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Over 3000 African Migrants Have Drowned In The Mediterranean Sea This Year

3800 african migrants drowns Mediterranean 2016

Oct 26, 2016 – 3800 Migrants Mostly Africans Have Drowned In The Mediterranean Sea In 2016

The UN refugee agency on Wednesday described this year as the deadliest ever for mostly African migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, with at least 3,800 people having drowned.

William Spindler, Spokesman for UN refugee agency, announced the grim milestone in Berlin.

Meanwhile, the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) charity, said more migrant deaths were reported off the Libyan shore on Wednesday.

It said this happened shortly after the European Union’s border and coastguard agency Frontex warned that rescue missions near the troubled North African nation were getting ever more dangerous.

The MSF charity said one of its rescue vessels early Wednesday picked up 25 bodies and 107 survivors from an overcrowded rubber boat some 26 nautical miles off the coast of Libya.

The charity said that a further 139 survivors were on a nearby rubber raft.



  1. Bench

    October 26, 2016 at 9:43 PM

    Is a pity something say this is happens upon us. Big Anty Koks, wetin are you have to say for this news? Also, Fifelomo, wetin is dey your mind? Say am so that some pipuls are lern. Fish have eat many pipuls and fish is still plan to eat again. Is pain.

    • RAPO

      October 27, 2016 at 8:30 AM


  2. Endure

    October 27, 2016 at 3:26 AM

    Africa! Africa! Africa! We have been endowed and blessed with all sort of natural resources to make us great and rich as a continent,but because of the dark mentality of our leaders and their greed,insatiable and unquenchable appetite for wealth and materialism,hundreds of millions of africans have been impoverished and have died as a result.

    Having no other option and choice for their survival and that of their families,many marginalized,neglected and suffering africans had to embark on very risky and perilous journey of crossing the Mediterranean sea using unseaworthy boats to reach european shores in an attempt to seek for better life.

    Unfortunately,many poor africans could not make it leading to the deaths of both young and old in the seabed in their thousands!

    Our african leaders indeed lack shame and the fear of God. And because of their endemic corruption,many of them continue to fly their loved ones abroad to acquire advance education and live a luxurious life using money they’ve looted at the very expense of their citizens that deserve to be care for.

    Until the dark mentality of our african leaders and their corrupt practices have been abandoned,we will continue to be enslaved by the whites even in our home countries at the same time,we will also continue to witness the deaths of many african migrants either in other countries or in the sea.

  3. fifelomo

    October 27, 2016 at 7:39 AM

    A mission of no return again in other to seek for a better life Worth’s it not! Its a pity these people are not ignorance but they are desperate. May thier souls rip.

  4. Big Aunty Koks

    October 27, 2016 at 11:44 AM

    This migration thing is embedded in the mind. It isa status symbol for Africans to say they live abroad and most times people do not want to know how they live abroad. The jobs our people think are too menial for them in Nigeria are the same jobs they do abbroad without complaining. Granted that payment for the services rendered abroad are in hard currency, the things one needs to sustain life abroad are also very expensive….. Electricity, if you have a car and cannot do it yourself maintenance takes a lot of your earnings, if you have children babysitters cost much money, the list is endless. Yet people prefer living abroad so their neighbour’s back home will not see them “struggle life” and not make it here in Nigeria. The truth is they are struggling even more abroad. Many abroad dwellers approach our people visiting those countries and serve as tour guides for payment, those going there to have babies and for other medical care use the services of our “abroad people” for fee.when you ask them where they work normally you get replies like “I am trying to pass nursing exam”.
    Do you then wonder at the Nigerian saying that “to go abroad no hard, na to return?” But the people embarking on these dangerous journeys on the high seas do not have any idea of the realities on ground in those countries. Even when you go in the hope of meeting relatives, you find out that relatives are not as accommodating or as generous as back home. Hunger in a strange land without friend and family support could translate into eating from the dustbin. I just hope there are ways of sensitizing people that it is not all roses abroad so they should look before they leap.
    These avoidable deaths trying to go abroad are just too heart breaking!

    • Metu Nyetu

      October 27, 2016 at 1:56 PM


  5. D Hunter

    October 27, 2016 at 4:43 PM

    The African mentality be like: “I must make it or die trying“

    The hope to find a Greener pasture abroad and ended up in a Blacker pasture to our passionate mourn.
    Its so sad. May their souls RIP.

    I take a stroll…

  6. sola olaniyi

    October 28, 2016 at 7:50 AM

    well said @Bigkoks

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