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Brad Pitt Proposes To Angelina Jolie With A $250,000 Engagement Ring
April 14, 2012 – Brad Pitt Proposes To Angelina Jolie Using A $250,000 Engagement Ring
After many relationship ups and downs and a wait time of 7 full years, Hollywood movie star, Brad Pitt has finally proposed to his girlfriend Angelina Jolie.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Proposal
Brad Pitt proposed to Jolie with a whopping $250,000 Engagement Ring designed by a popular French Jeweler, Robert Procop
Look below for Angelina Jolie Engagement Ring
This engagement news has been confirmed by Brad Pitt’s spokeswoman, Cynthia Pett-Dante
“It is a promise for the future and their kids are very happy. There’s no date set at this time.”
Brad and Angelina started dating back in 2005 and they 6 kids together (adopted and birth).
A big congrats to them.

April 14, 2012 at 2:07 PM
Nawa o,pls dat money cn make a poor girl like me 2 b somebody,y waste it unnecessarily.just 4 ring.pls i dnt like hearing dis type of news.
Gilbert Gladys
April 15, 2012 at 10:37 AM
@Cynthia if u re poor or not isn’t there business. So just be happy for them cos they got d money and is meant 4 spending. So change ur mentality and learn to appreciate others who ve made it in life, cos u don’t no how hard they worked to be there.
hero obiakor
April 15, 2012 at 11:59 AM
am so happy for them
April 17, 2012 at 11:37 AM
Actually the ring cost 500,000 USD nt 250,000. Thank u
emmanuel okani
April 20, 2012 at 12:37 PM
ttank GOD 4 them. We shall all get
olivia uzo
May 3, 2013 at 5:18 PM
I thank God for them am so so happy for them