Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria
Nigerian Army Arrest 10 Generals & 5 Officers Leaking Secret To Boko Haram & Supplying Weapons
June 3rd, 2014 – 10 Army Generals & 5 Military Officers Arrested For Giving Information To Boko Haram On Troops Movement & Supplying Arms
Nigerian Army Arrest 10 Generals & 5 Officers Leaking Secret To Boko Haram & Supplying Weapons
Boko Haram informants in the Nigerian Army have been exposed in this latest raid.
As at today, 10 Army Generals and 5 senior officers in the Nigerian military have been arrested for aiding and leaking secret military information to Boko Haram terrorists who have killed over 500,000 innocent civilians since their attack began few years back.
The suspects in the military, charged with disloyalty have been giving secret information about the army to Boko Haram which includes troop moments and plans and this has resulted in several ambushes that has claimed the lives of many officers in the line of duty.
The disloyal Army Generals have been accused of forcing troops under their command to join Boko Haram as fighters and then melt back into Army ranks with some working as arms suppliers to the terrorists.
Since the abduction of over 234 secondary school students in Chibok, Borno state in April, over 520 civilians have been killed. The latest attack is the 9 worshippers killed during a service in Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno state this past Sunday.

iron bar
June 3, 2014 at 9:59 PM
The crooks are the bad eggs in the military .let them face the music for betrayal of the trust confided in him.the blood of the dead continue to hunt them
Amiesopirari Emi.
June 3, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Praise……………..,the Lord.GOD is doing a great tin in This country father thank you o!Lord pls xpose every enemy of Nigeria.
June 3, 2014 at 10:01 PM
Let them not go unpunished for the sake of those innocents blood shade in this our land, mind u that they are crying for venganse and is now time to act on their behalf,many of them are still to be fished out, but soon nemesis will cought up to them. Amen
June 3, 2014 at 10:29 PM
E e se that story, na shakara oloje!(remember Fela song) we have heard such story before nothing commot for inside. Our leaders are shameless bunch and the people they govern are morally bankrupt.
June 3, 2014 at 10:57 PM
Pls advice to Gen. Minimah death by hanging the Army Rulling Counsel shld do their job nw.
Prophet Gbenga Rotimi "KINI IWO NFE"
June 3, 2014 at 11:00 PM
The word of GOD say’s” And ye shall the truth, And the truth shall make you free.”
This word of GOD is not working here in Nigeria, because those that know the truth can not say it and those that can say the truth are not allow to be in the position to say it.
Have revealed this on this media, thank GOD they were caught.
Oh Lord, turn back and fight those that is planing set-back for this country “NIGERIA” in jesus name(AMEN).
* 08038433483 #
Prophet Gbenga Rotimi "KINI IWO NFE"
June 3, 2014 at 11:03 PM
The word of GOD say’s” And ye shall the truth, And the truth shall make you free.”
This word of GOD is not working here in Nigeria, because those that know the truth can not say it and those that can say the truth are not allow to be in the position to say it.
Have revealed this on this media, thank GOD they were cought.
Oh Lord, turn back and fight those that is planing set-back for this country “NIGERIA” in jesus name(AMEN).
* 08038433483 #
mama Africa
June 4, 2014 at 1:52 AM
Kings of Kings Lord of Lords conquer line of the tribe of Juda Root of David JAH I&I knw dat the wickedness of man is frm time immemorial me knw Babylon ways r wicked to mankind! AFRICA is da land of da Most High why do this to ur own why? I believe their kids are all abroad where peace and orders are maintained to some extent! Can them evil mindered blood tasty so called generals give account of lives lost? NO! Dnt knw wht to say just SMH! May psalms 91 be their cases, cus Nigerians abides under the shadow of the almighty JAH. Bless iii x
June 4, 2014 at 2:01 AM
If this report is true, those ten Military Generals and the other high ranking officers have committed what is called espionage. Espionage simply means aiding the enemies of one’s nation. It is a very serious offense punishable in most nations including China, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Israel, Japan Cuba, South Korea, and North Korea just to mention a few is death by hanging or execution. However, in the U.S, Britain, Canada and very few nations mostly in Europe, espionage will give the offenders life in prison without any auction of parole.
This revelation is as a result of the intelligent gathering efforts of the U.S, British, Israel and other nations that came to rescue our beloved nation from this enemies within. This discovery is no news to me because I know for sure that some wicked, unpatriotic and criminal elements in Nigerian military are supporting and aiding Boko Haram terrorists. Our military have done great jobs in places like Sierra Leone, Rwanda, and Liberia to preserve laws and order and eventually stop genocide those mentioned nations. Then why is it that they can’t protect Nigerian people from these animals and murderers called Boko Haram? The reason for the military in ability to destroy Boko Haram is the betrayal of those ten criminal Generals; disloyal altitudes of those high ranking officers, and some criminal politicians funding this terror. Boko Haram are getting our looted money from criminal Nigerian politicians to kill innocent Nigerian citizens on Nigerian soil.
Moreover, president Badluck Jonathan has his own share of the blame too. Boko Haram capitalized on the weakness, incompetence, economy failures, low IQ, lack of economic agenda, and corrupt practices of this president and his friends in this false democracy. How? This president has directly or indirectly aided corruption in our country to a level where accountability is no longer needed in Nigerian society. Politicians in both “houses of Looters” are paying themselves about N300 million per year why Nigerian masses are living in abject poverty. They (politicians) have so much of the looted Nigerian funds to sponsor Boko Haram terrorists to kill their own people. What a pity! Another point worth noting is that, president Badluck Jonathan had politiced Nigerian military to a new level and this has caused great disloyalty among some groups in the military. Some section of the country have been disabled militarily for the good of our false democracy where only politicians and their families flourish. It is false democracy because Nigerian people are not benefiting from this “Demonstration of Craziness.” Military works best in those nations of the world like Israel, United States, Canada, Britain and many more where military personnel get promotions based on their experience, achievements, levels of education, training acquired and characters but not based on their tribes, faith, language or culture they belong. Let us reform our once great military for benefit of us and not politicians that are afraid of the military takeover. We must also reform Nigerian police force, fix our falling custom and immigration force and our country will be more secure and prosper.
Finally, I strongly recommend that those criminal Generals, the other high ranking officers, and any Nigerian politicians found to be supporting or funding those killers of innocent Nigerians should be seriously punished in accordance with the laws of the land. Jonathan’s Administration should also published their names for the general public to see. We must also empower Nigerian police force and the military to face the challenges of the 21st Century. They should be adequately trained in and outside Nigeria, their pay must be right and great, and they should be given government sponsored life and accident insurance that will support their family members in case they die or get injure on the line of duty for protecting us. We must stop paying movie stars and movie producers billions of naira for election propaganda. We must stop paying jumbo and unwanted pay to our criminal and unpatriotic politicians. And there should be accountability at all levels of government in Nigeria. This is the only way Nigeria can be secure, respected, and prosper among nations of the world. Thank you for reading my comment. May God Almighty continue to protect and bless Nigeria. Amen.
June 4, 2014 at 6:35 PM
Amen. Bro kehinde.
mama Africa
June 4, 2014 at 2:04 AM
King of Kings Lord of lords conquer line of the tribe of Juda root of David JAH. Me knw that Babylon ways are wicked to mankind frm time immemorial, Afriac is blessed why destroy it? I knw them blood tasty so called generals have their kids abroad where peace and order is maintained to some extent, can they give account of the lost souls? Short of words, May psalms 91 be there case, for Nigerians Dowell under the shadow of the Almighty. JAH bless l&I one love
June 4, 2014 at 2:30 AM
I said it right here like 3-4wks ago when US folks announced that our Army was scared to go after BH. I said there is conflict of interest. This same Army do excellent work quelling civil war in other countries in Africa. Too bad.
June 4, 2014 at 5:40 AM
Death by hanging is the final pls!!!!!!!
volvy love
June 4, 2014 at 6:19 AM
If this is true why are the names of those generals and others withheld from the news release…. or the OGA’s at the top have started manipulating things again…? lies and fake people are too many in Nigeria, even the Govt. lies the air breath lies, the food we eat lies what are all this nonsense all about…..but i sure the truth can not be hiding for too long… imagine some days back one of the general said they know where those gills are but today from the news the same arm said again they are searching for the girls in some forest what a shame.
June 4, 2014 at 6:27 AM
No be to catch them be the thing; na to do justice.
June 4, 2014 at 6:40 AM
At d end of d day we will hear about them again, they should be punished according to d law, not letting them go away, atleast becos of innocent souls they hv taken to there early grave.
June 4, 2014 at 6:41 AM
At d end of d day we won’t hear about them again, they should be punished according to d law, not letting them go away, atleast becos of innocent souls they hv taken to there early graves. Pls
June 4, 2014 at 7:00 AM
Its not yet done. More are still not yet detected.. I believe their days are numbered… You can’t tell me they re just 10Generals and 5officers alone, others will be caught and face justice.. #a job well done.::;; another thing, make them confess and tell us their number1. God answer prayers of helpless Nigerians ***God bless Nigeria
June 4, 2014 at 7:50 AM
that’s my God, Jehovah Over Do at work, carry go father, may ur name alone b praised now and forevermore
June 4, 2014 at 9:02 AM
Nigeria is my country, I love Nigeria with every being in me but our leaders are heartless.I pray the lord our creator vindicate us and fight our battle but forget not dis one thing Mr Amry the never finish the still plenty as a matter of fact all the muslim politicians.Our brothers & sisters are dying but if is still the way the want to use to reduce the population in the north than let them tell the public
June 4, 2014 at 10:31 AM
na who know man dey kill man pls toture them very well so that they can exposed their patners in crime, God don catch dem one day 4 d thief one day 4 d owner bastards.
June 4, 2014 at 12:51 PM
Is not surpirce for me, we all know Top Millitary are amoung Boko Harms, Giving Infos about movements of Good Army,They sale the Weapons to Boko Harms even telling Army to join the sets,that is not normal to be in Uniform Espionage,Unpatriotic to their own people and country. no wasteing of time, they ahve many Bolld in their hands,Death by Hanging or Execution immeadtely,cheek ,they will still be more General and Top officers giving Boko Harm infos and weapons to kill innocent people, it cant be only 10 General and 5 Top Officers.
June 4, 2014 at 1:42 PM
This revelation comes as no surprise. Nigerians have always known that the top heirachy in the army are aiding and abeting this terrorist group called Boko Haram. Has anyone ever pondered how this group get their training on how to use the military equipments? Will the names of these generals and other officers be published? The Jonathan administration have known this for long but he is afraid of taking action against them for fear of being overthrown. These people are in the majority in the army and only take orders from officers from their region. If not for the foreign troops here to help, this information would not have been published. Please publish their names along with their pictures.
June 4, 2014 at 4:43 PM
Kindly publish the names of those Army Officials involved. I am tired of hearing untrue stories of the the extremist called Boko Haram and their informant that does not have bases. Mention the names of the officials involved.
June 4, 2014 at 8:10 PM
What a country!!!!!!
Rev Bayo Ajayi
June 5, 2014 at 9:23 AM
These people are enemies of Nigeria. May God forgive them. I pray the Lord will unvail the others that are sabotaging the efforts of the Military over the Boko Harams in Jesus Name.
nura sulaiman
June 9, 2014 at 2:16 AM
September 4, 2014 at 11:58 AM
death by hanging is the rule, only if they do so
Jonathan must spilit Nig.
Ashir musa
April 3, 2016 at 11:08 AM