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Secrets Behind Unstable Power Supply In Nigeria Revealed

unstable electricity supply in nigeria

April 16, 2012 – Secrets Behind Unstable Power Supply In Nigeria Revealed

N90 Billion debt hits Power Holding Company of Nigeria.

Just 2 years after President Goodluck Jonathan uncovered his strategies to end inadequate power supply in the country; Nigerians still depend on generators and solar to power their homes.

While many could still believe in that prepared speech Mr. President gave audaciously, the hope for stable power supply may have been dashed by the stories emanating from Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) for its inability to settle a debt of N88.7 billion the company owes its suppliers.

  • Investigation has revealed that Nigeria stands to lose nearly 5000 megawatts as most of the power projects under construction are unlikely to get gas supply because of PHCN’s heavy indebtedness to the suppliers.
  • Though the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is making concerted efforts by laying massive pipelines through its gas marketing arm, the Nigerian Gas Company (NGC), these efforts would not successfully address the gas challenges because the oil companies are not keen on selling gas to PHCN again.
  • At the moment, PHCN owes Agip N60 billion for its power plant at Okpai in Delta State which produces 470 megawatts.
  • PHCN also owes Shell N12.48 billion for its power plant which generates 561 megawatts at Afam in Rivers State
  • The power utility company also owes NGC N10 billion for 700 million standard cubic of natural gas.

National Integrated Power Project (NIPP) is being owed N6 billion for power supplied from its stations in Sapele in Delta State and Olorunsogo in Ogun State, while the Ibom Power is being owed N300 million for the 90 megawatts generated from its plant at Ikot Abasi in Akwa Ibom State.

As the case stands, PHCN now requires a monthly revenue of at least N22.5 billion to ensure regular settlement of its obligations to power and gas suppliers like Shell, Agip and AES.

  • Sources noted that the problem is that the Power Holding Company (PHCN) is not paying for gas and the oil companies are not happy about it. PHCN is hiding under the World Bank Partial Guarantee to dodge payments, we gathered.

Other Reasons For Unstable Electricity Supply In Nigeria

On some other reasons for unstable power supply in the country, it was also gathered that security agencies are delaying different power projects across the country with the non-clearing of power equipment at the ports by Customs as well as frequent transportation delays at roadblocks mounted by soldiers, while moribund and inadequate transmission facilities are further compounding the energy crisis across the country.

Ghana Vs Nigeria in terms of stable power supply is ratio 9:1.

Imagine a country (Nigeria) supplying Ghana constant power (electricity) supply lagging behind miserably.

What a shame !



  1. Columbus monday osasere

    April 16, 2012 at 4:57 PM

    I have nothing to say we are no more fool our mumu don reach.ADVICE to president GODLUCK JONATHAN if u fail to restore electricity to NIGERIAN we the southern we not forgive him.if u really want to buld nigeria to the standard invite the GERMAN to come and restore our ELECTRICITY with assurance.try it nigeria will remember u.NEPA to PHCN now let change it.sometimes i weep for my country how the government rule this country.IF oil price go down NIGERIA will crumble i am seeing it and the YOUTHS will go angry

  2. Dr ogunnubi o peter

    April 17, 2012 at 1:45 AM

    Nigeria will soon collapse because of trilllions of naira spent on fuel subsidy,only to discover that the subsidy amount is not up to that?.
    Wait,have we been having power for free? So where has all d tarrif money been going to?.
    This is a wicked country and God will judge all those at the helms of affairs!
    GEJ is an ERROR!

  3. Maxwell

    April 17, 2012 at 4:25 AM

    God help nigeria!

  4. sara kolins

    April 17, 2012 at 4:47 PM

    naija leaders should bury their face in shame somtyms i wish i was not born in dis part of de world. “naija sucks”

  5. Stupid black monkeys

    April 18, 2012 at 1:50 PM

    Stupid country!!! Stupid leading black monkey’s brain! Stupid politicians!!!, they all care for themselves and not for all,it is better we take them all out and call Americans to come and rule us ,upon all gudluck’s promises now is almost getting to 2 years with no gud power supply!! Fuck all u godforsaking leaders

  6. Corruption! Corruption!

    April 18, 2012 at 2:11 PM

    Yea Jonathan is trying but i think he is really confused,lets get all this dull memories nigerians out of that power holding company and call Americans to come and help us since we can’t do it,/phcn/ runners don’t know what they are doing ,they are all there confused and eating all our money sending their children abroad and living in luxury not caring about better we detect this idiots and dethrone all this money suckers before we loose our country

  7. yoman

    May 1, 2012 at 10:06 PM

    It take New York city less than 10 months to add 450MW to there power grid it took to obtain, site, design and
    install the units
    All we heat in 13 is DPD stories why this and that

  8. Emmy

    June 12, 2012 at 7:57 AM

    I will never come to nigerian again in my next world cos nigerian is good for noting. Stupid government with stupid leaders

    • best

      June 15, 2012 at 9:15 AM

      anybody can make a comment about some issue in nigeria, pls don’t cal nigeria stupid country cos God make nigeria into existence thanks. I BELIEVE IN NIGERIA

  9. emmy

    August 2, 2012 at 3:01 PM

    Stupid patriotic citizen above. U can Die with Nigeria. If i were president, i would sell the nation including all the politicians in it, because it seems Nigeria is confused. We should call white men to teach us what life is all about.

  10. kingsJ

    August 5, 2012 at 4:58 PM

    Nigeria my foot. Both president and those calling themselves politicians will rotten in hell. They are not after this country’s progress, wat they are after is money,money and money including our so called Joe. All of them are all thieves.

  11. James Igwe

    January 24, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    Stop cursing Nigeria….since you cant take action in any way to change the power situation….just keeep on praying to God to find a way and take action.I believe if Govt is sincere they will solve the problem….but they are not sincere.Just pray,as God delivered Jews from Pharoh…let him help us too.They should revionalise electricity supply…

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