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Drago Kamenik Commits Suicide – Slovenian Headmaster Found Dead After Messing With Math Teacher

Drago Kamenik suicide

Dec 4, 2014 – Drago Kamenik Commits Suicide: Married Slovenian Principal Caught Having Oral Sex With Math Teacher Kills Self

A married dad of two beautiful children who works as an headmaster in Slovenia, Mr Drago Kamenik has taken his own life less than two weeks after he was caught having oral intercourse with an older teacher in his school.

Last week, the video of 45-year-old Manja Mertelj and Drago Kamenik went viral after some students at their school recorded a clip of the two having intercourse in his office.

Police said 41-year-old Drago Kamenik took his own life over the weekend but no further details was given.

Drago Kamenik dead
Slovenia education officials have launched an investigation to find out the students or staff of the school who filmed the duo and leaked the video on the social media.

Manja on the other hand is now on paid sick leave.

Hmmm, the reward of sin is death. May God pardon his sins.



  1. Metu Nyetu

    December 4, 2014 at 8:10 PM

    One bad thing wit sin is dat it neva presents its consequences along wit its pleasures. It neva lets u look b4 u leap.

  2. Mon

    December 5, 2014 at 3:47 AM

    @Metu, it does present it’s consequences but we normally ignore it and that’s why we need to be praying constantly cos only God’s power can overcome this power in the flesh…

  3. D Hunter

    December 5, 2014 at 4:50 AM

    @ Mon, hw do u rzn? wat do u mean? Metu was rt bt u were wrong. I tink it rily doesn‘t.
    Nw tell me, do u tink if diz man knew wat he intended doin wld lead 2 diz he wld hv done wat he did?

  4. Godknows

    December 5, 2014 at 6:27 AM

    Why do u want to know the person that recorded & posted it to the social media? That was a stupid question.

  5. ik

    December 5, 2014 at 9:48 AM

    Mon was right,it does present it but we tend to ignore it,pray always and ask for the Grace to overcome the flesh

  6. fav

    December 5, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    People with indecency. He wanted to lick sputum from a woman’s v**na if that was his choice, why did he not lick the wife’s own at the comfort of his own bedroom, privacy, peace and respect with full satisfaction. Oh, he wanted a quickie. The very thing that sweets one most is what kills the person. He came into the world through the vagina and went out of the world through it. Lucky him. How I wish human beings can learn. But it is a pity. The wages of sin…

  7. Lee

    May 18, 2018 at 10:12 PM

    What the heck…. killed himself over sex?!

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