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How Jamal Khashoggi Was Tortured & Cut Into Pieces While Alive Inside Saudi Embassy In Turkey – Consulate Witness Breaks Silence

Jamal Khashoggi killed alive

How Jamal Khashoggi Was Murdered Alive Inside Saudi Arabia Embassy In Istanbul – Consulate Witness Who Heard Horrific Scream Breaks Silence

Jamal Khashoggi Was Tortured & Cut Into Pieces With Bone Saw While Alive Inside Saudi Arabia Embassy In Turkey

Exclusive report By

  • When Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul 2 weeks ago, his killers were already waiting to strike.
  • The Saudi Arabian journalist – a distinguished columnist for the Washington Post – was there to collect a document relating to his forthcoming wedding, while his Turkish fiancée waited in the car outside thinking he would be gone for only a few minutes.
  • CCTV released later showed a smartly dressed Khashoggi entering the consulate under its retractable sun canopy, nodding at the security guard as he went inside – never to re-emerge alive.

Jamal Khashoggi killed alive saudi embassy turkey

While his fiancée Hatice Cengiz assumed he was tangling with bureaucracy, Khashoggi, a leading critic of the Saudi regime, was in fact being killed in the worst way imaginable.

After he failed to reappear, Cengiz said she felt responsible for him. “I have this strange feeling like I have failed to look after something so dear,” she said later.

In fact, for seven long minutes, shortly after 1pm, her fiancé was tortured and hacked to pieces with a bone-saw while still alive. He was then beheaded by members of a 15-man hit squad who had flown in from Riyadh on private jets to murder him, before his dismembered body was carted off in plastic bags to be dissolved in acid.

Within two hours the killers – believed to include Saudi Arabian intelligence officers and royal House of Saudi bodyguards – were gone and a cleaning team was brought in to scrub and repaint the bloodstained crime scene.

The alleged details of Khashoggi’s barbarous death have emerged from descriptions of a highly disturbing audio recording given to the Turkish media on Wednesday by a senior government official. And on the same day the names and photographs of his murderers were published in a Turkish newspaper.

Jamal Khashoggi, 59, had first attended the Saudi consulate in Istanbul four days before he was killed and was told to come back for the wedding documents.

This appears to have been a ruse to allow the Saudi authorities sufficient time to arrange his brutal execution. When he returned to the consulate he was shown into the office of the Saudi consul, Mohammad al-Otaibi. There he was seized almost immediately by the agents who began to beat and torture him.

This was too much for the consul who could reportedly be heard on the tape saying: “Do this outside. You will put me in trouble.” This provoked a dark response from one of the agents: “If you want to live when you come back to Arabia, shut up.”

At some point Khashoggi is believed to have been dragged from the consul-general’s office to a table next door. There, he was tortured and his fingers were cut off one by one.

His “horrendous” screams of pain were so loud they were heard on a lower storey by a witness. The source said the recording later reveals the journalist was “drugged” and “killed” before a Saudi forensics expert advised his colleagues to listen to music on their headphones as they dismembered the body.

This would help defuse the tension created by such a macabre task.

The chief executioner is alleged to have been Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, “Head of forensic evidence” for the Saudi general security department. While his sobriquet is “Dr Death”, Al-Tubaigy’s official title is President of the Saudi Fellowship of Forensic Pathology.

According to local media reports, Al-Otaibi is now said to have been relieved of his post at the consulate.

There is little in the above description of depravity that would suggest that Khashoggi was killed “accidentally” as Saudi sources have alleged.

“They came to kill him, not interrogate him,” insists the consulate witness who heard his screams. It is considered highly unlikely that the execution squad would have acted in the way they did had they not been sanctioned by Mohammed bin Salman, known as MBS, Saudi Arabia’s 33-year-old crown prince.



  1. Dasko

    October 23, 2018 at 7:32 PM

    These people are barbaric evil religious devils , every time I think about what they did to another human it hurts my heart so much , and the way it looks nothing is going to really happen to any of them because the monarch has a hand in it. as long as I live I would never visit Saudi Arabia or would I have anything to say or do with anyone from that country.may god be the judge .

  2. Lekan Alabi

    October 23, 2018 at 7:35 PM

    This is way too much. Muslims killing muslims and yet you say the religion is peaceful.
    There is nothing peaceful in Islam. Like the first commentator, after reading this, I will never visit a Muslim country again in my life. Just too barbaric


    October 23, 2018 at 8:45 PM



  4. Camaro Kamu

    October 23, 2018 at 8:49 PM

    I use to read his column on WP so the guy is dead. I mean what did he do to deserve this kind of Injustice.
    am a moslem I don’t support dis kind of inhumane act neither will islam support it.

    • DB

      October 24, 2018 at 8:58 AM

      Is it not people like this evil crown prince that decides what is islamic and what is not?

  5. Mon

    October 24, 2018 at 2:16 AM

    Evil is evil, this is not about religion…what a barbaric way to waste someone’s life. God have mercy

  6. Kemi

    October 24, 2018 at 3:18 AM

    This is pure evil. Merely reading this is so horrifying for me. Why would human beings killed another in such a horrendous manner. How do these people sleep at nights? They have definitely lost all sense of humanity. May this man’s soul continue to haunt his killers.
    As for Trump supporting these killers and saying their story was credible I wonder if he can imagine this happening to any of his family members.

  7. Fifelomo

    October 24, 2018 at 6:49 AM

    This injustice is way too much! Rip khashoggi

  8. Daniel

    October 24, 2018 at 6:28 PM

    It is rather unfortunate that the guy lost his life in such a horrorful manner at the hands of the saudi monarchy. It is very apparent and crystal clear that his execution was ordered by the evil and hatred filled crown prince mohammad ibn salman, who cannot tolerate any criticism whatsoever against him. What is more unfortunate is Trump refusing to acknowledge that the guy was murdered at the request of saudi monarchy, because of the billions of dollars in arms deal America stand to gain from doing business with saudi arabia. In another one month or two, all the noise in the media over the poor guy’s death will die down and he will be forgotten. The mistake he made was going to the consulate of the same government he was criticizing, knowing fully well that saudi arabia is not a democratic govt but dictatorship. That was the reason why he ran to and secured immunity in America about two months ago, bcuz of the insecurities against his life in saudi arabia. Why then did he travelled to Turkey and visited saudi’s consulate there because of wedding document. May his soul rip

  9. Hope

    October 25, 2018 at 12:15 PM

    Iam scared

  10. T

    October 26, 2018 at 3:42 AM

    I don’t know why Khoshaggi was killed. I have read many of his articles and nothing hard hit but liberal .He was a devoted Muslim and never called for the abolition of the royal system. He was mostly for freedom of speech, human rights and free society. He was advocating the Prince to do more reform . But the the crown Prince will not hear of tha and he had him killed. I don’t think, he can swipe this on under the carpet. The royal house is already in turmoil. I doubt, if this is the type of ruler that will rule Saudis for another sixty years. He should step down. The world is watching.

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