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Mike Murdock Visits Nigeria, Gives COZA Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo A Rolls Royce Car & $1 Million

mike murdock visits nigeria

January 17, 2014 – Dr Mike Murdock Visits Nigeria, Gives COZA Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo A Rolls Royce Car & One Million Dollars

Popular wisdom preacher, Dr Mike Murdock was in Nigeria last week for a program in Abuja.

He visited Commonwealth of Zion Assembly church in Abuja where he gave a mind-blowing car (Rolls Royce) and monetary gift (One million dollars) to COZA Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo.

mike murdock in nigeria

Read what one of the church members, Perry Martins of Gospotainment who witnessed the whole thing said:

It was such a mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, box-breaking, Heart-warming and Life-changing moment as I witnessed the most Phenomenal Moment in History, just few hours ago. The Congregation was thrown into celebration for this one-of-a-kind, Never-seen-before act of Love and unspeakable Kindness on Display.

This was the 12th and last day of “12 Days of Glory”. An annual conference heavenly inspired and organised by the Commonwealth Of Zion Assembly- COZA. Starting from the 2nd through 13th of January. Attended were World-class Ministers of the Gospel; Bishop Thomas A. Bishop Felix Adejumo, Bishop Noel Jones, Michelle M. Hammond, Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo, Dr. Mike Murdock and others who preached with well Seasoned Words of Grace. It was a Life transforming moment.

Dr. Mike Murdock crowning up the meeting did the Exceptional of what happens to be a Most Memorable day for COZA and will hit the Air-ways soon. He was in fact eager to do it as he couldn’t wait, till after the message. I am filled with amazement and gratitude. This 68 year old Wealthy Prominent and Adept Preacher released a Million-dollar Gift to the Senior Pastor of COZA.

According to him, had initially asked if he wants it and he couldn’t accept, but came on publicly to offer it to the Pastor’s wife, which she gladly accepted. The Gift of a Rolls-Royce was just the news that threw the Church into Shouts of Celebration and moved the Pastor and his wife to tears.

Now when a Guest speaker decides to honour the Host in such a manner, it is worth the Wonder and amazement. As the reverse should have been the case. As we speak the Car is on its way to Nigeria and Grace my Pastor’s Car Park.

Wow! Now here is the most emotional moment for me. Dr. Mike made a Life-long commitment to the Pastor’s Kids. Four of them in number. I just couldn’t hold my tears anymore as he knelt down on this hard floor for what took about 20 minutes to verbally commit; including them in his Will and to be a second Father to them for as Long as he Lives.

Wow! It was Church unusual. Afterwards he led the Church to Bless the Pastor. This surely is a “net-breaking and boat-sinking” testimony. Driving home I was marvelled, I still shout at intervals. This must be an act of God’s Favor. I Celebrate my Pastor. This is a great way to start the year. I am Happy!!

See more photos of Mike Murdock in Nigeria below:

mike murdock coza abujaMurdock praying for Pastor Biodun and his family

dr mike murdock visits nigeriaMike Murdock ministering

pastor biodun fatoyinbo cozaCOZA Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo

Dr Mike Murdock seems to have a strong bond with CommonWealth Of Zion Assembly Church, COZA in Abuja…. No wonder they call the place ‘ the wealthy place’.

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  1. Edewor Jude

    January 17, 2014 at 3:43 AM

    Dr Murdock understands the principle of giving and receiving
    For him to have given such a huge gift, he must have experienced some form of blessing from that ministry.
    This is a huge blessing

  2. Chizzy baby

    January 17, 2014 at 3:44 AM

    My God so American preachers are bringing blessing from America to Nigeria
    This country called Nigeria and her people are blessed people with the exception of some bad eggs among us.
    Proudly Nigerian

  3. Otunba Gbenga

    January 17, 2014 at 3:46 AM

    Did I hear you say he gave him one million dollars? I can’t believe this how possible what is Mike Murdock’s net worth self

  4. D Hunter

    January 17, 2014 at 4:56 AM

    Glorious God, Beautiful King, Execellent God, I Bow B4 Ur Throne, Worship @ Ur Feet. Bow B4 Ur Throne U‘re D Glorious God…

    Ur Name Is Alfa & Omega, Changeless, Ageless, Almighty Jehovah, Glorious God I Bow B4 Ur Throne…
    Yeah! I am v happy 4 d pst. of COZA. Also, i tnk God 4 my lyf…4 d grace of yet anoda day. Also, 4 restoring my PRIDE & CROWN. Which 2 me, is even more precious dan $100 Million & 100 Rolls Royce put 2geda. Only few undstud tho, i needn‘t go in2 details here.
    D Hunter.

  5. red

    January 17, 2014 at 5:24 AM

    I love everything about this mike,when you attend his church he will keep you laughing till the end of the church dad calls him sow a seed pastor,He lives by example by giving and giving out till it get to a point of been broke.He is what I except some rich pastors to do.God will keep blessing you and your whole family and of course all members of your church sir.Thank you very very much sir.

  6. Obinna

    January 17, 2014 at 7:32 AM

    But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, Matthew 6:3. this is just show and the bible said that they will receive their reward, and that is praises from the people. the word of God is not all about money and rolls royce much will the members of the church get? nothing. the things of God is not phisical but spiritual.

    • Nature

      January 18, 2014 at 12:01 PM

      Bros. Obinna, first of all Coza pastor is not poor/needy. Secondly, the bible said whoever give a prophet a cup of water shall not lose his reward (matthew 10:42, mark 9:41) give it shall be given unto u gud measure press dwn, shaking 2geda n running over shall men give unto u… Study ur bible

  7. Omo T

    January 17, 2014 at 7:40 AM

    God is too big!! waoo!! am so moved. God put me in position to be a great blessing unto people too. this is powerful.

  8. Prophet Gbenga Rotimi KINI IWO NFE

    January 17, 2014 at 8:25 AM

    Glory be to the father,the son and the holy spirit, is another blessed day for the world and nigerians.the word of GOD says ” A horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great strength.”
    say this pray with me,father in jesus name,with my soul have i desired you in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will i seek you early: in jesus name we have pray (AMEN).
    For when your judgments are in the earth,the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. The judgment of the Lord will not come to our land in jesus name,can you say AMEN by replying me * 08038433483 #

  9. Ray Ojoma

    January 17, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    This year is a year of exceeding favour.. Congrats pastor.God bless u Mike Murdock….@ gbenga,forget d worth,he is a blessed man

  10. Dan

    January 17, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    That’s it for you.
    We should all look inwards and cultivate ourselves to be heaven worthy.
    When we trash other people especially pastors, we are basically trying to justify our wicked ways. Quickly saying …oh if he can do that, then this whole Holy thing is not worth it. Who says you cant be front of the line in Heaven ahead of a Pastor. Mind your business and work your own salvation.

    May God help us all.

  11. dave

    January 17, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    Certainly, nothing goes for nothing. Ohun ti ko ye opolopo o ye Olorun Oba. Ohun ti o mbe lehin ofa o ju oje lo. It is well. Good showcase and job well done Mr. Murdock; giving you kudos on behalf of your son pastor.

  12. dave

    January 17, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    That is if there’s truth in the claim.

  13. adex

    January 17, 2014 at 11:59 PM

    this is a big lie if care is not taken this man will need to explain where he get miiion dollas to FBI

  14. Jilo

    January 18, 2014 at 3:47 AM

    Hmmmmmnn a gift of $1 Million dollar and a Rolls Royce car! Has anyone taught of give and take? how in this wide world could this individual Dr.Murdock dashed out $1 Million dollar to another Pastor without expecting anything in return or not expecting anything as a reward? mind you, this man is also a Pastor. Now this is the deal Oyinbo man has been initiated to the fold of powerful people in occultism. He has tried Africa juju and this is really working for him and his church is booming. Then, in order to compensate the person who brought him aboard, he has to come up with this gift.

  15. Willy

    January 18, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    Whaooh! May God have mercy upon the church

  16. LOve

    January 21, 2014 at 2:53 PM

    @ Jilo……………how old are you? how could you be so careless with words. See you talking as if you were there when they had the deal. Remember you are talking about men of God. Even if then are unclean, who are to judge or even say what you don’t know about them. ” touch not my anointed”. Read the Bible, help yourself and stop acting foolishly and thoughtlessly.

  17. sabina

    January 23, 2014 at 10:06 AM


  18. Abiodun Ojo

    February 5, 2014 at 2:35 AM

    I broke the back of poverty at one of the sessions which Dr. Mike Murdock preached at COZA. He surely understands and teaches the law of giving to receive. If critics can not give one million kobo, it doesn’t stop a giver to give one million dollars. Ibaje eniyan ko dase Oluwa duro.

  19. elmichael

    January 14, 2015 at 9:42 AM

    Careful !! what you say express Who you are. All you to do is oppose people now is man of God, after you will start crying what’s happening to you. It’s better to regret and repent now so that you can experience God’s mercy.

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