Entertainment News
Nigerian Singer Paul Play Dairo Sues MTN For N500 Million Over Project Fame
Feb 21, 2013 – Nigerian Singer Paul Play Dairo Sues MTN For N500 Million Over Angel of My Life Hit Song Used On Project Fame
In what may very well be the first major copyright infringement lawsuit in modern time in Nigeria, pop singer Paul play Dairo has gone to court for redress over the unlawful use of hit song “Angel of My Life” on MTN sponsored Project Fame.
We gathered that Paul, through his lawyer, Festus Keyamo, is slamming a N500 million suit on telecoms giant MTN and Ultima Studios, the producer of the music talent hunt show, Project Fame.
According to the singer, he was out of the country and in the United States last year when the song was used without proper licensing. His Intellectual Property manager, Ayo Rotimi was also said not to have been contacted by the show producers before the song was used and broadcast.
Paul’s management, we learnt contacted the two organisations and their responses were “cold and uncooperative”. This makes them to contact Festus Keyamo Chambers who has filed a lawsuit against both organisations, and they are said to be determined to see the case to its logical conclusion.
The representatives of both MTN and Ultima Studios could not be contacted as at press time.
“It is very sad to notice that even international companies in the calibre of MTN who have benefited enormously in the Nigerian economy is found wanting in unlawful exploitation of intellectual property. This is inappropriate and should be addressed,” a concerned industry analyst said
[By Funsho Arogundade, PM News]

February 21, 2013 at 4:16 PM
As Nigeria’s leading TV production company, Ultima Limited (Ultima) has produced the international format Project Fame (PF)for the last 5 years.
In the first two years, Ultima paid the Performing and Mechanical Rights Society Ltd/Gte (PMRS) – which was the government approved collecting agency at the time, for all musical works that Ultima used; and from the third year when PMRS became Copyrights Society of Nigeria (COSON), Ultima paid COSON for all the songs used in those years.
For the past 5 seasons of PF therefore, Ultima has annually made the statutory payments due and required for the use of musical works for both local and international artistes used on the Project Fame show. As is standard practice all over the world, rather than maintain individual agreements with each one of the hundreds of artistes whose songs we use, we have a single agreement with their collection body (COSON) who in turn is responsible for dealing with each individual artiste! COSON is responsible for collecting such payments on behalf of Nigerian artistes.
Ultima duly paid COSON for use of such music and as such if Paul Play has any issues with payment of royalties for the use of his musical works it should be worked out with COSON and not Ultima nor MTN.
We wish to state categorically that Ultima Limited is, always has been and remains a law abiding corporate citizen, respecting the rights of all stakeholders in her conduct of business.
Ultima Limited.
okum joseph
February 22, 2013 at 9:12 AM
ULTIMA or wht ever u cal urself dnt ever make such in law court cos u ppl did i, kindly pay Paul any mentnd amount 4rm d guy cos even me using Mtn had d tunez last yr bt i jst change 2 colo gbaje so, pay hz money nd admit whn 2 him cos u ppl r wrong
February 22, 2013 at 10:18 AM
Ultima u ar toking rubbish Paul play z 1 among d bst 9ja pop player nd accordin 2 law any copyright mst b chargd 4 so jstice i beleive