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Most Deadly Confraternities In Nigeria & Their History: Which Confraternity Is the Strongest In Nigeria
Most Deadly Confraternities in Nigeria and Their History: Which Confraternity Is the Strongest In Nigeria
Cultism can be said to refer to a group made of people who have similar ideals and beliefs which most often than not go against societal beliefs and principles. The beliefs of the cult is mostly only understood by members as the general public may view it with contempt while its members are mostly willing to give their lives for the movement they believe. They most times take these cult activities to the extreme.
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Origin of Cultism in Nigeria
The earliest appearance of cultism in the University system was at the University College Ibadan now University Of Ibadan in 1952. It was started by seven individuals reportedly pioneered by Nobel Prize winner Wole Soyinka and six other individuals namely: Ralph Opara, Nathaniel Oyetola, Ikhehare Aig-imokhuede, Sylvanus Egbuchie, Pius Oleghe and Olumuyiwa Awe.
These individuals were collectively referred to as the magnificent seven. They came together to form the first confraternity called Pyrates also known as the National Association of Sea Dogs. This confraternity could be said to have been crafted to look like the fraternities and sororities of North American origin.
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In 1952 Nigeria was still well under the rule of the colonial administration and citizens were treated rather poorly while those of colonial association were wealthy and of great importance. This attitude extended into the educational system as there was a huge gap between the lower and the upper class student. Therefore there was ill and unfair treatment of the less privileged crowd, this oppressive treatment gave rise to the creation of the pyrates confraternity.
The group was made up of a bunch of individuals who were of high academic and intellectual capability. It was intended to be a group whose business was to stand up for the rights of the oppressed and their fights mostly took the form of protests; as they was no known acts of violence carried out by this group at the time.
It had a captain and solid rules that guided its activities which members were expected to adhere to or be kicked out. The seriousness of this rules were shown in 1972 when a group of individuals were expelled from this confraternity for failing to meet up with its high academic stand which was a necessity for membership.
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This club remained the only one of its kind for close to two decades before the emergence of another and the number steadily rose from then on. Presently there are countless confraternities which have extended beyond the varsities and made its way into the primary and secondary school institutions making these confraternities more or less a virus in the country’s system.
The earlier established confraternities seems to have lost its original purpose and the newly established ones seem to be set up for the purpose of perpetrating violent and merciless acts. The members of these groups can hardly be referred as academic or intellectual minds as their works speaks little of such.
Cultism has also extended to the streets as we find uneducated individuals trying to make a good living by applying to be members of a cult group because they believe it is a quick way to gain power, respect and an income. These cultists harass and oppress non-members and are usually responsible for robberies and killings in the environment.
List of Deadly Confraternities In Nigeria
All confraternities in the Nigerian society are considered harmful and dangerous however, there are some who are more feared than others as they are mostly involved in cult clashes.
Supreme Eiye Confraternity/Association of Air Lords
This confraternity is termed the top on the list of most dangerous and deadly groups. Set up in 1965 at University of Ibadan it was first called the Eiye confraternity. Whenever there is a cult clash most often than not Supreme Eiye confraternity is found to be involved. They have a symbol of a black skull with two crossed bones underneath and often tattoo this symbol on their bodies.
At inception this group was reportedly meant to be an agent for internal and external development.
The Black Axe Confraternity/ Aye-Axemen
This group is considered next on the hierarchy of deadly cults. It is the number one rival of the Supreme Eiye confraternity and vice versa. This group is also frequently responsible for cult clashes and subsequently bloodshed. These clashes are mostly with the Supreme Eiye cult. Members are known to carry about deadly weapons and are not averse to using them if provoked. The cult was set up in 1976 in University of Benin for the defense and freedom of the oppressed blacks. However, this cult now appears to have become the oppression it supposedly fought against in the beginning.
Mafia Confraternity/ The family Fraternity-Cosanosyra
The mafia confraternity is also one of the deadly confraternities to look out for. This group is also referred to as the sons of ciaos and is frequently mentioned in reports of cult clashes and killings. From inception it has been crafted to look like the Chicago and Italian mafia and from common knowledge these organizations it was structured after are dangerous criminal outfits. They accept payment to carry out shady activities. There are on the watch list of anti-cult groups as these cultists, have often been termed assassins and therefore dangerous. Members are called mafians and strongly believe in vengeance.
Supreme Vikings Confraternity/De Norsemen Club of Nigeria
This next on the list is the Vikings cult it was established by three students in the University of Port Harcourt in 1982 who purportedly broke out of the buccaneer confraternity. This confraternity boasts of having members in high government offices which according to them guarantees its members a good future after graduation. Initiation is said to occur once in two years. They have street wings of this cult and this group has produced quite a number of outlaws.
List Of Less Harmful confraternities
Kegite Club
This group refers to themselves as a social club rather than a cult. They have hardly ever been known to carry weapons or participate in clashes and violent activities.
The Buccaneers Confraternity/National Association of Sea Lords
Buccaneer confraternity was established by a supposedly expelled member of the National Association of Seadogs (pyrates). It is a clever copy of its mother cult. This cult is considered rather tame; other cults consider them soft and weak. They are called Alora-Sealords and are usually made up of intelligent and well to do students.
History of Female Confraternities in Nigeria
The establishments of female confraternities did not begin until the 1900s and has gradually become popular; maybe not as much as their male counterparts but popular all the same. As the name connotes female confraternities are made up of all-female members. These confraternities usually do not operate independent of the male folk, In other words they have the backing of a male confraternity. They are quite a number of them within the University system. We have the black bra, daughters of jezebel, Viqueens and many more. Female confraternities mostly act as spies for their male counterparts and are involved in set ups and prostitution.
Initiation Into Female Confraternities
Recruitment into female cults can be either voluntary or forced in some cases as has been recorded. At the beginning of every new session cult members male and female are on the lookout for potential candidates to be recruited into their confraternities; their targets being the students newly admitted into the University. These students are regarded as easy prey as they are just getting familiar with the system.
A lot of initiations have been known to take place on and shortly after the matriculation ceremony students are usually warned to control their movements on such days.
The initiation process into female confraternities takes a rather brutal form. They promise power and financial connections however when been weighted with what they undergo to become members it hardly appears to be worth it. Initiation ceremonies are a cruel affair especially for the female confraternities.
Many of them are severely beaten up or placed in unfair combat situations with men and sometimes females. Based on various testimonies of female cult members, the initiation process for females into some cults involves being brutally raped by at least one guy and in worst case scenarios as many five or six men. The females are mostly drugged and in a semi conscious state during this procedure.
This occurrence often marks the beginning of their prostitution affairs. They act as spies and prostitutes as they bring in information of the inner activities and plans of rival cults and lay ambushes for them should the situation warrant it. They have also been known to participate in kidnapping as well as armed robbery.
Black Bra Female Confraternity
This is arguably one of the most popular female confraternity in the country. They are termed a brutal and dangerous bunch. They run prostitution outfits and provide spies for their allied confraternities amongst other things; their symbol is a black bra.
It is not advisable to be a part of any confraternity be it male or female be it deadly or not as the cons far out-weigh the pros. Many have lost their lives and others live to regret their decisions.
This all-female cult is considered the most deadly in Nigeria because they are silent killers. You don’t get to hear their crime in the news because they work underground.
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Jenny Ani
November 13, 2019 at 12:45 PM
how to become a member of the black bra confraternity
April 8, 2022 at 12:10 PM
You stupidity is of the highest rated
Fon Hilary
January 22, 2020 at 5:24 AM
It been a long while since I have wanted this opportunity to come my way.
May 10, 2020 at 2:34 PM
How to become member of supreme Vikings confraternity
June 20, 2020 at 8:59 AM
Be a flamer and ur path shall be lit. Big M with the green beret
March 29, 2021 at 7:30 PM
Whoever wrote this is very clueless and this is all based on hearsay.
Every confraternity on our campuses has a mix of both intelligent, serious minded folks as well as irresponsible troublemakers.
The Pyrates have simply done serious image laundering and still propagate the fake gist that they’re no longer on campuses.
I know many friends who were seadogs when we were on campus.
When they left Uni, they went on to join the external body.
And yes, while on campus, Pyrates were also deadly and carried out hits on campus.
Buccaneers are extremely brutal. When they hit, they hit so you don’t love to tell the story.
They also like the Pyrates have now worked on image laundering even though the likes of Wole Soyinka still tryto discredit them.
Airlords and Black Axe Simply didn’t start to organise outside Uni so they had less control over their campus members and for some bizarre reason, things became loose and there was illegal initiations of street urchins.
Ẹiyẹ is now doing some serious image laundering and lots of reputable members of society who were airlords on campus are organising to do similar to what Buccs and Dogs are doing.
I believe Axemen are doing the same.
Most of these frats have men who are respectable members of society doing great things.
These are the only ones who can bring some order to the chaos that they started.
People like Wole Soyinka should stop trying to criminalise other frats while vindicating seadogs but instead all these elder statesmen should pull together and call their young members to order and do some serious re orientation so these youth don’t waste their futures.
But I still laugh at the trying to present Buccaneers as weak frats.
I know many Buccaneers and they were very rugged.
April 26, 2022 at 9:36 AM
How nah