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Britain’s Oldest Married Couple Gives Marriage Success Secret “Argue, Forgive Quickly”
June 9, 2014 – Britain’s Oldest Married Couple Gives Marriage Success Secret “Argue, Forgive & Avoid Common Law”
Britain’s oldest couple, Joseph and Sally Littlewood who just celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary claimed long courtship, forgiveness and living apart before marriage was the secret to their marriage success.
99-year-old Sally met her 98-year-old husband Joseph at a dance hall back in 1933. The lovers got engaged in 1936 and married in 1939 during Word War II.
The couple gave out the secret to their marriage success in a recent interview.
Hear them out:
‘The advice I would give to young people getting married these days is to argue lots but always remember to get over it. It is never worth stewing over. People always have arguments, and in 75 years we are going to have had a lot, but the key is to move on.
When we were young, people just stuck together – back then we had courtship and that has now gone by the wayside. A quick wedding wasn’t done in those days and a long engagement gave you time to get to know each other and know if they were who you wanted.
Kids these days move in together not really knowing what they want from each other. If you are going to move in with someone, or marry them, you have to know you love them. Everyone is getting divorced these days. They have quick marriages and I just think people do not have what they want. They go to live with each other too soon when in reality if you do that you should be in love with each other.
Great love, great faith and a great family have kept us together.’
Nice one!

Chi Ada
June 9, 2014 at 6:34 PM
I wish my marriage can be dis long. Men of now adays are not more committed.
June 9, 2014 at 7:54 PM
@ chi ada dat every1 prayer bt 1 hv to work 4 it an endure a lot dis beautiful couple kwn wat dey hv gone tru bt God was present in their home an dey hv understandin
Enyinnaya Anthony
June 10, 2014 at 1:14 PM
Its not a matter of prayers rather! God helps those who help themselves” is a popular motto that emphasizes the importance of initiative. Hence people of nowadays cherish materials possessions and forget to seek better life of marriage. Marriage is all about understanding and studying about your partner physical and emotional beings! Its might take long period of time. That’s why people saying that true divine love is like planted seeds near river bank that grows each day and night!The basic we were suffering pretense, fake life, & ignorant and besides we don’t want to learn! That’s why, its hard to find happy marriage life now!
June 10, 2014 at 2:53 PM
I queue into ur marriage longetivity, it shall be also be my portion
June 12, 2014 at 4:52 PM
My prayer is dat d Good Lord who has done dis 4 u wil do same 2 me in Jesus Name Amen.