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Beverly Osu Models For Prestige Cosmetics Nigeria (Photos)

beverly osu prestige cosmetics nigeria

Nov 10, 2013 – Beverly Osu Models For Prestige Cosmetics Nigeria (Pictures)

Former Big Brother Africa star, Beverly Osu was recently made the ambassador of a top Nigerian cosmetic brand, Prestige cosmetics.

Bev Osu is the current cover of all their products.

BBA has surely opened a big door of opportunity for her.

Here are few pictures from the photo-shoot of her first campaign for the brand.



  1. red

    November 10, 2013 at 11:12 AM

    Wow,Beverly,you look so beautiful in the second pic,pls go with it and kick the rest.

  2. Oluseye Thompson

    November 10, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    Of what use is a beautiful lady with a useless attitude
    Isn’t she the lady that had s*x on BBA, I rebuke u IJN

  3. SpoT 1

    November 10, 2013 at 11:36 AM

    still don’t like your wild way of life. where is the old man your begging to marry you.

  4. red

    November 10, 2013 at 11:46 AM

    @oluseye,what’s my business with whatever show she did or the shit she f**ked,she used her vag**a and didn’t borrow mine so why am i suppose to care.I made the comment about the beauty product and what i see.why are you burning up for goodness sake.

  5. sholz

    November 10, 2013 at 12:35 PM

    Abi o @ red y is @oluseye getting angry,didn’t prestige watch her av sex on t.v before otping to use her as their model.wu cares really, the pics are mad awesome that’s what really matters!!

  6. Henry

    November 10, 2013 at 6:36 PM

    BBA cheap slut,shameless fool

  7. Asmau

    November 10, 2013 at 7:35 PM

    No family is a saint abeg hold your peace and mind your business Berv d lord is your strength He has opened d door of Success ride on and let your enemies die of envy I wish you all the best

  8. Floxy

    November 10, 2013 at 9:19 PM

    Pls u ppl should lve her alone it is her life. Dat how she want to lve it, so let her be. After all those ppl who call her to models for them saw wat happ in BBA. Yet they called her to models,she is luk. After all those ppl can’t judge her,it is GOD dat will judge her. And not human being,so let Beverly Osu BBBBBeeeeeeee!…

  9. Anti Beverly osu

    November 11, 2013 at 7:11 AM


  10. Saphire

    November 11, 2013 at 7:43 AM

    Snoop dog said ” u will say u dnt like what home dog gals do but if i close the door..u will like doing it too” she had sex in the house and so fucking what….y nt comment on the ish at hand…. Thank u RED she fucked with her toto nt urs or ur sister own…so y the hatred?? Like seriously beverly rocks on those pixs…..we love u bev but dnt fuck publicly again…we have forgiven u tey tey….winkz

  11. Nneka Ngene

    November 11, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    Henry are u beta dan her? Examine urself b4 u abuse or call her names.

  12. Nuella

    November 11, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    I baffle at the way people thinks and act oooo, what is it with you people self? what is your problems self? nothing wey person go do una go appreciate, the worst part of the matter is that most you of you are worst-er that her and yet you people claim innocent and holy….FUCK OFF HATERS & GO GET BUSY WITH SOMETHING ELSE..Beverly my dearie, you look so beautiful in this your pix ooo….loving the makeup and wishing you the best.. Remain Bless

  13. becky

    November 12, 2013 at 11:39 AM

    Henry and all you beefers, that is your own business, who knows what you do behind close doors and what makes you think you can rebuke anyones action. God is the only one jugde cos we will all be held accountable for all our actions.

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