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“Stella Oduah’s Doctorate, Ph.D Degree Is Fake” – US Department Of Education

stella oduah phd degree fake

January 9, 2014 – “Nigeria’s Aviation Minister Stella Oduah’s Doctorate, Ph.D Degree Is Fake” – US Department Of Education

Madam Stella Oduah, the current aviation minister of Nigeria is in a big trouble for allegedly faking her qualification in order to be considered for the highly coveted position in the Nigerian aviation industry.

Before now, she lied about her Masters Degree which she later removed from her resume and her online profile when the truth was revealed.

As we speak, Stella is in another scandal when she claims a University in the United States gave her a honourary doctorate degree.

The school in question told Premium Times they have never offered Stella any form of honorary doctorate degree. They even said her name was not found in the school’s database.

“We do not have any records of any candidate by the name Stella Oduah or related names,” Ms. Delarosa said, after pouring through the university record. “Whether now that we are Hope University and in the past when we were Pacific Christian College, we did not give any such person a degree here.”

On Wednesday it was reported that the aviation minister lied on oath to the Nigerian Senate, by claiming that a Pacific Christian University awarded her an honorary doctorate degree in 1998.

Mrs. Oduah had made the claim in a 7-page resume she distributed to Nigeria’s 109 senators during her confirmation hearing on July 2, 2011.

On page four of the document, the minister claimed the university, which she said was based in Glendale, awarded her an honorary doctorate in Business Administration.
Download the resume Minister Stella Oduah submitted to the senate here

This kind of unprofessionalism is uncalled for.

Haba liar liar madam. She even lied her way to success now her integrity is at stake.

Don’t you think it’s high time they sack her?



  1. Isohagha

    January 9, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    I don’t expect anything less from such an uneducated illiterate
    Her Bsc degree must also be verified.
    She should be sacked right away

  2. Tide martins

    January 9, 2014 at 1:58 PM

    50% of Nigerian politicians have fake qualifications they must all be probed not Stella alone and seriously she doesn’t deserve to be in that position anymore
    No wonder there are frequent air crashes in Nigeria

  3. teskolo

    January 9, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    She need to be jail for this and the uni or college in the State need to sue her for using their name for such act . Ole obirin and I think other politicians files/document need to be verify from their primary skool level. Some of them no go skool at all .

  4. shame on jonathan

    January 9, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    Shame on President jonathan who has been helping this illiterate of a woman to escape probe now her shame has been brought to light.
    Let her serve some jail time for this terrible lie


    January 9, 2014 at 3:17 PM

    Uh! **** criminality knows no bound, even in faking academic certificates. What kind of human species are these **** tribe that see fraud and crime as a way of life,? Why did God create these beasts in the first place, lots of whom have chosen to disregard God’s rules and laws on earth; they even mass produce babies for sale.


    January 9, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    **** people’s criminalities knows no bounds, prominent **** female icons could not even be insulated from the geneaological fraudulent make-up of the **** race. How can a woman of Stella Oduah’s societal standing be involved in certificate forggery,? No wonder she’s messed up the Aviation Ministry to the extent the average Nigerian travellers are afraid to fly Nigerian registered domestic airlines. Shame on brothers and sisters of the ****.

  7. dave

    January 9, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    Where the hell is Glendale? from which state, I know a city of Glendale Prince Georges County in the State of Maryland and I don’t think there exists such a University.

  8. igbo

    January 9, 2014 at 4:23 PM

    Hmm godsplann bcos i know d gods that plan your arrival on this earth & 4 dat u will remain in the gods plan for u.I have millions of curses to lay on you but everybody can’t be mad at once.if u want to fight Stella. no body will hold you back,pointing at the whole igbo people you know is raving madness plus show how slow and little ur brain functions and how hungry u must be.The only thing i will want to add is that since you think you curse both the nobles and Lord of Igbo land including the guilty & non-guilty,I will say to you godsplann let your head touch your feet in shame for the rest of your life,may you never make it pass the less poor fool in Igbo land,let your harted for the igbos be a second skin to you and people puke when they get near you till you face the person that offend you not the innocent people that are not in good page with the issue.everybody now hide and curse at innocent people for no reason forgetting that a hot temple person can go outside this place to find you and hit you down then peoplewill have more story to talk about.if you hate a person fine,face them not killing the chance other may have and then lost it becos drunks like you that don’t have work came to naija time to start making example since naija gist don’t want to take serious action.let us take it outside the gist station .pick the words you say before they become your last.a fool like you godsplan was the reason why a body was stab day before yesterday,now another fool which is you is looking another blood to spill.


      January 9, 2014 at 5:28 PM

      Mr Igbo man, I can’t find any reason responding directly to your senseless vituberations cos they contain no logic and failed completely to address the issues at stake; in the least it exposed more the disdain and disrespect other Nigerians have for the people of the **** extractions. Even in fraud and crime which is the bane of the ****, you still have the courage to exihit shameless arrogance by a threat to issue curses. I can assure you the more than 10,000 shrines dotted all over Igboland don’t have the capacity to issue such curses, not until your people accept your criminal and fraudulent lifestyle; those curses shall remain just an empty boast.
      Mr Igbo man if you care to know, check with the Nigerian police the statistics of armed robbery, violent car jacking, 419 scammers, daring narcotic courriers, fake drug importers etc. if **** don’t constitute more than 90% of offenders. If these facts cannot be described as geneaological tribal problem, what else can it be.? Even statistics abroad also shows **** tribe are the largest number of more than 90% in foreign prisons, don’t you see, Mr Igbo that crime is an inborn problem with the people of the ****ern Nigeria.?
      I expect you to address the issues of **** criminality istead of resorting to insults and curses that solves no problems. “Come again Mr Igbo”


      January 9, 2014 at 10:59 PM

      Mr Igbo, if the time spent and energy wasted on your responses to my write up over the issues of Stella Oduah’s fraudulent faulsifications of Ph D certificates is spent on educating your Igbo compartriots in crime in Nigeria and all over the world; instead of briming in anger and spewing invectives at wrong directions, it’ll do the Igbo nation a lot of good to help them reform from their criminal ways.

      • tell_it_like_it_is

        January 10, 2014 at 7:16 AM

        Mr GODSPLANN
        You need to really stop with these hate comments you pour out for a specific tribe. We are in the mess we are in Nigeria, because some Nigerians of ALL tribes have almost ruined the Nigerian Project.To what degree each contributed is inconsequential. If Stellar is a fraud, then thats on her.Stop with the tribe calling already man, it shows you are of low breeding. And FYI, i am not even IBO.

  9. manto

    January 9, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    Whether her school leaving satificate is brought for public scrunty or not she can never be sack

  10. mulikat

    January 9, 2014 at 7:22 PM

    sack and cheek her degreee certisficate also and rest house and senator all are fake leading nigeria, this nation is not moveing forwards,bad, 419 thief with pen in ruleing the nation i cry for our future.

  11. pat

    January 9, 2014 at 7:39 PM

    @Godsplan…. Wow! U must be really angry and hate igbos so bad. Sorry oh…. Stella’s first degree is also falsified infact she forged her first school leaving. Now go and fight ur maker for creating d igbo tribe. U knw d quickest way to meet ur maker…Go hug transformer for rain… Yeye…

  12. consort

    January 9, 2014 at 8:04 PM

    Stella nawa oo. What nw wuld jonathan do? What more protection cn he give her? Pls sack her alredi!!!

  13. ola

    January 9, 2014 at 8:56 PM

    i guess bcos of this position she lied about to get,she is nt at peace wit her husband and her marriage is over.vanity upon vanity is only a matter of time one’s time on earth will i cant understand y we nigerians cant just live a just life and hope for the best,rather than doing all sorts of things to get rich all for nothing.

  14. dem

    January 9, 2014 at 9:07 PM

    @igbo. Abeg carry ur cause go sit down . Truth must be told . If you areStella’s family ,so be it. Is what she did right. Godplan is an intelligent person with diplomatic ideas . Pls swallow ur causes and stop taking it personal . Otherwise get out of chat rooml

  15. KEVIN

    January 9, 2014 at 11:24 PM

    Foolish woman wen wan ruin nigeria. Gej is the biggest fool.

  16. Linda Evans

    January 10, 2014 at 1:12 AM

    Not just her there some people in the politics of Nija who are EX CONVICTS and they are ruling law abiding people. Why wouldn’t Sella forged certificate when others are doing the same, after all She must have told Jonathan that she no get PALI to show and that must have encouraged her to go and buy one. Even the KoKA AGUDA council chairlady or chair person forged certificate too and INEC found out but they still put her there now so make una leave Stella alone jooooo. That is nija chop make I chop but One day sha

  17. Eric

    January 10, 2014 at 2:24 AM

    Stella’s case is not the first of it’s type..What goes around.

  18. igbo

    January 10, 2014 at 2:24 AM


  19. mr orjiakor

    January 10, 2014 at 3:14 AM

    Mr or miss Godsplann,I am here to tell you to be very careful with life and the people you talk to or and my family were having our dinner when my son’s phone rang and somebody asked him a long question with him saying yes sir many time.when i ask him who it is he said igbokwe and my spoon igbokwe is the oldest man in my place,I asked my son how and he said he went to visit igbos son and they log in this place and were talking about the thing you when igbo asked him to write back at you.mind you igbo is the oldest man in my place and their chief who is looking for who to take with him he is 89 years from the last birthday his children did for him.he was still angry to call my son this late and asked him what your reply was and say to him write back okay i have head him and can see him have no respect or think am playing.I am here because I do not want my son to be part of anything bad,pls my son or daughter go back and write to igbo,tell him you are not talking about him but the woman who did that and you too dem that is all i come here to say.

  20. mr orjiakor

    January 10, 2014 at 3:34 AM

    The person that operate this place i have this to tell you.try to verify the age of people before they write,from what that person Godsplann write shows he or she is still a baby because the topic was about a woman but he left it to talk out of point and generalized about everybody in igbo people including the bad and good because every tribe have good and bad now only his God can save him and another foolish child dem that jumped into a burning fire because he is foolish and want to bring pain to his parents.why do you have to come here and start abusing shows you have no home training and you do nit respect your elders at home or school,it show Nigeria is in trouble if this is the future generation that will take care of us and produce more future shows you are wicked and not one Nigeria ,it shows you are not better than those people that call themselves boko and harem .it shows you are not happy with your life and you are empty and jealousy is destroying him.let us not go knocking at death door to peep and see what the inside of his house looks like,my son said that this place is where people come together to abuse each other without reason,if what he told me is true i have to tell you that last year is not this year,a person you met yesterday can turn to devil tomorrow because things that happen to them today.many people have lost their lives because of what came of their mouth even when they did not mean very careful my children and God bless you for listening to me.Thank you very much.


      January 10, 2014 at 11:53 AM

      Mr Orjiako I agree with you there are bad nuts in every tribe but the difference is when a whole young generation of a certain single tribe takes to wantom criminalities of all kind, that even spreads accross the world over; all in a bid to be called a just arrived “young millioneer”. Come accross them in Asia, Europe & America as well as other African countries; they are not identified with any legitimate work yet they crave to drive the latest JEEP ever made.
      These are young generations of your tribe whose elders don’t care the hoot how they make their money, rather they are celebrated even if the route to making the money is undignifying. These are the youth you should direct your anger and frustrations to and not other law abiding Nigerians who innocently share in the backlash of criminal activities of your kids and kin.

  21. D big nwa

    January 10, 2014 at 4:53 AM

    I sabi talk and must talk am go fit send person for early grave stupid people,when will this forcing guys learn and talk like people that live in houses not motor park and tree.Godsplann and dem i hope una still get credit to write with fast fingers and black anger.I too know go kill una one day.see as you leave matter way dey for hand come dey talk nonsense.e don set o o,come talk more .I be Igbo and i know my bros love money but na Stella matter dey put here no be all igbo like stella you come here insult all the igbo papa,mama,lord,bishops and thief as well.they fit use two of una as example make other learn yeye people.go find the old man you challenge beg am before the man go die as una don hear him age.stupid people wey i no know who open door for them.

  22. Otibe emmanuel otibe

    January 10, 2014 at 6:11 AM

    What do we expect from our leaders indian leaders who did not have psypathy for our youth i strongly believed God is working for nigeria now she should be brought to book,all our leaders who have be ruling us like animals their certificate need to be checks and brought to book also no wounder things fall apath God put shame on their face our fake leaders who did not merited the position their are now

  23. pat

    January 10, 2014 at 7:50 AM

    @Godsplann….u want to reform the whole igbo tribe from crime? Abeg strt wit ur tribe . Until there is no single crime committed by ur tribe then u can come n reform d igbo tribe.Wat she did is wrong so why cursing ur generation wit those rants. Go kill ur self cos of igbos…. Ur rant shows ur personality full of hatred but i like ur type bcos u will curse us as u like n question ur creator for d existence of d igbo tribe but at d end ur just a bitter fool. Go and reform ur tribe first or go and die….

  24. jerry

    January 10, 2014 at 8:08 AM

    did the 109 nigerian senators let themselves be deceived or they knew and still let her ‘take a bow and go’? THIS IS JUST A TIP OF THE ICEBERG OF CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA.

  25. ms. s

    January 10, 2014 at 8:13 AM

    shame to mrs stella, ur image have been ternish by u.

  26. spammer

    January 10, 2014 at 2:48 PM

    Somebody like godsplann don’t need those curses bcos he is already a cursed man suffering from the curse of poverty,insecurity and complete empty life,godsplann is quater to go so let baba pls hit him with long life and everlasting sickness so that he will be alive and beg for death.godsplann is just that his mate and everything he mother born with his father are useless poor idiots and their mates are hitting it a pity that your father,mother,brother and your are local thieves while your sisters are all 200 naira prostitutes.Now godsplann how does that feel when people you don’t know or ever meet join your name with evil that others do that you have no idea of ? happy?,let the curse this man placed on your head happen very soon fool.The only time you comment here is only when you want to abuse igbo people.Am from kogi not igbo about to get married to a wonderful igbo girl and their family are the best.


      January 10, 2014 at 4:09 PM

      Mr Spammer your Igbo wife will soon induct you into the fraternity of crminal gangs. I pity you for the choice you’ve made in Igbo woman. If you are truly from Kogi you better look for your Kogi indeginous calm and humble lady and allow Igbos to marry their own Igbo clan. Igbos understant their own life orientations better.

  27. spammer

    January 10, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    Am sure you are now a driver to your igbo classmate and you are a very sad useless animal.lazy bones.go out and make money local armed robber.


      January 10, 2014 at 6:41 PM

      Mr Spammer I can assure you I’m sitting on a wealth huge enough to give you and your entire family livelihood till your very old age. You may consider being my driver if you choose and your wife as house help. I speak on verifiable facts and so far have refrained from individual personality attacks. Stella Oduah I maintain is harlot turned minister.

  28. spammer

    January 10, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    As for you stella,you are a shame to women and evil minded,is there more about you we Nigerians need to know Mrs 1 week 1 trouble.who knows if you Stella use to be a man before you changed to a woman.more fools like Stella will soon be exposed.evil govt.

  29. sam

    January 10, 2014 at 7:33 PM

    No,no,no godsplan hoy aré a total disgrace,a figure and a sigues fool,why do you choose to show how empty and foolish you are,what type of training did your parents give you,what did they do with your life,who placed you under this curse,I want the old man to kill you right now for others to learn,No comfortable man will send this time you are doing instead of tuning his biz,you are a jobless came here to insult the whole igbos and still make noise which shows you are very very very bitter with your life and condition and is jealous of the people that are okay,This is not the first time you are doing this,am not igbo but I want to feed you acid you jobless frustrated faceless bastard.Am sure you did 419 with an igbo guy and he took the whole thing that is why you are dying this never comment on this place unless it have to do with a igbo guy.are you that empty?is your life that useless?why so sad and angry for no reason?what is your work or job?what the hell is wrong with you?why do you want to die? do you have HIV and is looking for who to kill you?why did God made fools like you or us it a means of showing us to be happy that there are fools like you that need love and help.I never there will be a bigger fool in life than Bezo but you beat him in first place.take a look at your comment and see that you are talking out if point and senseless like a village headmaster,IT WAS ABOUT STELLA AND HER FAKE CERTIFICATES WHY DRAG THE WHOLE OF OBNOXIOUS IF YOUR BRAIN IS WORKING FINE.who uselessed you this way?I have never ever ever meet fools like you and hate you so,so,so much that all I want to do is find and bury a bullet your brain.Nigeria don’t need people like you check Somali to see if they care about you.we don’t need you here,people like you should go and die because you have seen that your life is worthless.

  30. spammer

    January 10, 2014 at 7:55 PM

    The living fool godsplann/devilsplann,you forget my wife to be is Igbo and Anambra for that matter so she sleeps on top of money and dust her shoes maids not maid but maids dust her shoes with with hard currency which is why you want to commit suicide because you know what you are missing a lot in life as a are a servant that works for the Igbo man and will die so.As for me,I can’t let you stay in the same state with my family because you are a terrorist and very poor sad with your life with your 30,000 you can’t be my driver because everything about you is useless and worthless and brings bad luck to anything that comes in contact with you.This is the end of the road for you my dear.if money is your problem to set your life up ,ask in a gentle way and I will help body wants your type who is very bitter with his life,you are a complete bad news and need to die before you contaminate the innocent lives that are still coming up.God must be playing games the day he ask the devil to make a human like person to know how creative his work is,gods-plan,you are that handwork of devil because you are very bitter and wicked towards your fellow human.may the gods that made you take you back beast.

  31. sam

    January 10, 2014 at 8:18 PM

    When I get angry and write fast to finish what i have in mind before it kills me i tend to makes mistakes in writing because of the vibrating angry and I know the evil human known or who call himself gods or devil plann will get my point and disappear from where people sees him.naija gist,you people are known world wide and you have lots of fan which am sure loves coming here on daily basis,if you people allow this fool and his type to useless your site it will be very bad,nobody want to visit a place where you will get angry or sad because some fools happen to find such place free,or better still start charging them on their comments and see responsible people visit here or you sit and watch the like of this person turn naijagist to a burial ground which will be dark and lonely.your site is too beautiful and loved for this mad bitter man to useless.Already people outside here are saying that your site is turning into a battle ground and makes lot of sensible people uncomfortable unless the fools like devilsplann .Thank you for having me in your beautiful site love from US.


      January 10, 2014 at 11:12 PM

      Sam, I don’t mind we arrange to meet someday. I’m in New Jersey, USA. You sound too bitter for an interactive platform like naijagists. You’ll realised I’ve not insulted an individual in all I tried to espouse so far. Our South Eastern brothers and sisters who I believe you are one, have taken all I wrote out of context and resorted to insults and curses which can only attract equal fury and unrestrained attack accross respondent contributors. You and I live in the US and you are a witness to the daily embarrasments Nigerians go through in public institutions when identified, just because of the sins of a few bad nuts who choose to careless about how you and I feel about our images. I’ll close my case here indefinately. Thanks.

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