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Jennifer Hudson Looks Anorexic After Sudden Weight Loss

jennifer hudson anorexic

December 27, 2013 – Jennifer Hudson Looks Anorexic After Sudden Weight Loss

As a weight watcher spokeswoman, singer Jennifer Hudson has lost a lot of weight in the past 2 years.
Judging from her new look now, Jennifer Hudson has dropped to her smallest size ever.

Earlier this week, some pictures of her dressed in bra and jeans surfaced on the social media.

Jennifer Hudson’s anorexic photos has sparked mixed reactions from fans with many expressing their disappointment in her new thin look.

jennifer hudson anorexia

In defence of her new look, hear what the singer told Huffington post:

“They did request that I lose about 10 pounds for [the movie] I don’t know that I did. [Laughs] But for ‘Winnie,’ I did. But for The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete movie, it was just like, “Oh, if you could lose a little more weight.” But I did learn eventually that with heroin addicts, in doing our research, that it’s not necessarily like a physical thing where you’re too thin or too heavy.”

This is unlike her… she has lost her famous curves. Hunger no good o.

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  1. Jane Milton

    December 27, 2013 at 2:54 AM

    What a disappointment, she looks like a sick woman.

  2. Doris Samuel

    December 27, 2013 at 2:56 AM

    These celebrities often go to the extreme. Jennifer needs a psychiatric assessment

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:21 PM

      Why does she need a psychiatric assessment? Just because you say she does? This is a horribly negative and destructive comment this irrelevant and unnecessary. Please go somewhere else because if you are going to judge somebody else, judge yourself first.

  3. Laura Dickson

    December 27, 2013 at 2:58 AM

    She looks irritating and extremely disfigured. ewwwwww

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:23 PM

      She looks irritating? How is that possible? How can one person look irritating, genius? She doesn’t look disfigured, and this is not anorexia. Take a stroll through google images on anorexia, and then come back and look at her. Judge yourself before you judge others. She’s irritating? Your ignorance is irritating.

  4. iron bar

    December 27, 2013 at 3:05 AM

    weight loss pills messed her up.she would hit the gym rather than those weird drugs..i pity her

  5. Blessing Agwu

    December 27, 2013 at 3:40 AM

    What type of life is she living. She is at the verge of death I don’t see a normal woman starving herself in this manner

  6. Anambra kweun

    December 27, 2013 at 3:44 AM

    Is for her up coming movie not a permanent thing.

    • Deborah Hall

      December 27, 2013 at 8:09 PM


  7. D Hunter

    December 27, 2013 at 5:45 AM

    Jenny, tho, i am nt 1 of ur fans bt if u‘re reading dis, pls do urslf a favor… Go gain ur weight bk coz u look sweet dat way dan dis skeletal look dat creates a wrong impression abt ur state of health.

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:30 PM

      No. Just, no. What decisions she makes about her body is for her to decide not you. She does not look skeletal at all. It’s a CORSET. Can you not see? Why would she want to impress you anyways? She is doing it for herself, and if you can’t respect her decisions,then keep your destructive, horrible comments to yourself.

  8. bezo

    December 27, 2013 at 6:30 AM

    Very goood she looks more beautiful nd enchantic dan she ever looks i will gladly dwell in dat temple of hers…MMMMMuUah …guys!!! Cant u see she is doing her job so let her be OK

  9. Saphire

    December 27, 2013 at 8:10 AM

    She looks like a bird…big head on small body….the face dnt slim down too….anyways i hope she get back to shape after the money….atleast add some fat on that long neck

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:32 PM

      You are so ignorant it’s pathetic. She looks fine, so stop judging someone you’ve never met. Look in a mirror. Are you famous? No. Are you a spokesperson? No. Are you being cast for a movie? No.So mind your own business.

  10. Anambra kweun

    December 27, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    Hmmm Mr hunter,we got ur voice & praises 4 our hero,I can see u r telling d truth,Have a peaceful new year & lot of blessing.sorry 4 d misunderstanding.we care 4 d people we love.u r welcome in sixteen days when all of us will be together from her long trip.Thanks 4 this reach out she called d house today & was told of ur call & SHE WAS VERY HAPPY.she sends her luv.

  11. SCHO

    December 27, 2013 at 10:59 AM

    This weight loss is something else. Babe, u really look so skinny.

  12. Obiina

    December 27, 2013 at 11:45 AM

    illuminati has come for revange, the wages of sin is death. no smoke without fire.

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:35 PM

      ***. Please. The ignorance and i***cy in one comment is too much. Wow. You think the illuminati has to do with the freaking fact that someone made a decision about themselves to make them feel better. Maybe you’re the one needed to be checked into a *** ward.

  13. D Hunter

    December 27, 2013 at 3:12 PM

    @ Anambra kweun, it‘s too late 2 apologize tho, i dnt bear u any grudge cos SHE Herslf had long apologize unbehalf of any insult or attack i hv rcvd 4rm anybdy bc of HER.

    So u c? Dia s no prblm @ all. I hv decided nt 2 discuss her on d Net anymore. She‘s such a unique person i wldn‘t lk 2 lose 4 any rzn watsoeva. I guess u had a 9ce Xmas celebratn?

    As we look foward 2 anoda Year, may d favor of d good Lord, locate u in wateva u do (Amen).
    D Hunter.

  14. Mae

    December 27, 2013 at 6:22 PM

    Ds 1,no more boyfriends….

  15. ad

    December 28, 2013 at 6:01 AM

    never for once did i think shes fantastic…. never was i a fan and a would be… whats the fascination for… don’t think shes pretty either, all about the hipe

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:38 PM

      (Claps slowly) Well good for YOOOU! Your irrelevancy has just skyrocketed! How bout a pat on the back? Wanna cookie?! Haha well too bad. Keep your **** comments to yourself.

  16. Joy

    January 7, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    Babe u ar nt looking gud ooooooo. pls try and go back to ur real self Bikooooooo. God bless.

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:40 PM

      This is her real self. This is her decisions, and for you to be a person on the internet, you should really reevaluate what you say. Check in the mirror, and see if you are or could ever be more successful than her. No? oops, didn’t think so. Keep horrible comments to yourself. No one needs nor wants them.

  17. Charlie

    January 8, 2014 at 11:22 PM

    I’m not a fan at all, and never will be. But this is horrifying I hope those photos have been tampered with, she looks like a giraffe with too much red lipstick on.

    • Jade

      October 16, 2014 at 11:43 PM

      She is obviously wearing a corset, and even if you are or are not a fan this comment is disgusting. You are basing judgement on somebody that you do not know. She looks beautiful, and her lipstick is fine. It covers her lips, and those lips are big. Sorry if you have razor thin lips, but don’t hate on what you don’t have

  18. Jade

    October 16, 2014 at 11:18 PM

    Ok, you all need to stfu. She looks healthy. Why don’t you all go on google and search up what real anorexia looks like. In the photo where she’s dressed in black is obviously a corset, which constricts your waist, designed to make it look smaller. In the photo with the pink background looks no different than the one with just her bra on. Even if she, purposely lost weight, did anybody ask you? You are all judging her for stupid reasons. Her body is her body. Her body doesn’t pay your bills, feed your children, or affect you in any way. Mind your own business, and stick to something your parents taught you. If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it.

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