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Why Biodun Okeowo’s Ex-Husband Divorced Her, Kunle Adegbite’s Connection
March 28, 2014 –Why Biodun Okeowo’s Ex-Husband Divorced Her, Kunle Adegbite’s Connection
Popular Nollywood Yoruba actress Biodun Okeowo and actor Kunle Adegbite who played love roles in a movie few years back have become best friends.
Nollywood insiders alleged that Biodun’s secret romance with Kunle was the reason for her marriage failure.
Her former husband sent her out of their matrimonial home about 5 years ago and since then, she has kept quiet on what crashed her marriage.
Some fans and colleagues are not even aware that Biodun was previously married.
According to the information at our disposal, ever since Biodun was sent away by her then hubby, she has moved into a very small apartment in Ojodu Berger Area of Lagos State, living there together with her mother and her son, Deolu who was 13 years old in December last year.
When the story of her affair with Kunle almost crashed her career, she hurriedly released a statement as a cover up.
The statement reads:
“I am not having an affair Kunle Adegbite, but the truth is that he is a great friend and a brother. I will not deny the fact that we are quite close but nothing too special and whatever anybody says or does will not stop me from being his close friend. He is special”
Unknown to many that special man is her secret lover.
Biodun & Kunle
Why Biodun Okeowo’s husband dumped her
The actress was allegedly sent packing by her ex-husband after he suspected her of warming the beds of some men. We learnt she was allegedly caught by her ex husband on several occasions and when the man wasn’t feeling comfortable with her love for ‘joysticks’, he had no choice than to send her out their matrimonial home.

Peter omolaye
March 28, 2014 at 4:22 AM
Most of d actress in yoruba films are all prostitute, dat is d reason why they dont last in their marriage.
March 28, 2014 at 5:39 AM
You are a dumb!what about the English movie actresses?until u see the couple to find out the real cause of their marriage being broken,u can’t conclude on what u not sure abt.The reason why some ppl will not make heaven on this site is bcos of false witness.The bible says,find out the truth beyond reasonable doubt before judging ppl.some men are so insecured,and that has made them a coward.He may be insecure bcos his wife ia an actress,and bcos she’s a pretty woman.Acting is a career,and you v to do ur role in a make belief way for ppl to enjoy their view.The truth is that,we don’t appreciate our actors for putting their marriages in line to please,and make life a bit meaningful,and interesting for us.if everyone bcos bankers,lawyers,engineer,and no one is an entertainer,a lot of ppl wld v committed suicide due to depression of what is going on in this country.yes!we may say sometimes they overdo,but why v we forgotten that they are human beings as well?is it bcos they are celebrities,so they can’t fall into temptations,or sin?@peter u need to be more cautioned the way u talk,and comment.Also Joyce,and the other lady,who among u,can faithfully say it out that u never cheated on ur boyfrnd,or girlfrnd before.or that ur husband met u a virgin?pls check ur lives before ranting on this site,pretending to be holy or decent.i hate pretenders.And also,this ppl are entitled to what ever happen in their lives.They are grown up enough to know what they want.some of u here live worse lives than them,yet u carry hand to type nonsense here.if you move close to some of these actors $ actresses you will find out,u v been judging them wrongly,bcos there lives are totally difft from what they portrain in their movies.There is an adage that says”who is not dead,is not yet aware of the kind of death that will kill him”some of u here may not even last in ur matrimonial homes,but bcos u not celebrities we wouldn’t hear it.ppl get divorce everyday,and bcos they are celebrities does not leave them out from being divorce.when ppl rush into marriages,and maybe the man becomes a monster that beat his wife,or the woman become wayward,they may consider divorce,bcos home front is already I do not see why ppl can’t make decisions that will make them happy.That is their personal lives,no one on this site is qualify to judge anyone.una own dey under una,nah cloth cover am.@peter,if is an igbo person that make such statement u made now,we will say they are tribalist.Am so disappointed in u.or maybe u r a complete bastard in yoruba land.ode.
March 28, 2014 at 4:39 AM
These ladies are under a curse. they are all d**k addict whore
Pretty Joyce
March 28, 2014 at 4:50 AM
shameless woman I wonder what some women derive in cheating
March 28, 2014 at 6:38 AM
@ lily are u trying to defend them or u are one of them?i know most of the actress,especially d yoruba actress ,they are desperate to be well known & after they are popular,they start prostitution business bicos they all want to drive jeep & they even privatise there prostitute whenever they travel abroad & years after they will be doing advert to marry,they are all bullshit.even the married one among them also sell there body both home & abroad,they are all rubbish,acting is to be role model but in there case they are worst,all they are after is man to rent flat for them & another one furnish d house & another one buying them jeep if not y mc musiliu the agbero @ oshodi will be shagging most of d actress?dat guy shag both old & young actress in yoruba sector,awon asewo onidoti jatijati,if not we are online i can name up to 20 diff babes dat musiliu shag easily & at d end of d day,they all want to get marry & be with one mugun man ,u all will burn in dis world before going to hell fire & burn forever amin.
March 28, 2014 at 12:31 PM
@ lily & funke u guys shold tak easy, what dis ppl want 4r us is our advice. l pray God shold change dem 4r bad 2 gud.
March 28, 2014 at 7:36 PM
Bolaji…thanks so much for that.pls tell funke.ppl like her are even kettle calling pot black.some ladies can pretend,when you get there,that is when you know prostitute is better than them.a mo iru yin
March 28, 2014 at 1:58 PM
funke u av spoken well, only microscopic few among “THEM” are responsible. just imagine what lily is saying.i conclude dat she into prostitution and shameless.
March 28, 2014 at 7:33 PM
@Banji u r very stupid.Am a lawyer based abroad,so am not a prostitute.And sure you are,cos ppl like u,point dirty fingers to others.i still maintain my stand on is their lives,not urs.
March 28, 2014 at 11:29 PM
Why this comment now that she’s getting known. You people love bringing people down,even if nobody said so you’ll claim someone told you. Am not in support of infidelity but it would be better if the wife is the one complaining. Biodun! Hold your head up. They are just destiny scratchers. Just know that people have said that about the likes of Genevieve ,omotola and they are still standing. And if you watch most of them complaining they don’t even have a home. Keep flying girl!
September 18, 2014 at 1:56 PM
No one is perfect plz,we re all human.U dnt ve 2 jugde anybody coz urs may even turn out 2 be a worst case.
September 6, 2015 at 12:10 PM
U guys shouldnt judge anybody, u kw theirs cos dey r celebrities… D lives of sum of u judgin may be worst dan theirs…. So pls dey own their lives let dem live it ao dey lyk
January 19, 2016 at 5:02 PM
Biodun, may God bless u and ur children my dear pls ve faith in God and always teach ur children to work in d presence of d most high God.Even if people are judging u they are not God every hidden things is wide open in eyes of God so ride on U re Bless
September 18, 2016 at 6:43 AM
ozi God bless you for ur advice.Biodun, hold your head up and move forward in your career.Am so shocked that people will turn saints over the situation of other peiple.did u ever fathom the trauma,down moments the person in discuss must have gone thro while u sit on ur judgement seat ditching ur ‘holier than thou’remarks.How unwise n myopic to make conclusions on other peoples shortcoming n misfortunes.thats wickedness!Sad enough,the yorubas are d one making insinuations against their own while to their shame, an IBO lady ,Ngozi gave words of encouragement to biodun.what a shame!I strongly begin to think that the curse of Lisabi,great warrior of egba land that yoruba will never unite,but oppose themselves is very much at work.Yorubas ,Think,please think!
Samuel Olajide Ajibola
January 25, 2020 at 8:12 PM
every tribe and ethnic group are the same in content. It’s a lie that one Egba person ever curse his ethnic group The Yorubas. People lie so much about this stuff. I have known so many ibos who talked each other down even up to killing one another, the same way that Hausa do and all other people. Human beings are the same because Satan isn’t a friend of anyone ethnic group. Judas wasn’t an Ibo or Hausa nor Yoruba ditto Peter whom Jesus called the “Rock” denied knowing him was Peter an Ibo man or a Yoruba or an Hausa person?, they all acted as human to show that no human race is perfect. The Yorubas are the most embracing friendly ethnic group that accommodates other tribes in Nigeria that is why everyone comes to live with them on their land, in fact it is the most safe region to live in right now in Nigeria.