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Marc Jacobs Trashes New York Post Journalist Maureen Callahan Over Gay Orgy Article

marc jacobs maureen callahan

Oct 28, 2015 – Marc Jacobs Trashes New York Post Journalist Maureen Callahan Over Gay Orgy Article

Popular designer, Marc Jacobs called out a New York Post female journalist over a controversial article she wrote about him having a gay orgy with 10 men he met on dating app, Tindar.

Marc Jacobs wrote Maureen Callahan a very rude open letter yesterday.

The open letter reads:

“Girl, I think I understand your pain. You’re a sick woman. It must be such a sad, unfulfilling and lonely existence to get paid for “writing” (I use the term loosely) an article put together from out of context information “written” by other journalists over a period of time, for different periodicals, in different countries.

I can’t even imagine your suffering having made a life and name working for what has to be the worlds worst, trashiest, and most irresponsible of “newspapers” (LOL)! I can imagine the powerful and fulfilling feeling you must feel with each piece you “write” that helps yourself and your readers feel better about their lives by putting down others who are so fortunate as to have been blessed with a genuine passion for creation.

Those creative individuals who like everyone else has feelings, a sexual appetite, “issues”, character defects, and professional ups and downs. If you were a real writer and not the parasite feeding off of the successes and failures of others I wouldn’t bother writing my thoughts here.

I do feel sorry for you. Please know you are in my prayers. I hope you will someday find something, somewhere that gives you pleasure…and not at another’s expense. Should that moment happen for you, please don’t thank me. I only wish the best for everyone. Even you.

Sincerely and disrespectfully, Marc (Jacobs). #lethimwhoiswithoutsincastthefirststone #youwannacomeforme?”



  1. Austin Ndubisi

    October 28, 2015 at 3:12 AM

    You need to sue her sorry ass. The article is slanderous

    • Saphire

      October 28, 2015 at 7:28 AM

      Did u really read the post very well…..sue her for what kwanu? The perv didnt deny the shamefull argy..but he discribed it as character defect…abi na only me see that part…the dude is a gay FACT.. He was involved in 10 men sex orgy FACT… Maureen is a gossip hot topic journalist…and what she did is her job… So Marc shld go and hide his head on shame……bn gay alone worths his name to be on news…and having sex orgy with 10men is another yuck….

      • bob

        August 17, 2018 at 6:17 PM

        You have no brain

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