Crime News
Drunk White Woman Attempts To Use White Race As Excuse To Escape DUI Arrest “I’m A White, Clean Girl”
Drunk South Caroline Woman Attempts To Use White Race As Excuse To Escape DUI Arrest “I’m A White, Clean Girl”
A mild drama ensued in South Carolina over the weekend when a drunk woman pulled over for driving under influence tried to use white race as an excuse to escape arrest.
32-year-old Lauren Cutshaw was pulled over by police in Bluffton South Carolina on Saturday after she failed to stop at a stop sign.
When she was eventually stopped, Cutshaw admitted to police that she took 2 glass of wine.
She was made to undergo sobriety tests and after failing woefully, she came up with a number of excuses which included having good grades in school, being a cheerleader, girlfriend of an officer and a clean white girl.
Shocked by her clean white girl comment, the cops asked her for clarification.
In her response, she said “You’re a cop, you should know what that means.”
According to the Toronto Sun, despite her countless justification comments, she was eventually arrested for drug and marijuana possession, speeding, driving under influence and ignoring stop sign.
She was taken to a detention center where she was later released.
The report also noted that the police officers were shocked by Lauren Cutshaw comments.

jesuit onye
August 8, 2018 at 8:39 PM
Hahaha this cracked me up even the white dude don’t get it.
she is under the influence of crack cocaine not marijuana
L. Ibiyemi
August 8, 2018 at 8:56 PM
mad woman. dt is the effect of marijuana and crack
iron bar
August 9, 2018 at 2:58 AM
of be only drink.clean white wetin?.white powder dey involved..yeye de smell…go and serve your is law .e no de respect anybody