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Federal Government: No apologies on anti-gay bill

nigeria anti gay bill

Dec 8, 2011 – Nigerian FG: No apologies on anti-gay bill

According to daily time report, the Federal Government, on Wednesday, said Nigeria has the right to democratically make and live by whatever laws it deems fit.

The FG therefore says it has no apologies whatsoever on the proposed anti-gay bill before the National Assembly.

Emerging from a seven-hour Federal Executive Council meeting which was Presided over by President Goodluck Jonathan, the Minister of Information, Labaran Maku told journalists that it was still premature to respond to comments on the proposed Gay marriage bill until it goes through all the processes and is signed into law.

He was speaking in response to comments by different foreign countries, latest of which is the United States.

The United States is concerned about reports of legislation in Nigeria that would restrict expression, assembly or organisation based on sexual orientation or gender identity, a statement issued by the US embassy said.

“The United States believes that all people deserve the full range of human rights and opposes the criminalisation of sexual relations between consenting adults. The United States is watching this matter closely,” the statement read.

Nigeria’s senate had last week approved the bill, which is yet to be voted on by the House of Representatives and signed by President Goodluck Jonathan.

The bill prescribes a 14-year jail term for anyone entering into same-sex marriage or civil union.

Those who abet or aid such unions could also be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, as would “any person who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organisations” – a provision that seems to target gay advocacy groups as well.

The bill also sets out a 10-year sentence for “any person who… directly or indirectly makes public show of same-sex amorous relationships”.

While briefing journalists, Maku noted that Nigeria is an independent and democratic nation and its laws must be guided by its interests and values.

“The truth of the matter is our democracy will be guided by Nigeria’s interest and values and if eventually this becomes law we will live with it,” Maku said.

He however noted that the reported comments by the President of the United States on the proposed law have not fully come to government for a position.


“But let me say this, we live in a democracy, we live in a free country, we live in an independent country and in every democracy as you do know there are institutions, there are laws and also there are cultures, beliefs and there are values in every nation,” he said.

“Relating to the law that is being proposed by the senate… It is a process that is going on normally through the Nigerian legislature; we have not reached that point where it has become law. But even if it becomes law as you do know, Nigeria reserves the rights as an independent nation to live under laws that are democratically passed by the National Assembly.”

Maku said that foreign countries that may not be happy with certain aspects of laws passed in Nigeria were free to express their views concerning whatever law that is passed through the Nigerian legislature, “but at the same time those countries know how democracy works”.

“Like I said the Federal Government has not yet come to a point of commenting on it because it is a legislative process that just passed through only one of the two legislative houses in Nigeria,” he further said.

“If it becomes law I am sure the President would have a position on the matter. Let me make the point clear, our country is an independent country; we reserve the rights to make our laws without apologies to other countries.”

Maku also noted that between Europe, America and Africa, there is a huge culture gap and some of the things that are considered fundamental rights by these countries can also be very offensive to the African culture and “to the way we live our lives here”.



  1. Truth is bitter

    December 8, 2011 at 4:21 AM

    Nigeria government which not listening to America or what ever they called their self, gay is evil, America is going down every day, they want people that will fellow them, Like Nigeria government join the Asia moving train, America don’t have any good think to offer any more, because Obama is an agent of darkness. Unless Nigeria government want to destroy Nigeria then they will listening to any country that is backing evil, where are those countries?, when there is no Road, no water, no Electricity, No job are?. Na God will punish them one by one, asking Nigeria to support man to marry man, woman to marry woman. Why God create Adam and Eve?.

  2. Gabriel Nagaba

    December 8, 2011 at 7:26 AM

    Mr. President, If u call yourself a Christian you better don’t sign same sex as a law in this country.

  3. nora

    December 8, 2011 at 8:15 AM

    yes the truth is always bitter. US is falling that Obama who is a satanis agent will not pull us down too with him. Even the Bible there is no union of man to man, they should respect our independence and know that our culter differs from them. Obama should give free visa to all gays and others to US, thats the best thing he will do, since he will not mind his own business.

  4. sammy

    December 8, 2011 at 11:27 AM

    Let call black a black,Obama are you not a Christian?.l have not seen dat in Bible were man marry man or woman marry woman.for those that doing it is evil thin.repent now.

  5. banwo biodun

    December 8, 2011 at 2:07 PM

    we seem not to get the gist here. America is into many things that if you know will scare you. like one world govt, one world religion and new world order in which the govt of God will become the govt of the evil ones representing Satan and preparing his anti-christ base world-wide. it shocked them to discover that a contry is not following their evil agenda, and seems to be rocking the boat. well, tell them that many civilization had fallen before,no matter how advanced they seemed. america is following the same trend.

  6. Prophet

    December 8, 2011 at 4:32 PM

    Mr. President, If u call yourself a Christian you better don’t sign same sex as a law in this country,Obama who is a satanis agent do not follow him.

  7. Vincent

    December 8, 2011 at 10:58 PM

    U na c hw God dey work pls tell me o obama na christian?

  8. Davien

    April 29, 2013 at 9:21 AM

    America is a polluted nation,it was once founded in christianity until little by little the moral virtues were loosened,1st through pornography in the movie industry 2 stopping prayers in school to legalizing a false sense of freedom(against religion,atheism)to gay nd lesbianism to bestiality(animal sex wit human) and they expect us to follow suite?! 11,498 dead in the US last year due to suicide majorly,nd dey expect us to 4lo suite?! HIV/AIDS spreading rapidly majorly thru gays nd lesbians nd dey want us 2 4lo suite?! Dey mock God,dey think dey are gr8,ancient civilizations 4low’d dis part also,babel,gomorrah,sodom nd fell. N dose civilizations it was the norm(culture/way)to do human sacrifice nd bestiality,nobody knows why most of them collapsed uptil 2day upon how advanced they were. NIGERIA,4LO UR GOD!

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