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Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria

Boko Haram: Suicide Bomber Caught By Vigilant Crowd

kaduna boko haram suicide bomber

April 27, 2012 – Boko Haram: Suicide Bomber Caught By Vigilant Crowd

One of Boko Haram‘s suicide bombers who bombed the Kaduna office of ThisDay Newspaper has confessed.

He threw the bomb and was trying to escape but was caught by a mob and handed over to the police.

Why We Bombed Newspaper Office – Boko Haram

According to Boko Haram Spokesperson, Abul Qaqa
We have repeatedly cautioned reporters and media houses to be professional and objective in their reports. This is a war between us and the Government of Nigeria; unfortunately the media have not been objective and fair in their report of the ongoing war, they chose to take side.

”Some reporters are aware that I am Abul Qaqa, they know my voice through our long interactions and they also know the role of Abu Darda who heads the enlightenment committee and sometimes facilitates interviews; yet they (media) go by the unsubstantiated view of government that Abul Qaqa is in custody and I am the new spokesman or number two,” he said.

“Another issue was the recent kidnappings in the north; we were clear with our position as a group during a teleconference with reporters but we were shocked the next day when newspaper headlines added a lot of things which I never said during that interview.”
 “Another example is the recent video posted on YouTube by our Imam; I challenge every Nigerian to watch that video again. There is no place our imam either said he will crush President Jonathan or issued an ultimatum to the government in Nigeria; but nearly all papers carried very wrong and mischievous headlines.

Why We Bombed ThisDay Office

 “It is not only THISDAY that has been engaged in negative media campaign, fictional stories and constantly promoting fake stories by the JTF to give an impression that they are making headway against us yet there is no time the media investigated further as an objective and responsible bystander in this war.
“But the sins of THISDAY are more,” he said.
“They once insulted the Prophet Mohammed in 2001 and we have not forgotten. They recently said our Imam executed me which is false. Here I am speaking to you, I am alive and healthy.”
“We have just started this new campaign against the media and we will not stop here, we will hit the media hard since they have refused to listen to our plea for them to be fair in their reportage,” he said.
“In the coming days we will give details and instances where the media have not been fair to us and why we are going to attack them as well.”
“The media in Nigeria are not a problem to us if they will do their job professionally without taking sides, but each time we say something, it is either changed or downplayed. But when our enemy says something even without logical proof, it is blown out of proportion.”
“We have repeated asked some reporters to retract some stories or even give us the right of reply but none of these requests were given to us.


  1. Idoko anthony abua

    April 28, 2012 at 7:21 PM

    Between you & Allah who is to fight 4 each other? Mr spok man, you better repent b4 Allah will strik you 4 the inocent soul you people have been killing

  2. Amaole m

    May 1, 2012 at 7:58 AM

    It’ better we invite America 2 help us since we can’t it

  3. Nero swizzy

    May 2, 2012 at 2:54 PM

    mr spokes man,is a pitty that u guy have no solide reason for your action,so i will advice you guys to give ur lifes to christ.

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