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Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria

Kano Central Mosque Attack: 4 Boko Haram Gunmen Stoned To Death, Others Escaped

boko haram gunmen stoned to death

Nov 28, 2014 – Kano Central Mosque Attack: 4 Boko Haram Gunmen Stoned To Death, Others Escaped

Out of the 15 gunmen who attacked Kano Central mosque today, 4 died while others who sustained serious injuries fled from the scene.

According to Police investigations, 2 suspected Boko Haram suicide bombers blew themselves up inside the mosque today while 15 gunmen opened fire on those trying to escape the attack inside the Grand Mosque, attached to Sanusi’s palace.

The coordinated attack that lasted for over 30 minutes with no police intervention killed 92 worshipers with 126 others injured.

Police confirmed this afternoon that 4 of the 15 gunmen were stoned to death by a mob while they were trying to escape.

The attack happened around 2 pm on Friday.

May the souls of the victims rest in peace.



  1. empro

    November 28, 2014 at 7:52 PM

    god punish dis pple

  2. mama T

    November 28, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    God pls have mercy o

  3. jamilbarda

    November 28, 2014 at 8:15 PM

    God most difinately deal wit dis wicked bastard.

  4. Excel

    November 28, 2014 at 8:18 PM

    This boko haram issue is getting more serious everyday, Lord Jesus please help ur children, come to our rescue

  5. ugochi

    November 28, 2014 at 8:34 PM

    let the anger of God come more upon them. so that the 3 country will go their way rubbish.

  6. anon

    November 28, 2014 at 9:35 PM

    And some people still say Jonathan is not at fault. If Jonathan is not behind boko haram, what has he done to stop attacks so far? He is aiding and abetting boko haram sponsors. This is so unfair to Nigerians. Having a leader who is more interested in campaigning for 2nd term than preservation of lives of the citizens. Every day masses are being bombed and gunned down by this devils under the guise of religion. The world has lost count of the number of deaths resulting from this insurgents. it is no longer ‘news’ as it has almost become a daily routine. Is Jonathan and his Government going to sit back and watch the whole nation killed? God help us. The WORST President ever. When his family become targets, he may take action then. God-forsaken president

  7. ibrahim musa

    November 29, 2014 at 1:45 AM

    wat is ugochi saying? U call that anger of God??? Wat an ignorance, has eyes bt can’t see, ears but can’t hear, Pls if u av nothing important 2 say put ur tongue behind ur teeth. Wat do u mean anger of god on who? One thing i know for sure is one day all these will come to light nd the truth will be known.

  8. ugochi

    November 29, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    it has been the turn of catholic and other christians for years back they killed the blood of annocent and they are crying in the widerness so the judgement of God are upon them and they can’t go free from it. the anger of God are speaking

  9. awaja

    November 29, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    Hope say nobi another innocent ppl dem stone to death/?And almighty sanusi wasn’t around ! Are u sure he don’t have pre-knowledge of d attack!!

  10. Jekwu Bethel

    November 29, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    THIS IS AN EVIL ACT. but waitoo where are those mallams and imams ? Where are the northern leader ? Where are those who said that terrorist are not moslems ? I have dis questions for you. Who bomb de mosque ? Where are they from ? Are they not worshipers ? Was dis attack carried out by christern youth ? Please i nid de answer

    • gan

      November 29, 2014 at 5:07 PM

      your answer please, did christian attack a christian and says that is the teaching of his religion to kill his fellow christian brothers in their place of worships and just kill innocent for nothing?

  11. omo sexy

    November 29, 2014 at 5:07 PM

    Jekwe bethel or wat do u call urself? U are so ***, don’t u use ur common sense.y on earth will u fink dos bastard called boko haram are moslem. I tink u are ***.

  12. Oga

    November 29, 2014 at 10:27 PM

    How can boko haram people bomb there self and cal jonathan names was he there in the mosque?

  13. suleman

    November 30, 2014 at 7:01 AM

    BOKO HARAM IS A MANIFESTATION OF A LONG TERM PLAN OF OUR NORTHERN LEADERS. Before GEJ i could remember there was a muslem sect called MAI TATSINE who where behind them is it GEJ? where was he? who was GEJ by then?was he the who brought islamic sharia that coursed disaster to many lieves. pls answer those questions with honesty without perciality. Northerners let us shine our eyes welwel, team ourself to face the reality.when they started their operation on christians in 80tis majority of muslems where happy when they burned people,churches,properties and religious leaders started to sensitise people about the importance of tolerance. Northern politicians greedness will not allow you to progress any more because you messed the valuable opportunity or tenurer that he has given you. you have lost your intergrety before the world and EVERY responsible PERSON. REMEMBER YOU STARTED WITH OLESEGUN OBASANJ, ONLY THAT HE WAS NOT KANWAN LASA AND HE IS WISER THAN YOU. YA YADA KWALLON MANGORO YA RABU DA KUDA AND HE WAS A BIT SAFE. NOW THAT GEJ COULD NOT GO BY YOUR BAD INTENTION YOU SAID HE IS BEHIND BOKO HARAM. DO THE WORDT YOU DO GOD IS WATCHING YOU.

  14. Rita Iornumbe

    December 1, 2014 at 8:46 AM

    Please our Father in Haven,Come for our rescue or else will we all die. For we knew your hands are not on this case we are facing. Please God come for our rescue through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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