allāh, whether he is Muhammad or Jesus or Moses, it is important to state here categorically that the punishment for such a criminal act is #DEATH. Yes, you heard me right. What this means is that if Abdullahi, a Muslim insults Jesus, or Emmanuel, a Christian insults Muhammad, both of them have committed treason against the Islamic State and they both face Death penalty. Ibn Taimiyyah wrote:
وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:” مِن خصائص الأنبياء أنَّ مَن سبَّ نبيًّا مِن الأنبياء قتل باتفاق الأئمة وكان مرتداً ، كما أنَّ مَن كفر به وبما جاء به كان مرتداً ، فإن الإيمان لا يتم إلا بالإيمان بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله ”
(الصفدية 1/262)
” Part of the special privileges enjoyed by the he Prophets is that whoever insults any Prophet will be executed by consensus and has automatically become an infidel. Similarly, the one who disbelieves in a Prophet or in his message is an infidel since faith is not complete without believing in Allah, His Angels, Books and Messengers.”
Now, to the Kano incident…. It is highly unfortunate that overzealous and irate Muslim youth, most of whom lack basic knowledge of Islam always drag the religion into their senseless brutality and barbarism by distorting the texts of the Shari’ah and usurping the powers of the judiciary. In Islam, there are certain crimes that carry prescribed punishments called #huduud while others are subject to #ta’zeer (discretion of the judge). However, no single individual is vested with the power to try, indict and sentence a suspect except the #Qaadi (judge). Whosoever usurps that power and inflicts punishment on an alleged criminal with or without confession or proofs is a criminal and must face the full wrath of the law.
For instance, if a man was caught sleeping with another man’s wife, the Islamic Law stipulates that the plaintiff gets 4 witnesses to testify against the accused. (Q. 24:4 & 13). Each of this witnesses must possess the qualities of #sanity, #Integrity and #religiosity, and must not have any track record of lying or criminality. In addition, there must be coherence in the reports of the witnesses. They must all testify to seeing the accused #banging the lady in question. In a situation where one of them confessed to only seeing them Unclad and sitting near each other, no conviction can be made yet. This is how difficult it is to convict an accuse under the Shari’ah! In fact, if the plaintiff fails to produce 4 witnesses to prove his allegation, he will be lashed 80 times!! (Q. 24:4).
Therefore, even though blasphemy is a heinous crime that is punishable by death, the accused has a right to be heard at a court of competent jurisdiction and defend herself within the provisions of the law. It is likely that she doesn’t even know the gravity of the crime; or she was misunderstood; or she didn’t even say anything but was just framed up by the mob. It may also be that she merely retaliated against an insult to her religion hurled at her by one of the mob. These are one million and one excuse that may have proved her innocence at a court of law. Let me equally add that if she denies uttering such statement in front of the judge and the plaintiff cannot prove that she said so, not only will she walk away free of charge, she is equally liable to damages as determined by the judge.
Let me repeat here for the sake of emphasis, the mob attack on Bridget is tantamount to jungle justice which is commonplace in Nigeria. Suspected thieves and robbers are being burnt alive almost everyday in Nigeria. Unfortunately, since this involves Islam, this news is likely to make headline for some time.
Lastly, I want to advise non Muslims to always exercise courtesy & decorum while addressing issues of faith in order to avert ugly situations like this. We should learn to understand each other’s religion and know where to apply the brakes on sensitive and volatile issues. What moral justification does any Christian have to insult our beloved Prophet? What does he/she wants to gain? Even without the death sentence, is it ethical to just want to cause trouble? What did Charlie Hebdoe gain from insulting Muhammad? Unfortunately, the #Islamophobic world disregards the action that triggers the reaction and would rather blame the latter. What an injustice!
I have read some frivolous verdicts by people who have no iota of knowledge about Islamic Law and Jurisprudence claiming that death sentence for blasphemy is a creation of some extremist scholars and that the Qur’ān and Sunnah are both silent on it…… What a shame! I advise that you stop relying on #GoogleFatwahs and learn about Islam properly.
May Allah guide us aright.
Sirnucy Lafiagi
June 6, 2016 at 6:07 PM
Further More………..
Last night, I was engaged in a very constructive and fruitful debate by some cyber-friends and I didn’t go to bed until a quarter to 12am. Let me use this medium to appreciate their maturity and sincerity throughout the course of our discussions. It was a great experience. Having said that, let me say again for the umpteenth time that the Kano mob attack was unfortunate, barbaric, irrational, crude, cruel and inhumane. It must be condemned by all compos mentis homo sapiens. As a person, I will be glad to see the culprits brought to book to face criminal charges.
Meanwhile, Isaac Newton’s 1st and 3rd Laws of motion have a different dimension to the issue at hand. (1st Law states that a body will continue to be in a state of rest or of uniform velocity until an external force compels it to move……. While the 3rd Law states that action triggers reaction).
Therefore, let us take our minds off the ‘nomenclature’ (#blasphemy) for a moment and address the critical issue which is taking the life of a fellow human being unjustly and in mysterious circumstances which is a very common phenomenon in Nigeria. I still remember vividly watching the gory video of 4 students of UNIPORT that were stripped Unclad, beaten to a pulp and burnt alive in Alu community; I still remember the many ‘alleged’ thieves that were burnt alive in Lagos and Abuja; I still remember the post-election killings and beheading of people in Rivers State….. etc. However, since none of these cases involves #Islam, #Muslims and #Shari’ah, one or two days of media ranting and that’s it. This is the same #Islamophobic mentality that’s being preached in the West. What constitutes #Terrorism in the West is not the #Crime but the #Criminal.
The Kano incident really exposed the #hypocrites among us as well as the ignorance of many Muslims about the Shari’ah. It has produced many #GoogleCertifiedMuftis and #Shaykhu’l-Islaam al-Internetiyyu who have continued to issue frivolous #fataawah since yesterday. I have read so many of them, and I will respond to them in due course. Some claim that nobody was ever executed for blasphemy during the time of the #Rasuul. Some say that the Qur’ān and Sunnah are both silent on the punishment for blasphemy. In fact, an Imam was quoted to have given a #Khutbah claiming that the Shari’ah didn’t mention executing the blasphemer! All of you and your Imam need serious tutoring and mentoring. Let me refer you and your Imam to just one book:
“الصارم المسلول على شاتم الرسول”
by شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى
Some of my cyber-friends said, “what if she doesn’t know that it amounts to blasphemy to insult the Prophet of Islam?” and I told them, “forget about blasphemy, is it ethical to insult or deride other people’s Prophet? Does the Bible teaches that? For God’s sake this is about commonsense! Why is everybody busy condemning the reaction and sparing the action? Or would she have been lynched without the ‘alleged provocation?’
On 16th August, 2010, a female Christian student of Law in the University of Ibaadah, Seun Olubunmi Olagunsoye stormed the Friday mosque and started preaching the gospel right in front of the Muslims eye! She said,
“Except you accept Christ in your life, you are not safe. All of you here, no matter the number of the congregation, accept Jesus Christ. Allah is not God; Jesus is Lord”.
Isn’t that an insult to our religion? What an affront! Yet, if she was lynched and killed, hypocrites will still come on Social media to challenge the reaction and spare the action! Some said, “why avenge for Allah and the rasuul?” Unfortunately, the same people cannot stand their #Fathers being insulted without putting up a fight whether verbal or physical!
Again, the Kano mob action is condemnable, but so also is the blasphemy against our beloved Prophet. Nobody can insult our Prophet and think that’s it. In as much as I condemn the reaction, I take serious exception to the action that triggered it. Non Muslims should learn to respect our religion just as we respect theirs so that peace will reign in the land.
Sirnucy Lafiagi
end times
June 6, 2016 at 6:41 PM
so u spent so much time to justify the murder of a human being,and u say islam is about peace wen thier teachings that include muder of a human being becos of her believe.may GOD forgive you
June 6, 2016 at 10:10 PM
@ end time, remove the clog from your eyes and read the article with common sense. What is the writer justifying?. smh for you.
end times
June 7, 2016 at 12:47 AM
u talk of common sense.simple question are in support of what the mob did?if no,then u would simply condemn thier actions not try to tell us the possible reasons y they might have done what they did.also u are telling us about what penalty people should face if they talk bad about islam.say anything against me or my JESUS and i will simply ask him to forgive u becos that is what the bible says.but y is different with islam?
John Emeka
June 7, 2016 at 1:26 PM
Amanda I can stil read d anger and avengers in ur life all bcos u hv refuse to accept d God of host, peace and forgiveness JESUS CHRIST in ur life..
I know if u re opportuned to be wit endtime right now 4rm d message endtime z passing 2 you…smtin terrible might hv surface 4rm d rought in ur heart dat always burns wit anger in any little provocation which z not suppose 2 be expected 4rm a true worshiper’s (islams re always known 4 dat)..
accept him & ur life won’t remain dsame again
November 29, 2016 at 9:06 AM
Guy 4get it! She didn’t do it. In kano all U need do is raise d alarm n all hell will break lose. They can just frame u up just like dat! And by d way Y U dey carry dis matter 4 head na? Allow God 2 defend himself. He’s bigger dan all dis attacks. Bigger dan d biggest atomic bomb North Koreans can ever make!I appreciate ur objectivity but don’t U think ur over flogging d issue?
It’s funny how Muslims luv playing d victims but are always in D middle of D Goriest crimes against humanity. If in 2016 U still have ppl who’d blow dem selves n others up bcos of Islam Y wouldn’t D world be Islamophobic? I’d be Islamofreightened sef!
end times
June 6, 2016 at 6:38 PM
so in order words people should speak against islam, if dey do dey would die. y should pple be killed for thier believe@amanda
end times
June 6, 2016 at 6:47 PM
amanda do u know that saying JESUS is not the son of GOD is blasphemy to GOD,to chritians but we never kill anyone.that is because the lord we serve teaches us love and forgiveness.must u kill.I PRAY GOD FORGIVES U PEOPLE FOR U HAVE URSELFS DRUNK WITH THE BLOOD OF THE SAINTS
June 7, 2016 at 9:01 AM
Nice one @ end time. Surely, they don’t know what they’re doing. They are just inviting the wrath of God upon themselves
Metu Nyetu
June 7, 2016 at 11:18 AM
@Amanda, first of all I want to say that I had fun reading your contribution. It is very long, and for me to have perused it down could mean that it is easy to read.
Having said that, I want to start off by noting that you have deliberately skewed the struggle of a people for their emancipation into a religious meaning just because of their support for Israel. Is Israel 100% Christians? It might interest you to know that even Moslems are currently fighting with the Israeli military today, fighting against the many enemies of that small country.
So how is your analytical mind to interpret this now? Biafra’s support for Israel, would it be incoherent to say it is equally support for those Moslems fighting for Israel? And now, if Biafrans support those Moslems, how true is your religious claim? Or shall I term it preposterous?
You stated how your Quran recommends treating blasphemers. What a peaceful way! How in deed it conforms to the punishments declared by Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) of Sunni and Shia madhabs for the religious crime of blasphemy! The punishments even vary between schools. Let’s consider some of them:
HANAFI – views blasphemy as synonymous with apostasy, and therefore, accepts the repentance of apostates. Those who refuse to repent, their punishment is death if the blasphemer is a Muslim man, and if the blasphemer is a woman, she must be imprisoned with coercion (beating) till she repents and returns to Islam. If a non-Muslim commits blasphemy, his punishment must be a tazir (discretionary, can be death, arrest, caning, etc.).
MALIKI – view blasphemy as an offense distinct from, and more severe than apostasy. Death is mandatory in cases of blasphemy for Muslim men, and repentance is not accepted. For women, death is not the punishment suggested, but she is arrested and punished till she repents and returns to Islam or dies in custody. A non-Muslim who commits blasphemy against Islam must be punished; however, the blasphemer can escape punishment by converting and becoming a devout Muslim.
HANBALI – view blasphemy as an offense distinct from, and more severe than apostasy. Death is mandatory in cases of blasphemy, for both Muslim men and women, and repentance is not accepted.
SHAFI’I – recognizes blasphemy as a separate offense from apostasy, but accepts the repentance of blasphemers. If the blasphemer does not repent, the punishment is death.
JA’FARI (Shia) – views blasphemy against Islam, the Prophet, or any of the Imams, to be punishable with death, if the blasphemer is a Muslim. In case the blasphemer is a non-Muslim, he is given a chance to convert to Islam, or else killed.
With all these outlined, can we say that Islam is a tolerant religion as you claim? I can even tell you that that quran verse you quoted on blasphemy must have been given by Mohammed when his followers were few and vulnerable. It is undisputable that Mohammed previously had visions of peace at that time. But when he had gathered a heavy army of followers, his visions changed to violence, knowing that he could then face any nation and conquer it. Isn’t that the height of hypocrisy?
Just hours after the fall of Mecca to Moslems in 629 AD, Mohammed himself ordered for the execution of his enemies for blasphemy, and right under his supervision, many men were beheaded for speaking evil against him. Based on this, early jurists postulated that sabb al-Nabi (abuse of the Prophet) was a crime “so heinous that repentance was disallowed and summary execution was required”.
Imagine the great gulf of contrast yawning between Jesus and your prophet! Jesus could not suffer the hypocrites who once brought an adulterous woman before him to stone her to death. Rather, he told the woman, “Neither do I condemn thee. Go and sin no more!” My God is not delighted in the death of a sinner, but your Allah finds immeasurable pleasure in it.
Take a time and think deeply about this! The Holy Spirit may reveal the truth to your heart. It may be difficult to turn your back on a thing you where born into, fed with, and have grown into an adult to still hold as truth. I may say that it is partly due to conviction, and partly due to the fear of what your brethren in the faith would do to you if you desert them.
June 7, 2016 at 3:59 PM
You missing the point. First all, there is NO point blank reference of ijma (jurists) in the quran. They did what they have to do.
Dont you have punishment for blasphemers boldly written in your bible?. You chose to ignore them.
Besides, the schools and jurists you mentioned are AUTHORITY. Can you differentiate jungle justice with jurists mentioned above?. These YOUTHS committed jungle justice.
Second, the article i posted was not my view. I posted it to show hypocrisy of you people. What difference does it make when these youth stoned someone to death and many horrible crimes committed by average nigerians?, bunch of them in christian dominated region.
You only excuse is “they don’t kill for God”. So they have to kill for God before you recognise their terrible crimes?. This statement of yours encourages crimes. Even the article, author does not support the youth behaviour. He only exposed your hypocrisy.
You dont have any point by bringing up opinion of the jurists. Their opinions are not absolute. Nowhere it is written in the Quran to kill blasphemers but it is written GADAGBA GADAGBA in the BIBLE to kill blasphemers. You dont make any point.
Leviticus 24:14
“Take the blasphemer outside the camp. All those who heard him are to lay their hands on his head, and the entire assembly is to stone him.”
So the Youth actually applied biblical Law on the christian woman. In another word, she blasphemed their religion and they applied her religious law on her. Lo Ba Tan :)
Next time be ********* and tolerant
end times
June 7, 2016 at 4:59 PM
which GOD did she blasphem ur god or hers.vengeance is of the lord my dear amanda.u say u r not in support of wat dey did but see ur last statement.may GOD have mercy on u.i rest my case.BE SAVED
end times
June 7, 2016 at 5:04 PM
SHE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE allah AS A GOD HOW WOULD U PUNISH HER BY KILLING HER FOR TALKING ABOUT allah.oh GOD OF HEAVEN HAVE MERCY ON THIS SOULS.this law should applied to only muslims pls i beg una.abeg make una no kill us becos say we no sabi who be allah or mahamed.there is freedom of speech in nigeria ooo.we are not in saudi pllsssssssss.
Metu Nyetu
June 7, 2016 at 7:20 PM
@Amanda, how predictable are you! I knew it all along that you where going there. Now let me educate you about God and the bible that you quote at me. The Christian bible is divided into two parts: The Old Testament and The New Testament.
The Old Testament is the period of The Law. God, during this time, showed man that he(man) is essentially evil and selfish, and that he can never be saved by obedience to the law because if he keeps 99 commandments and breaks only one law, he is guilty of breaking the whole law. Despite the stringent penalties that accompanied the breach of some of the laws, man continued to sin against God. Thousands of bulls were slain to offer sacrificed to appease God. But the blood of bulls was not enough. And so God showed man that he cannot be saved by obeying the law.
Then, at the appointed time(The New Testament), Jesus came and made atonement for the sins of as many as would ever believe in His sacrificial death on the cross. One of the words He said before dying on the cross is: It is finished. This means that all the requirements of the law had been met by His death. And what was the requirement of the law? To save man, not to condemn him. But the law failed woefully because it rather continued to condemn the man because the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law (1 Corinthians 15:56). But Jesus came and died and procured the special grace by which alone man is saved.
This is why the New Testament sort of sets aside the Old Testament. The Christian is no longer under the law, but under grace. That era when people were stoned to death for breaking the law was set aside. God does not delight in the death of a sinner (Ezekiel 18:32). You will agree with me that when a sinner dies, God loses and the devil gains.
But the Islamic faith, unfortunately, supports the death of a sinner. Islam has a similar thing that happened between the Old and the New Testaments. Mohammed first had visions of peace when his followers were few and vulnerable. But later, when he achieved a formidable size, his visions became violent, gory and savagely. And just as the New Testament set aside the Old, the later visions of Mohammed did same to the earlier ones. A better word to use here is Naskh (ﻧﺴﺦ). It means abrogation. The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament, but the later visions of violence by Mohammed abrogated his former visions of peace. That is why a tolerant Moslem is termed a hypocrite; that is why Islam keeps talking about peace while everywhere is flowing with blood.
D Hunter
June 7, 2016 at 12:21 PM
Now, who is this your so called beloved prophet? @ Amanda. Who made him a prophet? Is he greater than God? Do you know that the atheist believes and tell anyone ho cares to listen that there‘s no God, yet they cannot tell how come about the Sun, Moon and the Stars? Yet God does not strike them with His Thunder bolts.
How do you know that the woman in question actually insulted your man made prophet? Where you there? If not then what all this gibberish bla bla bla all about?
The blood of the slain Pastor‘s wife will be on your brainwashed head for supporting and defending evil and all those cursed jobless holigans that carried out the killing of that innocent pastor‘s wife.
I take a stroll…
end times
June 7, 2016 at 3:06 PM
he who has ears let him hear for the lord has spoken,it is well with u all
June 7, 2016 at 6:27 PM
Some people don’t just have sense at all,wat kind of silly question is that one asking???,y won’t she stop them from praying in her shop?where did d ones dat got d shop for her? And also if they talk against her faith,she has every right to defend her faith!!!…..some people will just just carry their fone bcos data is now very cheap and start commenting foolishly and blindly!####smweshhhhh###
June 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM
AMANDA abeg go and sleep,before u start typing Another meaningless epistle!!!!
June 7, 2016 at 6:33 PM
Why didn’t dey stone d Muslim guy too,since he too was speaking against d woman’s faith?????….Lawyer felenge from ijebu garri law school,u know say na only waka come to con do defender of d universe!!##smweshhhh###
Metu Nyetu
June 7, 2016 at 7:25 PM
@Amanda, how predictable are you! I knew it all along that you where going there. Now let me educate you about God and the bible that you quote at me. The Christian bible is divided into two parts: The Old Testament and The New Testament.
The Old Testament is the period of The Law. God, during this time, showed man that he(man) is essentially evil and selfish, and that he can never be saved by obedience to the law because if he keeps 99 commandments and breaks only one law, he is guilty of breaking the whole law. Despite the stringent penalties that accompanied the breach of some of the laws, man continued to sin against God. Thousands of bulls were slain to offer sacrificed to appease God. But the blood of bulls was not enough. And so God showed man that he cannot be saved by obeying the law.
Then, at the appointed time(The New Testament), Jesus came and made atonement for the sins of as many as would ever believe in His sacrificial death on the cross. One of the words He said before dying on the cross is: It is finished. This means that all the requirements of the law had been met by His death. And what was the requirement of the law? To save man, not to condemn him. But the law failed woefully because it rather continued to condemn the man because the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law (1 Corinthians 15:56). But Jesus came and died and procured the special grace by which alone man is saved.
This is why the New Testament sort of sets aside the Old Testament. The Christian is no longer under the law, but under grace. That era when people were stoned to death for breaking the law was set aside. God does not delight in the death of a sinner (Ezekiel 18:32). You will agree with me that when a sinner dies, God loses and the devil gains.
But the Islamic faith, unfortunately, supports the death of a sinner. Islam has a similar thing that happened between the Old and the New Testaments. Mohammed first had visions of peace when his followers were few and vulnerable. But later, when he achieved a formidable size, his visions became violent, gory and savagely. And just as the New Testament set aside the Old, the later visions of Mohammed did same to the earlier ones. A better word to use here is Naskh (ﻧﺴﺦ). It means abrogation. The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament, but the later visions of violence by Mohammed abrogated his former visions of peace. That is why a tolerant Moslem is termed a hypocrite; that is why Islam keeps talking about peace while everywhere is flowing with blood.
June 9, 2016 at 1:50 PM
@Metu, loool. Don’t even let me go to crucifixion matter. It’s backbone for salvation in Christianity which is already trashed by Muslim theologians and scholars.
i am honestly not in mood to debate religion. And it seems to me you trying to downplayed and escape from old testament but when it comes to supporting Israel you won’t hesitate to it :)
June 9, 2016 at 4:06 PM
this is real madness
Metu Nyetu
June 10, 2016 at 11:02 PM
@Amanda, you are just so funny. What thing do you know about crucifixion? Like a toddler trying to solve Calculus is a moslem who jumps into crucifixion. The sea would just swallow him. You just made me remember what T-Bag used to say in the movie, Prison Break: “The paralysis of analysis”. Try it, and see if you would survive the stroke! Crucifixion eludes the loftiest minds of your best scholars.
June 17, 2016 at 1:23 PM
Amanda, I really pity you, I don’t blame you sha, its never your fault, I understd, that is what Islam built in us, I also did just what you are doing now (if not more than) to defend Islam by all means, and my earnest prayer & commitment was to die in Islam because I beleived it was the only way to heaven. Hmmmm… not until JESUS CHRIST revealed Himself to me, It was an encounter I can never forget, He took away the veil from eyes, my spiritual consciousness came alive, then I knew I was in a serious darkness, JESUS gave me a divine transforming power mouth cant explain, and I can assure you things are never the same anymore.
Then I became wanted for my Imam, and other key muslim leaders in my community because I was one of them, they were really after my life (death), the wisdom came to urgently relocate to a far place possibly another state without informing anybody about my movement which I did, I was there in my new location for 2years, by the time I could visit the Islamic community I vacate, I had had more knowlege about CHRIST, Christianity, Bible Doctrines, as well became Sanctified & Baptised in the Holy Ghost; thus, I had boldness to confront anybody, and it wasn’t funny because when those Islamic sects in that community saw me, my name automatically changed from “Alfa” to “Pastor” (I wondered who broke the good news to them) and to be sincere I saw fear in them all, because “1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
Well, let me stop here. Amanda, it is very certain that no matter what anybody says to you on this platform or elsewhere about JESUS CHRIST will make you give chance for a second thought, and I know that is how it is to all the Muslims and ofcos that was how it was to me too, hence, your salvation will take miracle & special mercy from God and that is where penitent, contrite, humility & unwavering faith comes in, for I am persuaded, for I know, for I believe, if it happened to SAUL (PAUL), if it happened to “me” alfa abdul hakeem tajudeen & now (Pastor Ola Sunday), if it happened to many others, it can, it will and it must happen to you too Amanda.
That is how much I love every Muslim, and that is my heartfelt desire and prayer for you all.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
June 22, 2016 at 5:42 AM
@Abdul- if you know whats good for you shut your stinking stupid mouth because if you where also there in the action maybe you would’ve been their captain of the movement. I’m sick and tired of your religion and your whole Muslim race, in NJ,USA same Muslim killed group of peoples children in a night club, his stupid excuse was he hates seeing two men kiss” what the fuck is his business, is it his right to judge and persecute them all for their act? listen is this lady was stone to death then i think you and every Muslim race should be stoned to death if people firing squad by hanging because you all deserve it. Stupid people who spoil the name of Allah for their own person violence, they all needs to be jailed without food.
peter dike
November 16, 2016 at 10:32 PM
To Those Islamic defenders who sees evil and call it good,I wish to ask you if God is powerless?then why fight the fight of the greatest fighter?if that woman is your mother how will you feel?Insults to whom?I believe the baseless claims of this defenders had really rendered their god powerless…A true religion is the ability to love and live in peace.A strong person ignores the strongest provocation,if perhaps any insult. sticks and stones are tools of the most powerless people laden with wickedness.I reserve my words but i think the international criminal court of justice needs a proper investigation of this matter
peter dike
November 16, 2016 at 10:38 PM
if you dont have the tendency to touch a pig then the soul of a fellow being?,it is funny and sad,it is utter wickedness….