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Photos: Mother Abandons 2-Day-Old Baby In Marina Lagos Island Nigeria, Afribaby Rescues Child

baby abandoned marina lagos

March 11, 2015 – Pictures: Mother Abandons 2-Day-Old Baby In Marina Lagos Island Nigeria, Afribaby’s Founder Oscar Odiboh Rescues Child  

Pictured above is  Dr Oscar Odiboh, a Nigerian who returned home from abroad a while back to start a NGO named Afribaby Initiative, an organization in charge of rescuing abandoned babies on the streets of Africa.

According to him, the 2-day-old baby whose sex wasn’t known at the time of rescue was found dumped in a kiosk by the roadside last Sunday.

Witnesses told him that the baby was first sighted near Wema Bank Plc branch in Marina around 4pm before being moved to a kiosk in the area by an unknown individual.

The Good Samaritan who runs the NGO received a distressed call around 4:30pm and called police before heading to the place where he rescued the baby.

baby abandoned lagos nigeria

The baby has been handed over to Lagos State Government.

What kind of mother will abandon an innocent child.



  1. Kolade Alli

    March 11, 2015 at 5:51 AM

    it is d work of prostibute. check d baby for aids

  2. Prophet Gbenga Rotimi"KINI IWO NFE"

    March 11, 2015 at 8:32 AM

    That heartless Mother is coming to present herself when it’s time because she will not have rest of mind as a mother.
    May the Lord of Mother’s(OLORUN AABIAMO ORUN) enrich Dr Oscar Odiboh packet and bless his foots in Jesus name(AMEN), I would like to stand for the support of the NGO if i can see the true channel.
    For you that is seeking for fruit of womb overthere, i decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,recieve your right desire babies, no more miscarriage on your ways again, that returning child(ABIKU) that after you, i bind him by the fire of the holy ghost in the mighty name of Jesus Christ(AMNE).
    Touch your navel and call the name”The Lord of Mother’s(OLORUN AABIAMO ORUN) seven times,” say after me, you that on your delivery month or day’s, am safe from operation and this child in me will not take my life from me,i will not deliver this child to death in Jesus name(AMEN).
    The special prayer for the Mother’s called(OLORUN AABIAMO ORUN) is going on @KINI IWO NFE MOUNTAIN.

  3. ben

    March 11, 2015 at 11:19 AM

    wickedness..why will you carry a baby in your womb for 9months only to abandon the baby after birth..very wicked. atleast she should have taken the baby to motherless baby home.

  4. sharton

    March 11, 2015 at 12:24 PM

    Oh mine o mine dat lady must be stupid for abandoning an innocent child I pray may God grant me d grace to open my own organization so dat I can also be of help to kids like dis very one oh my heart bleeds.

  5. Ahmed

    March 11, 2015 at 11:32 PM

    Its the misfortune that happened under an evil govt.under the evil rule of patience and jonathern badluck even tsunami is possible and unless we wipe this evil president in the ballot box then nigerians wii continue to count calamities

    • DA

      March 12, 2015 at 3:27 PM

      Ahmed, please leave Jonathan out of this. Babies have been abandoned before Jonathan was born. Even you are you sure your mother did not abandone you? Jonathan will complete his second term before Buhari and Tinubu will start. The mother may probably not be able to take care of the baby, but lacks the understanding of taking the baby to a motherless home. I pray for the baby to survive

  6. Jesus christ

    March 12, 2015 at 5:20 AM

    Father arise
    Any woman that did this, i advice you and plead with u to go there and take ur baby back please please please.
    If not, you shall NEVER hear the cry of baby in your life again. Your life shal be frustrated forever n ever . Amen (message frm the baby)

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