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Wedding Pictures: Nigeria’s Police Inspector, IGP Abubakar Weds In Abuja

md abubakar wedding photos

Sept 15, 2013 – Wedding Photos: Nigerian Police Inspector, IGP Abubakar Weds In Abuja

The Inspector General Of Police in Nigeria, Mr Mohammed Abubakar married his partner, Safiya in style yesterday.

The wedding took place in Abuja with several dignitaries in attendance.

Those who attended the elegant wedding ceremony include Nigeria’s First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, Bola Shagaya, Justice Aloma Mukhtar and many other popular faces.

On Saturday night, the Presidency organized a glamorous wedding dinner for MD Abubakar and his wife at ICC in Abuja.

Here are more photos from the event

The couple

The beautiful bride

Scene from the dance floor

Wishing the couple a blissful marriage



  1. Igbekwe

    September 15, 2013 at 8:39 PM

    I’m happy 4 u you Alhaji Abubkar
    Hold ur wife well. HML

  2. Klint

    September 15, 2013 at 9:42 PM

    Wedding or no wedding they’re boko haram and boko pictures-avid ito.

  3. bezo

    September 15, 2013 at 9:51 PM

    Happy married life, everyone suppose to be happy with una but the wuru wuru, corner corner, thiefi thiefi wen una dey do dey make pple dey hate una, pls don’t teach ur new bride how to thief oooooo, I know goodluck and u read criminology. There is a guy called “red” that guy is a fool that need a psychiatrist

  4. red

    September 16, 2013 at 12:15 AM

    Beautiful bride.IGP are u sure u can concentrate at work with such beautiful bribe at home? guy u get liver oo.

  5. red

    September 16, 2013 at 12:50 AM

    My people red can’t believe our Bezo is voicing out his demons.I told u I believed in u to correct ur stupidity and u did.look at d beautiful,sensible words u sent! 3 loud cheers 4 our Bezo 4 fighting his only disappointment is that u fail to tell d world that RED ur godmother is a lady not a guy.l 4give u 4 that u are still learning.To make sure u don’t fall back in ur old habit of making a fool of urself I Red will get u a wonderful lady to occupy most of d time u spend on line & lead u towards a better future.keep making me proud I know u can do it sweetie.voice it out.stop throwing ur frustration at d whole world direct it to me (RED) I can handle it.I have seen worst cases and they always make me smile at d end of d war urs is not a big deal.okay.

  6. D Hunter

    September 16, 2013 at 4:05 AM

    Bezo again? So u dare open ur stinking pit called mouth 2 insult my Dearest RED? U‘re not afraid? Ok i tink i knw wat 2 do. I‘ll leave dat 4 nw. N whn i come again, i‘ll put u whr u rightly belong- The Zoo. Dat besides, y r u congratulatin d IG on d wedin of his new additional wife? I tot u were in suport of dis controversial “Girl child marriage? Hw come u didn‘t gv him 1 of ur little sista‘s hand (7Yrs old) in marriage? Or is it dat u dnt wnt 2 hv an IG 4 an In-law?

  7. mulikat

    September 16, 2013 at 5:32 AM

    Klint, u are big fool, any time religion and tribes, we are sending our congratulatetion to our Nigeria IGP and is new beautifull wife, am very happy to see u Sir happy in ur face and this is true love marriage.both are mature and open love in all their picture,life must go on, after ur wife death,better marry than make over with didfferent women,HIV e.t.c in all over place and nigeria is 1 of the leading country with it.

  8. mercy me

    September 16, 2013 at 11:15 AM

    No wonder,there was plenty policemen running into 100s on friday in coza, anyways happy married life.

  9. Amyrah

    September 16, 2013 at 2:02 PM

    Wishing you all the best in life and the hereafter…Martial bless

  10. Caroline

    September 16, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    “presidency organized a glamorous dinner for the couple”
    chai!! Wastage!! See as dem dey waste nigerian money! Of wat purpose wil dis wedding serves d masses dat d presidency oragnised a sophisticated dinner 4? I only wish our leaders shud kn dat dey ar stewards nt masters n thus, ONE DAY they wil al giv acount of their stewardship. I wish they shud learn dat there z a limit 2 which d pple wil folow dem sheepishly lyk zombies n morons n remain in abject poverty in d midst of plenty dat a priviledged few plunder wit reckles abandon. I wish dey shudnt mistake d resilience n patience of a pple 4 cowardice n naivety. I WISH…
    No ill- will against ur weddin sha afteral i dnt kn u guys. Blissful union 2 u

  11. Dimeji

    September 17, 2013 at 8:05 AM

    I love God cos He is just the best! He is vry patient lukin at our useless leaders do wat pleases them. They av 4goten that wen u do gud it wil follow u to ur grave and prayers of majority wil alwayz cum to ur way and wen u do bad, it wil follow u to hell with the curses of majority on ur head. Presidency just they organise dinner lyk sey na im grand papa money livin the 9ja students on suspence claimin money no they’. For IGP, u only rcv dose presidential treatment cos they want u to join them later in hell! Happy mariage sha cos that 1 na part of the sunnah but fear Allah and do ur job accordinly

  12. mulikat

    December 1, 2013 at 11:21 AM

    Am happy for you Mr IG, and RIP your late wife,life most go on, my new beautifull wife,take good care of your husband and the children you meet in the house,take them like your children ,nothing happen to them and God will give you,your own children with our IG.

  13. chdimma

    September 26, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    bezo is just jealous,na poverty dey cause am

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