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US Olympics Doctor Larry Nassar Sentenced To 175 Years For Sexually Assaulting Olympians
January 24, 2018 – Michigan Sports Doctor Sentenced Up To 175 years In Prison For Sex Assault On Injured Olympians & Athletes
US Olympics Doctor Larry Nassar Sentenced Up To 175 Years Jail Term For Sexually Assaulting Injured Olympians
Dr Larry Nassar, a Michigan based Olympics doctor was today sentenced to 40 to 175 years in jail for sexually assaulting injured gymnasts and other young women.
After a 7-day hearing witnessed by over 150 victims and their families, Larry was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison by Judge Rosemarie Aquilina.
Victims made riveting statements in a courtroom in Lansing Michigan today while confronting Dr Larry Nassar who worked at Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics.
Nassar who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting 7 females in Lansing between 1998 and 2015 was accused of molesting his patients while they were on a table seeking help for various injuries.
The disgraced doctor also has a 60-year prison sentence for several child pornography crimes.

January 25, 2018 at 12:15 AM
Judge is female obviously. Thats automatic feminism that sends this guys to jail forever. He will die in prison. There is no doubt about that, even if he files for parole or leniency.
His sentence is worst than the so called “terrorists”. Those ones only get 35-40yrs max. As much as this doc deserves this, this could have been avoided by having female doctor handled female olympians. Make no mistake, those females enjoyed it all those years until they realized they could get monetary compensation if the doc could be persecuted. It is all about money.
Sorry doctor, join the league of Bernie Madoff, and i am sorry for your family.
January 26, 2018 at 2:04 PM
My stern advise for those of you who are only looking for the goodness of America, there are other negative aspect you don’t want to experience. In America you can be on the top of ladder in a minute and in another minute you might end up being in jail for the rest of your life. You really need to tread it softly when you live in this Country.
Sometimes ago, I met this Nigerian guy who happens to be a Medical Doctor from Nigeria. He came here to continue where he left off in Nigeria. I told him this is a good step for you and with your profession as a Medical Doctor you will be financially okay and be able to make enough money for yourself but I told him, I said brother, be careful about your job because in this Country you can be easily rope in for sexual misconduct and that may cripple your carrier and your entire life.
I personally advised him that if he wants to attend to any female patient let there be a female nurse with you because when it comes to law suit, it’s going to be her word against your word and they will always believe her statements over yours but if there is a witness who is your female assistant, you have a good chance that you will be vindicated. He really thanked me for this little piece of advise. Just as Amanda said it is all about money. Most of these accusers are just looking for a way to make quick money.