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Actress Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha: “Why I Married My Husband Secretly”

chioma akpotha husband

May 18, 2013 – Actress Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha: “Why I Married My Husband Secretly”

Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha is one of the popular Nigerian actresses, who has done quite well for herself in the industry since she joined in 2000. With over 50 movie roles to her credit in the last 13 years, the actress recently joined the world of producers with her debut flick, On Bended Knees. She spoke to Movie Moments’ Mutiat Alli on her life, people’s perception of her been arrogant and her hubby.

How do you feel as a new entrant into the world of production?

I can’t really explain how I feel because this a dream I have nurtured for so long and seeing it come to reality is just like a dream come true to me and perhaps the reception has been immeasurable considering the fact that it is my first major production as a producer.

What actually prompted your decision to turn producer over night?

I want to correct that impression of me turning into a producer over night simply because I have been in the industry for quite an age now and for me to produce a movie of my own is just to let the world understand the fact that even been an actress; I can as well turn out to be fantastic producer and that has been my dream for a very long time.

On Bended Knees is directed by good hands; what formed your choice of selection?

I feel they both understood what I was looking out for in the production of the movie; so having Emem Isong and Lancelot Imasuen as my directors is the greatest thing that happened to me because they both believed in my dream. Even at the time of giving up on the production; they were both there to encourage me and at the end of it all I was able to have a fantastic movie.

What is the movie all about?

On Bended Knees is a movie very dear to my heart. It’s a captivating story of a young and vibrant man who relegated his duties as a husband and the man of the house to the background. His wife, ignored and lonely, finds comfort in the company of her boss. It is discovered that the wife is having an affair with her boss and things take a new twist. This story happens every day even in the midst of the “seemingly” perfect relationships. It’s a movie every home should have and watch.

Considering when you started in the industry; what is your view on the standard of movies been produced in Nigeria presently?

Well professionally, I started acting in 2000 and there is a far difference between the kind of films produced now and back in the days; I can authoritatively say it loud and clear that the Nigerian movie industry has been impressive considering the kind of equipments we now use in shooting our movies. Also, we have been able to meet up with international standard. I believe the sky is our starting point and definitely not our limit.

You have managed and maintain an almost scandal free reputation; how have you been able to manage this?

I feel it has been the grace of God because we all are not created perfect and as such we just manage to be our self and be of the best behavior.  I just feel being an actor opens you up to controversies, scandals and all that. Maybe I’ve just been lucky.

You turned 33 just last month. Looking ahead, what do you hope to have achieved by your next birthday?

I hope that by my next birthday, I would have done another movie and grown from this level. There is no stagnancy in the industry. If you don’t see an actor for a period of time in movies, it doesn’t mean they are not doing something. Some are directing, some are producing, some are rebranding. There is no dry moment. For me, I want to move to another level by my next birthday.

As a married woman, what has marriage taught you?

I have learnt a lot from been a married woman because it only take the Grace of God for two people who are completely different to stay together for the rest of their lives. One major thing I have learnt is patience and perseverance. One needs to tolerate one another.  I and my husband not just see ourselves as been married; we are also friends.

Much has not been said about your husband; how will you describe him and why haven’t we been seeing you two together?

I have got the best husband as a friend and the father of my children; he is loving, caring and has been supportive of my career and for not seeing him around me; it’s our mutual agreement to make our marriage private. We are happy and our source of joy been our children.

What is that one impression that people have about you and you would like to correct?

Definitely it’s going to be on this issue of me been arrogant which I know I am not; I strongly believe in the saying that you don’t judge a book by its cover. I guess people of that impression are people who don’t know me or aren’t closer to me. I am not arrogant.

[Interview culled from Movie Moments]



  1. Kapy

    May 18, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    So, how do u knw dat ppl is say.n about ur arrogancy and why do u have to pin-point it if u are not. I have someone close to u and ur record from her is bad. Dear, change

  2. Roy

    May 18, 2013 at 4:20 PM

    Chioma, I think you should put to thought that impression people have about you, so you can have a turn around in the right direction, else, it will affect you in future and even in marriage. Dont carry arrogancy into marriage.

  3. Amaka

    May 18, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    Roy, i think u are getting it wrong.. U n i knws dat chioma is a God fearing actress n dat she is not arrogant. Pple should go n hustle to b celebrities rather dan criticising others(be wise)

  4. Ikegod

    May 18, 2013 at 10:52 PM

    Weda gud or bad so far as u re a star ppl must say a lot abat u bt always b ursef nd do wat is rigt dats all

  5. Benidicta onye

    May 19, 2013 at 6:11 AM

    Chioma u were one of my favourite actress, not until u disappeared. U were so different from others; acting decent roles, dressing different. About u being arrogant, don’t give listening ear to that, I believe nobody is 100% perfect. Just do ur thing, don’t allow them discourage u. Congratulations!!! on ur new proffession.

  6. Concern friend

    May 19, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    come on chioma you know you are too arrogant right from the days when you were in unilag,i remember you treating a frd of yours so badly just becos of a sily mistake she really need to change because its written all over you even before you became so known,i think its something in-born in you.i hope it doesn’t ruin you.

  7. chogwu

    May 19, 2013 at 3:34 PM

    abeggy bon dat tin, the time u were on d gulder ultimate search comp. ur character dere showed d world dt ur an arrogant woman, and a qaurelling type, so my dear nothing u’ll say nw will change our mind abt u.

  8. candy

    May 19, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    it no really easy dear, you are trying !!!

  9. Philomena ibiang

    May 19, 2013 at 6:52 PM

    U re indeed a great woman

  10. Nenye

    May 20, 2013 at 1:41 AM

    If she has lived peacefully wt her husband al dese while wtout any scandal whtsoeva, den i dnt tink she is arrogant. Infact she dosn’t strike me as smone dat is arrogant, Chioma is my best nollywood actress

  11. Happiness n

    May 20, 2013 at 9:01 AM

    I guess thats y she is scandal free actrss,so my dear if my guess is right jst keep being arrogant.ur the most modest actress both in the movies nd media.


    May 20, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    Kapy and Roy remember that when you are pointing an accusing finger on somebody, u should know that the rest of the four fingers are pointing back at u. This signify that your own case is even the worse. so, chief advisers (kapy & Roy)look before u leap. If my decent actress Chioma is arrogant, it means, she is given to some of you in the society back to what you have been given to her.So CHI-CHI BABY dont mind them pls.They are just jealous. Ilove u and I love ur movies too. pls carry-gooo………….

  13. Onyinyechi

    May 20, 2013 at 11:32 AM

    dear i love u alot; infact, u ar 1 if nt d only responsible actress nollywood could boast of.. N wat is arrogance?… As far as am concerned there is no arrogance n self disipline, even if its 2ru dat u ar arrogant, tell me WHO IS PERFECT?

  14. bassey nna

    May 20, 2013 at 2:18 PM

    Your reason is not good enough for that….

  15. Amos atabor

    May 20, 2013 at 4:21 PM

    As 4 me i dont hv anythin to say abt ha 4 bein arogant bcoz i havn’t c anytin bad in ha. Infact she is my best actress. One tin in dis lyf is dat wether u do gud or bad ppl must talk abt u. Enjoy ur lyf jare

  16. ene

    May 21, 2013 at 9:00 AM

    I dnt like u becourse u r arrogant.

  17. Beauty

    May 23, 2013 at 8:17 AM

    How do u knw dat peopl describe u as an arrogant n deceptive lady? I wil advice amend ur ways by making dem 2 knw d true u.

  18. uyi

    May 24, 2013 at 10:33 PM

    Yea @ chogu gulder ultimate search says it all.chioma is xceptionally nt saying this to dent her image bt she shuld work on dt flaw so she can b who she wanna b

  19. Mercy

    May 30, 2013 at 1:19 PM

    Dear Nenye, that she is living peacefully with her husband does not mean she is not arrogant. I am one of the fans who love her to pieces because of her decency. Truth be told, she really portrayed her arrogance in that ‘Ultimate Search’ thingy. I mean using marital status to abuse a fellow woman (Muma G) was a no,no for me. You owe us ladies an apology for that mistake.
    Chioma dear, do not wait until someone comes closer to you before he or she knows that you are not arrogant, please try and let us know that you are not arrogant even from a distance. Just work on that, it would help you go far in life. It’s your choice though!

  20. PHILO

    June 4, 2013 at 1:24 PM


    • Ugonna

      July 10, 2013 at 9:26 AM

      Chi Chi, you are one of the actresses I respect so much. Your mode of dressing speaks much about you. Keep it up babe. Whether arrogant or not, you are loved.

  21. Gloria

    July 29, 2013 at 4:41 AM

    Hmmn. I remember what I was taught as a little girl…”if you cannot say something nice about somebody then please keep quiet”.You don’t have to be heard (read)always. Learn to be sensitive to how you make others feel, PEOPLE. Remember the golden rule “do unto others as you would have them do to you”. Those of you accusing Chioma Akpotha, surely, I can bet that you are not PERFECT.Please stop this “pull him / her down syndrome” on these pages. It does not tell well of your personalities at all. May God help our hearts in Jesus’ name, Amen!

  22. lilian

    October 3, 2013 at 5:33 PM

    Chioma is just pricipl”ed ,and she tries to put people in their places which is agood thing

  23. Tonby

    May 9, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    People have reasons (whether good or bad) to justify their beliefs. From the very first time i saw Chioma on the screen, she looked decent. Being in the movies, is like being in school – the longer you are there, the more experience you are and the higher your level. A person of her class, who got married without the hullabalu that’s in vogue, one who has also tried to keep her marital affairs private and at a young age at day – 33yrs. If Chioma is arrogant, then i will say, she’s maritally arrogant. The love backing her is making her arrogant; and that’s “good arrongance”. Ride on girl, you are loved.

  24. Ehi

    July 4, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    Chioma, just kindly place ur kids N hubby’s pixs 4 us to see ooo.

  25. Egejuru blessing oge

    October 9, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    Plz evryone of us has one weaknesses or d other,u dat is pointin finger @ smone wat is ur own weakpoint.I beg CHIOMA hs been my best actress Eva .plz kip it up don’t listen to side talks .dey shud remove d plank in dir eyes bfor removin d pin in someone own eyes .

  26. vina

    February 16, 2015 at 4:48 PM

    Judges u’ve all jugded well!!! But remember ‘judge not that u may not be judged’

  27. venah chikunise

    February 18, 2015 at 9:07 PM

    u’r the best.thats al that matters arrogant or not i like yr style.

  28. Ruth Igben

    April 7, 2015 at 11:14 AM

    I dont really think she is arrogant cos if she is ,she would’nt av been able to stay in marriage for this long .do u knw wat it means to get married at a very tender age nd maintain it. We knw some people in these same industy who got married at her present age but still could not stay even up to a year so haters pls live her alone we love her like that.CHI.BABY carry go

    • emmy

      September 14, 2015 at 3:18 PM

      Chioma pls don’t give ears 2 what they are saying,i just lyk d way u do ur tin. U are different frm oda pple, Who God has blessed no one can curse. Just ride on chioma,i’m behind u.

  29. Maabak

    April 4, 2016 at 10:01 PM

    I’ve been looking for the opportunity to speak with you chioma. Your decency is the only sustainability making me to watch films produced by Nollywood actress. I like you, your style. Though some may have oda impression about you. But nobody can really know you more than yourself

  30. Benson Peter

    April 6, 2016 at 10:43 AM

    If someone does not cruticis you that means you are nothing in this world of today, u can’t start praising the beaauty of a house outside without checking inside first.
    I love everything about you

  31. aishat

    December 14, 2016 at 12:12 PM

    hmmm…nawa o

  32. aishat

    December 14, 2016 at 12:13 PM


  33. naija

    June 2, 2018 at 5:02 AM

    Chioma meh chiomaaaaaaaaa…

  34. Happy

    January 12, 2019 at 11:06 AM

    I love you so much chioma . You are my number 1 actress and concerning you being an arrogant person I don’t think so cause your decency and innocent look says it all. Wish to watch a new movie of yours. God bless you!!!

  35. Happy

    January 12, 2019 at 11:07 AM

    I love you so much chioma . You are my number 1 actress and concerning you being an arrogant person I don’t think so cause your decency and innocent look says it all. Wish to watch a new movie of yours. God bless you!!! U

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