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signs a man is ready for marriage

Naija Mentor

How To Know You Are Ready For Marriage

signs a man is ready for marriage

How To Know You Are Ready For Marriage

The decision on whom to marry is a very delicate one. It is important you make the right choice to avoid making marriage an unpleasant affair. The thought of finding a significant other whom you can partner with through the journey of life is not all about romantic feelings. Marriage goes way deeper than that.

Racing heartbeats and tummy butterflies is sadly not enough reason to tie yourself to someone. Basing marriage on such shallow things is sure to lead to future problems. Finding an ideal husband or wife however the case may be, requires a great level of physical, mental and emotional preparation; building yourself up in these capacities, takes a lot of conscious effort.

Before even courting the idea of marriage as a couple, you may want to find out if you are well and truly ready for the journey ahead.

Below are a few sign which show you’re indeed ready to take on the responsibility of marriage.

How Do You Know You Are Ready For Marriage

These are just a few signs which show you’re on the right track and prepared enough to consider taking the leap into matrimony.

Emotional Maturity

This is perhaps one of the most important pointers to the fact that you are indeed ready. Not only do you both need to be physically and mentally developed, your emotional maturity is very important too. Because this helps you properly handle the challenges marriage will definitely throw at you.

signs a woman ready for marriage

Emotional maturity aids your speedy adaptation to the changes of living in matrimony and co-existing with a whole new person. It keeps you balanced and sane through it all. Emotional maturity helps you exist by yourself and with your partner in the sense that, you both are a team, but have the ability to exist independently too.

You Don’t Have Ridiculous Expectations

You know you are ready to tie the knot when you don’t have to depend on your partner for your happiness. When you stop entertaining the idea that marriage is all you need to make you happy. When you don’t expect your partner to automatically realize what you need or when he/she has done something wrong.

Marriage is hard work even with the right partner. Whatever ideas you have been sold in romance movies, poems and books about love and feelings being enough are simply fantasy. Nursing such expectations is why the divorce rate keeps climbing every day. When you figure this out, then you’re good to go.

Friendship And Trust

Your connection with your partner should be more than on a physical level. You should have an atmosphere where you both talk about everything and anything. Simply put, you should be friends with your partner.

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You both should be able to value each other’s opinions and thoughts, plan and walk towards goals together. You should enjoy each other’s company and your own company as well. Your trust in each other should be solid as well, because it makes no sense marrying someone whom you cannot give your trust to.

You Complete Your Self

Marriage is about two whole people coming together to complement each other and not two half humans coming together to complete each other. Before you take the leap into marriage, you should be in tune with yourself and what you want out of life; else you may lose yourself along the way.

You should love and appreciate who you are and know expressly what you are worth. You should not stay empty and unsatisfied waiting for someone else to fill you up. You should already feel whole and satisfied with yourself.

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  1. Kingsley Ogubor

    February 4, 2020 at 6:41 AM

    none can ever be ready for marriage. Couple should only learn how to tolerate each other

  2. James Kuno

    February 4, 2020 at 6:50 AM

    am not comfortable with the 2nd interracial couple. Not a good match

  3. D Hunter

    February 4, 2020 at 6:37 PM

    @ James, U are not far from the truth sha. I share in your observation too.
    I think they were just used as reference couple and not real couple.
    However, while one is looking like something from the Moon, the other is looking like somebody who uses ‘KIWI‘ for body cream.

    I take a stroll…

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