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Dino Melaye Exposed: His Brother-In-Law Confirms Dino Impregnated Bisi Ibidapo
Oct 9, 2012 – Dino Melaye’s Double Life Exposed: His Brother-In-Law Confirms Dino Impregnated Bisi Ibidapo
For the past 24 hours the news of Dino Melaye & Bisi Ibidapo romance have been circulating the net.
Few days after Bisi Ibidapo revealed Dino Melaye as the father of her unborn baby and Dino has responded with an affirmative NO.
Today, Dino Melaye’s brother-in-law, Moses Yommie Fabiyi said he believed Dino Melaye is the man who got Bisi pregnant.
Moses Fabiyi called Dino Melaye an unrepentant liar. He further said his sister, Tokunbo Melaye nee Fabiyi has been managing to cope with the randy honourable’s unquenchable thirst for different women.
Dino Melaye’s Brother-In-Law, Moses Fabiyi Speaks Up
Here is a message from Moses Yommie Fabiyi
Gals! Don’t be deceived by Dino Melay’s lies…nigga is legally married to my sister (Tokunbo Melaye, nee Fabiyi) & they have 3 adorable kids.
Cos I know Dino to be an unrepentant liar.. I believe he got dt lady pregnant…
Why not be a gd man Nd own up then apologise to his wife.
Kudos to my dear Mrs Tokunbo Melaye for taken so much bullets all in the name of loving a man who doesn’t even deserve her.
The luck Dino has is that he married one of the calmest Fabiyi gals
else it would’ve been a different gist totally….
Today, his hidden acts and lies has come in the open and all over the social media… God no dey sleep
What do u call an activist who doesn’t respect the woman he legally married…
What do you call a human right activist who abuses his wife at every chance?
What do you call an activist who lies about his marital status
In one of those tweets, I told Dino Melaye to go fix his home b4 coming to fight our leaders for wrong governance…
Let me freshen ur memory…. Dino Melaye is married to my sister Tokunbo Melaye(nee Fabiyi) who bore him 3 lovely kids.
It’s getting really serious our randy honourable has been exposed.

Prince Hubert
October 9, 2012 at 9:22 PM
wonders shall never end.
Alyce Adeyi
October 9, 2012 at 9:24 PM
if a guy cheats on his wife it means he doesn't luv her.
Raji Abiodun
October 9, 2012 at 10:57 PM
I don't believe dat Alice…..U mite definetly love ur Wife n U can't just do witout Womanizin cos u ave Money….Dino is a Big guy….If trully he's d Fada of d unborn Child….I blive he will claim d Baby later…..But as for Bisi…..I'll still stand on ma feet……SHe's Really a Shame to hasef…..Not person of ha Standard…..Sure…..4get bout onli Dino….Men can do any woman as long as She Agree……So watz d big deal……TILL 2Mao…..I CAN'T BLAME DINO…….Bisi is d Frog dat saw a cool place n wanted to Relax…..She wanted to Park….But no Parkin Space…..
Alyce Adeyi
October 10, 2012 at 9:17 AM
guy if ur wife claims she luvs bt still sleeps wit oder men,dose she luv u?
Yakubu Elazah
October 9, 2012 at 9:24 PM
Time shall tell please, DNA will be the answer.
Atuluku Victor Levi
October 9, 2012 at 9:47 PM
…Make Dino more popular wit all of these crappy stories!!
Dino can decide t marry a second wife…even if he got 10 gals pregnant all at once,it does’nt change d respect a host of us accord him!!
We have only a few people like Dino around…it’s a fact!!
Obochi Samuel
October 9, 2012 at 9:53 PM
Please Dino should be left alone. The girl should be ashamed of herself for befriending a married man. Let her shut her dirty mouth up, give birth to the child and let Dino pick his kid. She is desperate, wicked and a backmailer.
October 9, 2012 at 11:08 PM
@ Atuluku…..U brought d word out from ma Mouth….Surely Dino can decided to Marry even 50 wivez…..He has d Money…..So if dr is notin wrong wit Bisi…She’s d one to ave givin hersef Brain….Coz She’s desperately in Need of a Baby….She naw wanted to hook a Married Man….She wanted a Society Weddin….haha…lol…Why wait till dis time b4 She xpose hasef like dis……Mr Dino I beg SeT dey Ma Boss….lolzzz…..@ Obochi OMG…..U’r Genious….I beg Nobody shud Comment again…..U’VE JUDGE IT ALL n SeeN it All…….She shud stop embarassin Hersef n Her Family……She shud just face aw to Deliva Safely n Pray God deliver her Safely…..As for d Stupid Moses Inlaw……….IS HE TRYIN TO MAKE HER SISTA HAPPY OR MAKE HA SAD……coz I don’t kno his Problem…..Instead of Consolin her Sister…..He’s Writin Rubbish……..ITz a GAME MAN n DINO WiN……
Ekemini Ibitt
October 9, 2012 at 11:48 PM
….Phew….. Jst pasin 9ja by via addis ababa…… Phew….
October 10, 2012 at 1:21 PM
D duo ought 2 bury their shames bcos they ar public figures. Can 2 walk 2geda except they agreed? Any pregnancy without fuck. Bro Dino! … u did d fuck abi?
October 10, 2012 at 6:49 PM
Yworry……..u made some sense and some stupid comments yourself…….. I am Dino Melaye’s neighbour and I totally support the inlaw for what he did to him. Dino has a very bad reputation in the neigbourhood….known for his vicious and abusive nature. It is public knowledge that the inlaws have put up with his BS for many years and the best way to address him is to come to the public.
Do your findings before opening your mouth to pass judgement….Have u read the inlaw’s tweets? is anyone wrong? What makes you think he doesnt have the family’s support and why has Tokunbo responded if she is not consenting?
I am very sure her last tweets supporting her husband were sent under duress going by the neighbour that i know and comparing with her earlier tweets. This is a case of bringing out the demons in his inlaws
Gimbiya Georgina Galadima
October 10, 2012 at 9:34 PM
Fadiya Hakeem
October 11, 2012 at 10:12 AM
This is rubish men!
October 12, 2012 at 10:00 AM
All those involved, need Christ in their lives! If the man is ruled by Christ he would respect his wife and more importantly, God who says married people should stay away from adultery.The girl in question too disobeyed God. She practiced fornication with a married man. Ladies shouldn’t be so desperate! If you are walking right with your maker (God Almighty) He would connect you with your own man that’s yet to be married(bachelor) or a widower. Desist from ruining another person’s home to avoid shame and wrath of God. Accept Christ Jesus into your lives no matter how bad the situation is, He is the only one that help arrange your shattered lives back to order.
Bookie Ayodele
October 25, 2012 at 9:29 AM
D bro inlaw comment dos not add or remove d fact dt dino is a bastard liar,tokunbo is a mumu n bisi is a thief n foolish gal while dos other gals like d syphillis gal if u guy recall n dos other dino fuck mate dt lives at magodo(I know her very very well)so all dis stories r not rumour o,its confirmer which is true so dos 1's r eni nwa ro fo,pple dt wnt free dt will see nothing n if care is not taken will regret.