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Check Out Floyd Mayweather Jr’s $164 Million Wristwatch (Photos)

Floyd Mayweather $164 million wristwatch

March 29, 2014 – Check Out Floyd Mayweather Jr’s $164 Million Wristwatch (Photos)

American boxer Floyd Mayweather has acquired a super expensive 60 carats diamonds wristwatch that costs a whopping $164.

According to TMZ, the boxer paid $1 million down payment to have the wrist watch customized from Russian cut diamonds.

Floyd Mayweather travelled to New York earlier this week to see the wrist watch.

The watch is covered in diamonds, with just the white gold hands and the leather band not made of diamonds.

Floyd also owns the trademark for the wristwatch design.

$164 million wristwatch! is he kidding?

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  1. Toyosi

    March 29, 2014 at 8:27 PM

    Too much money syndrome

  2. Segun Black

    March 29, 2014 at 9:04 PM

    TMT- TheMoneyTeam…I ‘m a big fan. Floyd “MONEY” Mayweather jr is the highest paid athlete in the world…itz hard work, dedication, bb

  3. red

    March 29, 2014 at 10:34 PM

    Yeah ! up you mayweather,All red can see with such amount of money is endless plots of land in the next happening state for the future.I hope the watch came with machine gun and brain in case someone else gets idea of the problem that watch can solve.Is your life and money so enjoy.

  4. Vivipedia

    March 29, 2014 at 10:42 PM

    He could help the poor first

  5. TONYG

    March 29, 2014 at 10:54 PM

    Na ur money….. Do as u like I beg… Wow!….. Glad that red is fully back online….. Welcome back jare…… @ Haters, I know u are all ashamed, d next step is for u all to go hug transformer bcos of red….. Love u red….. Muaaaaaaaaaaaa

  6. red

    March 29, 2014 at 11:13 PM


  7. solar

    March 30, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    tanks vivipedia,wonder hw many hungry people dat can feed,hw many poor children sch fees dat can pay,hw many houses dat can build 4 d wao wht a world of pride,hmmmmmm

  8. D Hunter

    March 30, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    Expensive tho, bt nt as expensive as Beyonce‘s watch 2 her boyfrnd JZ as a gift dat goes 4 $5M.
    Well, all i can c here is just a wrist watch dat tells d ordinary tym.
    D only rzn y i can doll out such a sky-rocketing amount of money just 4 a single w-watch lk dis is whn d w-watch can tell me d exact DATE & TYM Jesus Christ will come.

  9. Emeka

    May 5, 2015 at 12:18 PM

    His watch does not cost $164 million, what is (TMT) Mayweather net worth, please you people are easily mislead, All Mayweathers total earnings before tax where $400 million, with all his spending on exotics cars, private jets and entourages, how on earth did you think he will use over half of his earnings to purchase one wrists watch. The most expensive diamonds stone was sold £23million in auction , which can be used to make 10 of this watch….no brainers .

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