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Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria

Boko Haram Plans To Attack Lagos & Ibadan

boko haram attack ibadan lagos

Article updated June 19, 2012 – Boko Haram Plans To Attack Lagos & Ibadan Soon – Yoruba Group Warns

This wake up alert is not intended to cause panic or any form of chaos. It’s aimed at making a security wake up call to every Nigerian especially those in the peaceful South-Western states.

According to reports from trusted sources, Boko Haram is planning to carry out a major deadly attack in Lagos and Ibadan very soon.

While some reports state next week, we at believes this deadly blood-thirst Jihadists can strike any moment from now.

You can assume Lagos and Ibadan while the attack is carried out in other state (Let’s all be security-conscious).

All south-western state must gird-up their security belt and be at alert.

Do you remember a scene that happened around Bodija market in Ibadan? where an Hausa man attacked a Yoruba Police Officer with knife then a group of them later attacked a police station near Bodija setting the inmates free.

It’s a sign that should not be taken lightly.

Here is an news report from Pan Yoruba Group, Apapo Oodua Koya (AOKOYA).

Boko Haram Warning Message From Apapo Oodua Koya Yoruba Group

Apapo Oodua Koya, (AOKOYA) said today that it has “trusted” information that Boko Haram, the dreaded extremist Islamic group, is likely to attack Lagos and Ibadan in the next few days or in the month of July.

Boko Haram thinks the best way to get attention is through sustained attacks, but the surest way to dominate national discuss and stir critical opinions is to take the battle to the country’s economic hub, which is Lagos and Ibadan,” the group said in a statement in Ibadan signed by its Secretary for Internal Affairs, Alhaji Mufatau Adedoyin. “That is the new thinking of the Boko Haram leadership.”

AOKOYA expressed regret that the political leadership of the South West has no concrete plans to curtail the “almost inevitable” suicide bomb attacks that the Islamic group may unleash on the largely urbanized Yoruba region.

It said that the frequent activities of Boko Haram in Kogi State, plus last weekend’s bomb attacks on Kaduna city are clear indications that cities in South West Nigeria must be prepared for their own dose of suicide attacks from Islamic fundamentalists pushing for sectarian leadership of the country.  The group described the bombing of ECWA church in Kaduna as a calculated attack on the Yoruba people, as they are the most notable worshipers in ECWA churches across the country.

Said the statement: “We have intelligence information that Boko Haram will attack the largely vulnerable Yoruba cities on or before the month of July this year. We fear the carnage that will result from violent attacks on Yoruba cities.

It is naive to assume that Boko Haram will spare Lagos, Ibadan, Warri or any of the Yoruba cities. At present, the Yoruba political leadership relies on the Nigerian Police and the State Security Service, (SSS). These groups are too polarized, corrupt, inept, politicized, ill-motivated and hunted by low morale to be able to offer any hope for the Yoruba people.”

AOKOYA, which describes itself as a Yoruba self-determination group, noted that as Nigeria inches towards 100 years of the forceful amalgamation of the country by imperial lords, “the dissolution of the country should be a natural expectation given the tear, sorrow and blood” that has been Nigeria’s story since 1914.

“There cannot be any redeemer for a nation that is destined and designed to collapse,” it said. “We urge the Yoruba people to rise up and work hard to ensure minimum casualty in our search for the inevitable Oduduwa Republic. We seek alliance with the Middle-Belt, Igbos and the South-South, for the greater future of a traumatized population that have been pushed into the cesspool of underdevelopment, hunger and starvation in the hands of a hateful social and political system that offers nothing but destruction and the spilling of human blood.”

Calling for the assistance of the international community to Nigeria “to prevent the carnage that may arise from the inevitable break-up of the country,” AOKOYA said the bombings will not abate simply because the social and political contradictions of a diverse, plural society being forced to live under one law and value has reached its breaking point.

“The issue is no longer whether the country will break-up, the real issue now is when and how,” the statement said.  “The people face the grim reality of either a violent break-up or ceaseless confrontation with blood and anguish in the hands of extremist forces.”

We are to be on-guard. Boko Haram must be defeated by fire by force

We don’t have to wake until they attack us before we do something.

Nigeria Needs Support From The International Community To Defeat Boko Haram

The Federal Government Of Nigeria needs to let go of pride and seek open help from the international community before Boko Haram get completely out of control.

Do you know Boko Haram has ties to Al-qaeda

Most of their Militants are now being trained by senior Al-qaeda terrorists.

We even learnt some of them are living comfortably in mansions provided by top Boko Haram sponsors in Northern Nigerian States.



  1. Jayejeje

    June 19, 2012 at 5:06 AM

    Ejo o o,pls dn’t allow them 2 perform der deadly act her o o,pls o o,i know that by God grace day we not be able 2 perform it her. But i still day beg o o o,ejo o o,nobody won die o o

  2. evelyn

    June 19, 2012 at 5:58 AM

    Na wher their plans go fail b dat.who dey decieve them say de go fit atak Lagos nd Ibadan nd go scor free. We dey wai!!

    • Evelyn G

      June 19, 2012 at 6:20 AM

      Only wif our eyes shal we bhld nd c rward of d evil. @JAYE,u don’t dialogue wif a cow simply u wnt 2 eat meat. Cows r ment 4 comsuptn purposes. Consume them!!! Our God is not asleep.


    June 19, 2012 at 12:36 PM


  4. Agboola Elizabeth

    June 19, 2012 at 5:01 PM

    Their plan shall not be successful.The word of d Lord says No weapon fashioned against us shall prosper&any tongue dt rises against us shall be condemnd.God’l not allow their evil plan 2 succeed.

  5. richard

    June 19, 2012 at 8:55 PM

    lolzzz…. Una commentz just dey bust my belle wit laughter. If boko harah show u just a sign, omo na pray u go pray make dem no do d real tin o. Anyway! Letme leave u wit an advice….’just pray dat God should fight for hs children, nd make our enemies to turn again themself’ na we weh dey for north go tel una how brutal dis people be o. May God help nigeria!

  6. Mrs Bukar

    June 20, 2012 at 2:16 PM

    every thing has limit,it is a wake up call to all Muslim youth, boko haram is anti islam, extending it to south-west is a serious mistake.

  7. Aos

    June 21, 2012 at 8:52 AM

    D bible says “d bowl of d wicked man shall be broken” nd it also says “thus says d lord,d thought shall nt stand nor come 2 pass” oh God according 2 ur word,arise nd fight 4 us in dis nation,deliver us frm dis stupid group called boko haram ooo

  8. saint stephen

    June 27, 2012 at 4:03 PM

    It is only God dat will help naija in d hand of dis dreaded people kuld BOKO HARAM.Bcos if they decide 2 enter lag,my people we can wage dem.Na only God we go dey beg 2 protect us.if we rely on our security,we are finished

  9. saint stephen

    June 27, 2012 at 4:08 PM

    It is only God dat will see us through in dis country in d hand of dis dreaded Boko Haram

  10. Seun

    August 4, 2012 at 2:19 AM

    Mr jonathan is not man of himself because what is dere for shame unto him

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