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Photos: Meet Marie Holmes, Single Mother Of 4, Winner Of $188M Powerball Lotto In North Carolina

single mother powerball jackpot lottery

Feb 16, 2015 – Pictures: African American Single Mum Of 4 Wins $188M Powerball Jackpot Lottery In Shallotte, North Carolina

Meet Marie Holmes, Single Mother Of 4, $188Million Powerball Lottery Winner In North Carolina

Meet 26-year-old Marie Holmes, a North Carolina-based woman who recently won a whopping $188 Million in Powerball Jackpot lottery.

The single mother of four was among the 3 people who won $564 Million Powerball jackpot recently.

The young woman based in Shallotte who claimed her prize on Thursday consulted with lawyers and financial expert in order to safe guard the winnings.

Marie Holmes said she quit her jobs at McDonald and Wal-mart to take care of her 4 children, one of whom is battling cerebral palsy.

On how she’ll spend the money, Miss Holmes said she will give to her church, buy a new house and set up college funds for her children.

She took home $127 million after taxes.

Two other winning tickets were sold in Puerto Rico and Texas.

She is the first person to come forward to claim the money.

Whaoooo , she is set up for life. Hope she can manage it properly.



  1. Dauda

    February 16, 2015 at 10:34 PM

    Marie go and put hte money at a reputable bank and forget about the lottery. If u put it in your head, it might cause u to misbehave

  2. Lexxy

    February 16, 2015 at 10:38 PM

    I wish to get a chance to cross over to US I need to win powerball before I die

    • priscilla

      February 16, 2015 at 10:54 PM

      There is nothing special about that country

    • Metu Nyetu

      February 17, 2015 at 11:24 AM

      @Lexxy, wat guarantees ur winning dat powaball lotto if u get 2d US?

  3. Jacob Flow

    February 16, 2015 at 11:03 PM

    @ Priscilla if there is nothing special about the US you will not make comment, Your comment make it more special…. Move around and you see what is special.. don’t be too used to the village life style…

  4. Uzoma

    February 17, 2015 at 3:37 AM

    Thank you Jacob Flow. It is only those who don’t move around that will make comment like Priscilla. Get a reputable job after getting your education, move around and see Nigerians in good positions on their job, visit places and see wonders both under and above the ground, visit manufacturing places and see the wonders of science and engineering and one will know there are something special about the developed countries. It is people’s attitude to work (dedication) that make it wonderful. Some people will say there is nothing special about US for a reason best known to them.

  5. funmilola

    February 17, 2015 at 6:04 PM

    congratulations to you and your family.

  6. Philip Gamil

    February 25, 2015 at 3:11 PM

    Miss Marie can you give a special donation to the victim of Yolanda (Typhoon Hyan) in Philippines…

    Thank you very much

    • EB

      July 13, 2015 at 7:11 PM

      Philip Gamil…Really, there are a lot of people in the US that needs help. Why should she send money over to the Philippines. Really…Damn you got to be sick to ask her something like that.

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