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Actor Boris Kodjoe’s Romantic Poem For Wife On Their Wedding Anniversary

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May 21, 2012 – Actor Boris Kodjoe’s Romantic Poem For Wife On Their Wedding Anniversary

7 years of a happy marriage is indeed a rare thing in Hollywood, and here is a couple celebrating that milestone with big bang!

Actor Boris Kodjoe and his wife, Nicole Ari Parker, celebrated their seventh year wedding anniversary recently and Boris wrote Nicole a poem tagged “My Seven Itch” to mark the day.

Actor Boris Kodjoe Romantic Poem For Wife

“My Seven Year Itch By Boris Kodjoe

You’ve always been my itch, so many ways you’ve touched my body, mind and soul from the moment He designed our paths to cross, finally.

You’ve always been my itch, so good to me I’ve wanted you day after day, night after night, making me wonder how my body was able to be without you all this while, before our very first touch.

boris kodjoe

You’ve always been my itch, giving wings to my thoughts, encouraging them to unforeseen heights, where I would build our castle in the sky, fit for a king and his queen.

You’ve always been my itch, filling my spirit with comfort and peace like I hadn’t felt since a child in Oma’s garden, so familiar and yet so new.

You’ve always been my itch. My seven year, seven days a week, 24/7 itch I always want, desire, crave, and never ever want to be without.

Not for seven seconds.


Happy 7th anniversary

Let’s do this again

I love you more”.

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  1. Mark John

    May 22, 2012 at 3:00 PM

    Luvly. Happy 7yrs anniversary 2 nicole and boris.

  2. Mark John

    May 22, 2012 at 3:03 PM

    Nice one and luvly. Congrat

  3. jennifer

    May 31, 2012 at 8:51 AM

    Happy 7year anniversary and i love ur family

  4. blessing

    June 8, 2012 at 10:37 PM

    happy annivesary keep on loving each other like never before

  5. Patience

    June 19, 2012 at 10:50 AM

    Happy anniversary my dears,i watched u two in soul food and i wished u were a couple and am happy that its true.Interesting…..

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