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2013’s Latest Tornado Storm In Oklahoma Killed Over 91, 120 People Injured

tornado in oklahoma 2013

May 21st, 2013  – 2013’s Tornado Storm In Oklahoma Killed Over 91, 120 People Injured

The latest Tornado storm that hit the state of Oklahoma on Sunday has killed over 91 people.

As we speak, over 120 people are being treated at various hospitals in the state.

The tornado that travelled at 200mph destroyed several schools and buildings.

This is the worst natural disaster in Oklahoma since 1999 storm that killed 36 people.

See the video of Tornado in Oklahoma 2013 below

Tornado Storm In Oklahoma  – May 2013 Videos



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  1. okorie ogbonna

    May 21, 2013 at 12:32 PM

    God have mercy on your people.

  2. blessing nwinie

    May 21, 2013 at 2:39 PM

    father unto thee i commit your children pls come to their rescuse which i pray in jesus name Amen

  3. da game behind da game

    May 21, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    May the souls of the lost ones rest in peace! On the other hand, death, starvation, poverty, racism, unemployment, divide and rule etc are the outcomes of what blessed Africa countries with vast natural resources suffers everyday from the USA and its allies greedy foreign policies which is a typical example of neo-colonialism.
    However, hardly do such true information broadcasted on their so called mainstream news channels. Rather your media will be broadcasting false news and visual ethics reports such as foreign aids directed to African and the same time generating revenue to all your shipping companies after stealing from African.
    Let the truth be known, the so called foreign aid are genetic modify (GM) foods which is another mode of using Africans as lab rat for research purposes as well as deceiving Africans with globalisation by exportation of organic foods out of African to their own countries.
    Less not forget that USA is the highest weapon manufacturing country in the world with its allies and they preach democracy. In the past and present, the USA has had war psychopaths as presidents. They and their allies hovers around the world regularly, monitoring as well as bombing and stealing from countries especially African and Islamic countries with rich natural resources in the name of democracy, dictator and terrorism
    Because of this tornado in USA, will the USA military bomb god and call him a terrorist or enemy of the state? They need to know that the all the human beings in the world are god’s children despite race, religion, nationality, gender, age, disability etc and start treating people equally and stop meddling in other countries internal affairs.

  4. Vive

    May 21, 2013 at 7:53 PM

    Africa is blsd.Nigeria is blsd.Glory be God.Such disasta can neva occur here.They r paying 4 d sins of their forefathers(slave trade).D innocent bld of slain Africans wl kp cryn 4 justice.

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