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how to get good husband to marry nigeria

Naija Mentor

How To Find A Good Husband To Marry In Nigeria – Qualities To Look Out For

how to find a good husband in nigeria

How To Get A Good Husband To Marry In Nigeria – 4 Husband Material Qualities To Look Out For

There is a lot of talk about Nigerian men and their unappealing ways, but it is only fair to bear in mind that Nigerian men, like all other races of men in the world also have their flaws. There are both good and not so good men all around the world.

Getting a Nigerian man who will make a good husband is very much possible if you are willing to shine your eye like they say. When trying to find a Nigerian man who will make a good husband, you should look out for certain qualities.

He Does Not Look Down On You

A Nigerian man who will most likely make a good husband will look at you and treat you like a partner. He knows and acknowledges that you are human and also have thoughts and opinions of your own and he is willing to listen to them. He will not deliberately put you down in public or in private.

He knows and understands that your weak point doesn’t make him any better than you are. He is also not afraid to talk to you and share his aspirations and fears with you. He sees you as his partner and treats you as such.

He Pushes You Towards Greatness

A good husband would want his wife to strife for greatness and pursue her dreams as well. He understands that you are much more than your home making abilities and child bearing hips. He is willing to share his knowledge with you when necessary, to see to your success. A man who will make a good husband should show support and even help you push towards greater heights too.

He Values You

You should have an important place in his life. He should hold you in high regard and respect you not matter what. Relationships bring with it quarrels and misunderstandings but through this, a Nigerian man who will make a good husband will value and respect you enough to never let such situations escalate into physical or emotional abuse. He protects and provide for you to the best of his ability.

how to find good nigerian husband marry in nigeria

He Doesn’t Wander

Now many Nigerian men have been called out for their cheating ways time and time again but this doesn’t make cheating normal. Having a relationship with a man who embraces cheating as a lifestyle is definitely not acceptable. If you have to ward other girls off your man while still in a courtship, it is almost certain this will continue even after marriage. Staying with a man who isn’t mature and responsible enough to make a commitment and stand-by it, is a waste of time.

how to get good husband to marry nigeria

The list is more or less endless, but these are some important things you should look out for. As much as possible, do not ignore red flags no matter how little or insignificant these flags may seem.

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  1. Metunyetu

    February 4, 2020 at 6:02 AM

    SURE! ANY MAN WHO HABITUALLY CHEATS in courtship would do same in marriage. People should do everything to prevent divorce: in this case, by calling it quits before the marriage. You go ahead and marry your cheating boyfriend/girlfriend is a guarantee that divorce is lurking just behind the door of your marriage.

  2. Faye Tomiluwa

    February 4, 2020 at 6:17 AM

    There is no good husband anywhere, men are all the same

    • Metu Nyetu

      February 4, 2020 at 7:01 AM

      GO AND SIT down jareh!


      February 5, 2020 at 4:24 AM

      Madam, abeg, don’t bring your bitter experience to this sacred platform.

      Men are the ROCK to a quality family.

  3. Ajibolaoluwatobi

    February 4, 2020 at 5:26 PM

    Really? There are good men everywhere. Stop generalizing thing.
    PS: I am a Lady

  4. D Hunter

    February 4, 2020 at 6:14 PM

    @ Faye,
    WRONG Perception you‘ve got there I must say.
    We still have some real ALPHA men around that can make good husbands.

    BUT its more difficult getting a real marriageable woman these days you can call a WIFE especially in 9ja.

    I take a stroll…

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