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Nigerians Blame Dbanj For Bringing Amber Rose To Lagos Only To Walk Out On Stage

dbanj amber rose nigeria

Feb 3rd, 2015 – Nigerians Blame Dbanj For Bringing Amber Rose To Lagos Nigeria Only To Walk Out On Stage

Ever since Dbanj left his business partner Don Jazzy, he has been making one mistake or the other.

The latest on his long list of misdeeds happened when he brought American model Amber Rose to Nigeria only for her to walk out on stage after spending less than 7 minutes without any reasonable performance.

Worst still, since she returned to her base in the United States of America, the model is yet to acknowledge Nigeria on her Instagram profile.

Check out what Nigerians are saying on IG

A user at berry_ebere said:
U didn’t put up any pictures of you in Nigeria that is not fair at all @amberrose

Another user@ enimz said:
I guess she didn’t seem her Nigerian visit honourable enough to put up on her page. Yet we’d be paying her millions to come here. Dem no send Nigerians o

@official_selecta wrote: @amberrose ur an a**hole, ** and very **** you are a waste product I’m really mad at you right now **** girl @iambangalee invited you to his 10th year anniversary paid you huge amount of money cos I’m very sure you didn’t show up for free no single post of event on your IG is like you never come to Nigeria at all what do you take yourself for??? Anyway is not your fault Dbanj is the one to be blamed

@samuelolubi92 said @iamdbanj look at what you’ve caused? You’re such a disgrace!!! You paid a lotta money yet no one love from @amberrose. Please don’t blame her… She was just a professional.. Dbanj na dead, instead make u feature ur own. She’s done her job by increaing the bottomline for the show. Are you happy now? Businessman???

@faithakama wrote, Well Nigerians went crazy with what Kim said or didn’t say, maybe she just doesn’t want to say nothing. That’s BS and can mean a lot of things… Someone who is popular for just having a great body should at least know better. I’m disappointed

It is a pity that Africans do not honour each other anymore. So of what use is bringing Amber Rose to Nigeria only to be humiliated by Nigerian girls dancing Shoki on stage???

Dbanj needs to set his priority right… This is the same man struggling to pay N60M borrowed loan with a case still in court.



  1. Nifemi Brooklyn

    February 3, 2015 at 4:11 PM

    low self worth is the enemy of most africans not witches or wizards
    the same amber rose retarded dbanj invited sees all Nigerians as slaves.
    inviting such a dirty character to nigeria is an insult in a way

  2. Odunaike Ben

    February 3, 2015 at 4:13 PM

    dbanj has no brain anymore who is his promoter

  3. Saphire

    February 3, 2015 at 4:28 PM

    I said this from day one….what ar his purposes for inviting amber…someone without talent…dbanj would hav go with talented ones…nicky minaji is jst perfect…lady gaga is better option…if u mst go to america to invite person to ur concert..invite pple with talent..nt trippers….dbanj will keep losing..unless he retrench his step..

  4. Fenwa

    February 3, 2015 at 4:43 PM

    Dbanj is a disgrace period. Emi sise sise ti ba le

  5. Darey

    February 3, 2015 at 4:45 PM

    Africans spend your money wisely these ladies do not deserve a dime of your money

  6. Kaybaby

    February 3, 2015 at 7:36 PM

    Too bad

  7. Nabuf

    February 3, 2015 at 7:40 PM

    The PA should be let go. You dont bring a star and make her feel unlike a star since you invited her. If she wasnt all that, you wouldn’t have bothered to ask her to come down here. Imagine the publicity she could have brought to you but you blew it. Lesson learned…your promoters should be strategic in business dealing unless you dont care about the bottom line….she came, she left, she made money(am sure), your left embarrased.She doesnt need you….you needed her for whatever reason!!!No pon intended….hope none taken…just learn

  8. Bradson

    February 3, 2015 at 7:43 PM

    Amber-rose took over dose wraps of igbo (Marijuana) some minutes before embarking on stage for the show.

    She could not control her self.

  9. Africa

    February 4, 2015 at 10:39 AM

    Nigerians get oer your f***** selves. Americans do not give a rat’s *ss about you!

  10. nkiru

    February 4, 2015 at 2:52 PM

    i don’t why pple are taking drugs on someone else’s sickness Oooooh God help us (Nigerians) to change the way we think, act and talk!

  11. chidimma

    February 5, 2015 at 2:47 PM

    such an idiot

  12. chidimma

    February 5, 2015 at 2:47 PM

    i hope he has paid off his debt

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