Topic Of The Day: Why Do Rich Nigerians Marry Only Themselves
Dec 15, 2011 – Topic Of The Day: Why Do Rich Nigerians Marry Only Themselves
This is a very interesting discussion please let’s discuss.
It has become a norm in the Nigerian society for Rich families to exchange children in marital vows.
While few of them, like the case of Olumide Akande and Dakore differs.
The most popular occurrence is that rich people only marry themselves? The Onirus marry the Tinubus. The Odogwus marry the Subomi-Baloguns. The Adenugas marry the Dangotes. The Okoyas marry the Sarakis. The Ojoras marry the Folawiyos. The Kukus marry the Fowlers. Etc etc…
Everytime you see a society wedding, it’s one rich man’s son marrying another rich man’s daughter.
British Prince William married a commoner Kate.
Let’s discuss please share your opinion on this interesting topic.

December 15, 2011 at 3:43 AM
Interesting indeed
i donot know when a thing of love turn to a thing of money
pls they should respect the commandment of love 4once.if a rich lady luv a rich man,no bias!but they should never deny the feeling of poor one
save one btw money and blessing!
December 15, 2011 at 6:18 AM
This is a very good topic to discuss….the rich marrying the rich..making the rich get richer n poor poorer. Each time I look through magazines of such wedding I ask this couple truely love each other. what then happens to the dream of a poor girl beliving that one day his prince charming will come n take her away? This issue is really serious..because it is contributing to the imbalance in our economy…how?..because the money is not is one sideded…the rich get richer! The poor poorer!
December 15, 2011 at 8:15 AM
fret not. Such marriages do they last? IBB’s daugter wed Gov ‘s son-YES, where are d couple today? 2months n 5days marriage. Does the rich train their children morally? Married women being fuck by evrey poossible men. They ve destroyed our society. THEY DONT MARRY COS OF LOVE.
December 15, 2011 at 8:35 AM
That’s why the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer. Selfishness!
December 15, 2011 at 8:51 AM
They marry themselve only to retain d riches within themselves, which is selfishness. In a case like dis, couples, especialy women, dont respect themselves, women dont even cook for their husbands in a marriage like, all dey know is shopping and traveling, ofwhich is not love. Then, d next thing that follows is divorce cos non of them can submit to another cos of wealth. Very bad
Gabriel Nagaba
December 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM
This issue of rich getting marry to rich becomes habitual to them. Why? Because they want to retain there wealth. They don’t want the poor to come up to their standard which is wrong at the other hand. That’s why they always face problems in their marriages. Let them just try to adopt marriage by LOVE and see what will happen in their lives.
December 15, 2011 at 4:19 PM
Evritin abt nigerian’s are so awkward. If the rich marries the poor or average it wil reduce the rate of poverty in nigeria
December 18, 2011 at 11:13 AM
Marriage starts from an association between people. If i had’t married, i will step-up the level of my association. The rich are very hungry and thirsty of love, but where do we meet them? Plz, get the phone numbers of these golden children, make them public and see what happens. We can still cross over.
January 12, 2012 at 2:33 PM
As for me,environment is anoder factor 2 be consider here because dis big people,sends their children overseas & anoder big man sends her child acrose,overseas 4 maybe d oppurtunity 4 them meeting becomes easy.d poor girls should keep dreaming because there turn could be not a mistake but destiny.
olamide g ayorinde
January 15, 2012 at 5:49 AM
d only dif btw rich man nd poor man na money pls riches dnt luk down on poors dey can stil make it “back 2 d question” d reason y riches marry themselves is bcoz of money nd influence yoruba says” omo ta ni she wu” its true!, d rich dnt wnt deir generation 2 suffer dat is y dey ar sufring 4 deir generations hapines nd so dat deir family name wil nt b 4gten everlastin
February 16, 2012 at 3:54 PM
The truth of the matter is that if we can voice it out as in organising conferences at the public places where there will be access for the rich and the poor ones to meet themselves no gate fee charges, or publish handbill, flyers and share it to them the problem will drastically reduce b/c nowadays the rich don’t want the poor ones to drink ordinary water in their compound this is ungodful if we do not do something about it time to come the rich will shoot out bullet directly to the poor i’m not trying to critisize the rich neither the poor b/c nobody knows tomorrow i am a young guy and average rich i believe that oneday i will be on the highest i always like to be passionate to the poor so let the rich parent train their children to show luv and care to the poor and regard their toasting not despising it and vice-versa so that our nation will be a better place to live, to the poor ones work had so u can be rich too by not missing the opportunity (for the rich is not for the strong or the weak nor supperior but God showeth mercy) one love, one heart, one intension.
February 26, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Sorry but there is nothing common about kate. her folks are rich as hell just not royalty. Only poor people ask such stupid questions. Poverty is a mindset. As a graduate of a university will you marry someone who can’t speak english or read?