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Hausa Muslim Youths Kill Family Of Yoruba Man Who Saved Christian Student In Zamfara, Friend Speaks

hausa youths kill family yoruba man saved christian student

August 23, 2016 – Friend Of Yoruba Muslim Man Attacked By Hausa Youths For Saving Christian Student In Zamfara Speaks

Photos: Hausa Muslim Youths Kill Entire Family Of Yoruba Man Who Saved Christian Student Accused Of Blasphemy, Friend Speak

A Muslim man who graduated from Abdu Gusau Polytechnic in Zamfara has come after some Hausa youths who allegedly attacked a Yoruba man from Kwara state in Zamfara for his compassionate act of sparing the life of a Christian boy accused of blasphemy. If you missed the previous story, read it here

Hear what the source identified as Sadiq Yussuf said:

That was were I schooled and I know the man who is trying to rescue the christian boy.

I’m a practical Muslim as well but our religion understanding is very different.

The man called Tajudeen popularly known as a baba bello run a food business along side his wife and children. The man isn’t the violence type and he his a Yoruba man from offa in Kwara state.

I think he was trying to stop those Hausas from killing the Christian boy that was why they later bounced back at him for supporting the guy. They burned down all the man has worked for in just a blink of an eye all in the name of religion.

God will never forgive the Hausa boys involved in the act of burning down and killing of the innocent souls….

Islam is a religion of peace but some of our scholars with different interpretation bringing this issue of not seeing ourselves as one are evil.

To me I’m a free Muslim I don’t discriminate anybody all I believe is that only God can tell who belong to heaven and hell.

See more photos from the scene of the attack



  1. Uche Oboiseke

    August 23, 2016 at 3:59 PM

    Let all the right minded Muslims from yoroba tribe leave d north for the blood thirsty animals

    • RAPO

      August 24, 2016 at 9:31 AM


  2. Metu Nyetu

    August 23, 2016 at 4:35 PM

    TOO BAD THAT RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE IS a recurrent feature in our lives as a nation. And when I remember that the aggressors are the very ones who pontificate about peace more than the others, I tend to wonder whether I understand the concept of peace at all. Or are they the ones in the wrong?

    MY PRAYER IS that God may replenish whatever losses that this accommodative moslem has suffered on account of his Good-Samaritanism(is there a word like that?). The government of Zamfara State should wade into this issue and rehabilitate him, or I would assume that they are in full support of religious thuggery. May God equally bring healing to that hospitalised guy!

    UP UNTILL NOW, WE HAVE not been hinted as to the exact words that constituted the blasphemy for which those vicious beasts had descended on that Christian. However, I want to advise my brethren in The Way to try as much as possible to avoid clashing with these savages. We know that it is not in our nature—as far as the Christian doctrine is concerned—to fight back. It is therefore not wisdom to fool-hardily match towards martyrdom when it could be avoided without denying our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

  3. huchennar

    August 23, 2016 at 5:08 PM

    God bless your intelligence @sadiq..with the way this Northerners are going i pray they don’t call for an ethnical or religious war…
    with no doubt i can clearly state that they are #clueless human but

  4. Big Aunty Koks

    August 23, 2016 at 5:11 PM

    Are people to be confined to the respective Regions they originate from? Or is the doctrine of Islam different from State to State hence this apparent confusion as to what is right and what is wrong BEHAVIOUR by non-Muslims ? If Nigerians fight Nigerians like this, I wonder how we would react in event of attack by an outsider.
    This is very very unfortunate indeed.

  5. Lola O

    August 23, 2016 at 7:23 PM

    Who can fight God’s battle on His behalf? Nobody. These people need to be educated and stop hiding behind Islam to commit crimes against humanity. A true, God fearing Muslim will respect lives that only Allah creates. If they respect flies and “eat” with them (Northerners don’t chase flies away from their food, or attempt to kill mosquitoes), why disrespect human life? This is so pathetic. I don’t know when this backwardness and ignorance will be cured in Northern Nigeria.

  6. Endure

    August 23, 2016 at 7:42 PM

    This injustice has to stop! It has to stop! The level of the unjust killings from this muslim northerners has to stop. It is spiraling out of control. The criminal muslin northerners should stop hiding under the banner of religion to wrecked havoc on innocent northern christians. Religion should not be used as an excuse to commit murder of fellow nigerians. This incessant killings by the criminal northerners should be condemn both home and abroad. All this satanic acts has been happening under the very nose of our leader but silence has always been his response. Christians are now been cheated on a daily basis and taking for granted in the country, all in the name of stupid blasphemy.

    The northerners are indeed pushing other tribes in the country to the wall by their heartless and senseless killings. If the federal government does not take action now to always bring all these criminal northern elements to justice we will begin to witness mass reprisal killings from other ethnic groups in the country. I want the federal government to remember the event leading to the genocide in rwanda in 1994 where more than 800,000 tutsi were massacred in our very eyes within the space of just three months mainly because of tribal hatred. A spark of such violence may be in sight if our leader continue to condone the ethnic and religious killings in the country that is unabated.

  7. Merit Brown

    August 23, 2016 at 8:17 PM


  8. Omokehinde

    August 23, 2016 at 8:58 PM

    No wonder, Mr. Tajudeen alias Baba Bello is a Yoruba Muslim living in Zamfara state whose family were wiped out for his kindiness and for rejecting Islamic killing of innocent Nigerian. Whenever you kill an innocent children, mothers, and people for no reason than asking questions out of curiosity, for being kind and compassionate to others, or for practing their own religion beliefs; their blood always cry out to God Almighty for vengeance. The killers and families are caused by God’s anger and immediately lose their peace just as Canan who killed his brother because of envy. The blood of millions of innocent people that have been killed by Muslim terrorists in the northern Nigeria and worldwide by evil and demonic group like Boko Haram, ISIS, Hamas, Heszebollah, and other Islamic terrorist groups are crying out loud to God for vengeance. The Muslim leaders in northern Nigeria should rise up to condemn and stop the killing of innocent people in the name of Allah and Islam. Tolerance, peaceful coexistence, love, charity, Fairless, justice, and forgiveness should be the core pillars of any peaceful religious any where in the globe. Is Islam truly a religious of peace or destruction? The fanatic Muslims should anwser that question with all sincerity. May the souls of those killed by those heartless barbaric rest in peace. Amen.

  9. fifelomo

    August 23, 2016 at 9:38 PM

    This is so sad….rip to the dead.

  10. Truce

    August 23, 2016 at 10:43 PM

    May God give dis man d fortitude to bear d loss, and for those animals in human skin, they shall never know peace until they all die a mysterious and painful death, this is just too much. RIP to d departed.

  11. mulikat

    August 24, 2016 at 8:44 AM

    U can see didfferent from we Yoruba muslims and norther muslims, we cant kill human beings cos he or she is not muslims, cos in every Yoruba familie we have 3 Religions and we are educated.those backward animals in the north,call theirself better muslim than other tribes are the problem we have in this so call force marriage of 100ys. Islam came to Yoruba tribes 200 ys ago and it was peace 1,if not our forefathers will not go into this ,atall, but since white Govt, come in we see another side of this Religion call Islam of the norther total didfferent from our own peaceful islam in the west.yoruba save christian man, they kill the yoruba man and all is families,that is backward race for u,the arabs that bring this Religion to Fulanis of malis, and they enter other black African country and bring this killing in name of Religion, will never enter the heaven they are dreaming of.

  12. sola olaniyi

    August 24, 2016 at 12:41 PM

    wonder why the president has not come out to condemn these killings by Muslims

  13. jummy

    August 25, 2016 at 3:12 PM

    But wht excertly is wrong with dis blood thirsty Hausa people, May God judge u all. Is pres Buhari not aware of all dis babaric act?

  14. Maryf

    August 31, 2016 at 3:43 PM

    May the souls of the departed RIP. As for those fools, they will rot in hell

  15. Ahmmed

    January 15, 2017 at 7:18 AM

    Wipe all the *******out of our land. They are not trustworthy to stay in our land. Let them be far away while we use them to retain our presidential powers in Nigeria. To be honest. If not for some thing. An ****** is a far better man than a ****** back stabber.

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