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2012 Governorship Election Result in Nigeria

Nigerians In London UK Protest Boko Haram Killings “Enough Is Enough”

March 2nd, 2014 – Nigerians In London UK Protest Boko Haram Killings “Enough Is Enough Jonathan”

On Saturday some Nigerians living in London organized a peaceful protest at the Nigerian Embassy in Central London to alert lawmakers about the incessant killings being carried out by Boko Haram terrorists on rampage in Northern part of Nigeria.

Yesterday, the group protested Boko Haram’s recent attack that killed 59 students in Buni Yadi Yobe. Beside the execution murder of the 59 males students, 16 females were kidnapped at gunpoint.

Buni Yadi is a Government-owned boarding school located in Damaturu, Yobe.

Kudos to you guys, I commend your efforts in organizing this peaceful protest.

It is easier to be done from there than from Northern Nigeria isn’t it? Hahahaha Lord have mercy.

Meanwhile as the group were protesting yesterday, the Boko Iranu guys unleashed their terror again at a football viewing centre in Maiduguri killing 52 before moving to a village at night to kill 39 people.

If you haven’t seen it, the Boko Haramists have released a new undated video marching freely with sophisticated weapons that some Nigerian army officials might never have seen in their entire lives of service.

Which way forward Nigeria… Isn’t it time for President Jonathan to ask Oga Obama for help.

May the Lord have mercy on us all.

Here are all the pictures from the peaceful protest that took place yesterday in Central London….

occupy against boko haram



  1. ogechi M

    March 2, 2014 at 10:02 PM

    I expect Nigerians all over the world to raise awareness and not the ones in London only. I appreciate you guys for voicing out your frustation
    Enough is enough

  2. Gbento Samuel

    March 2, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    Jonathan should bury his pride and ask US for help before these criminals take over Nigeria

  3. Topsy

    March 2, 2014 at 10:54 PM

    We do not need anybody to sort out our problems for Us. What we desperately and urgently need now is a strong Nigerian leader(s) who can grab the bull by the horns. It is evidently high time for Mr president to wake up from his deep sleep and take the fight to the BOKO – HARAM before our streets turn into a RIVERS OF BLOOD.

  4. Shiny

    March 2, 2014 at 11:43 PM

    US will not help out neither will UK help as we didn’t allow gay marriage. So we better solve it ourself Jonathan Iya face the battle ground urself oo.

  5. Reyna

    March 3, 2014 at 12:55 AM

    Nigeria: Pls int’l community we need ur help to eradicate BH

    West: Sure.

    Nigeria: So how soon can we expect deployment?

    West: It’s up to us. We need to weigh the cost and risks

    Nigeria: Cost?. No no no we will responsible for all financial cost

    West: We don’t need money…all we need is that you dance to our tune

    Nigeria: Your tune? how?

    West: Well well well

    Nigeria: Well what?

    West: Well, you know we really enjoy the way everything is going on. We flushed u BH boys to hinder your country progress. But if you insist we must help you, well, you just gonna make it worse.

    Nigeria: How?

    West: Because we will not do what you wish for. We will do the exact opposite. Don’t you see what we did in ME?

    NIGERIA: Yea, but that na ME now. This is Africa

    WEST: Let’s get to biz

    NIGERIA: Okay

    WEST: In order for us to help you against BH boys, you must meet these conditions
    1. You must retract your anti-gay law
    2. You must restrict freedoms for muslims only
    3. You allow our contractors to control and maintain your resources directly and indirectly
    4. We will loan you billions of $$ in which you pay back 50% interest rate and the money we loan you must be used for what we want
    5. All internet activities of your citizens must be turned to us on daily basis.
    6. You must legalize marriage btw human and animal
    These are just few of our demands for now. We got more coming later.

    NIGERIA: Na wa oooo

  6. ify

    March 3, 2014 at 1:25 AM

    No US not helping.please i dont want to deploy to nigeria for this horrible the only nigeria in my unit.dont even want to cross over.johnathan should sort the mess out.

    • red

      March 3, 2014 at 8:16 AM

      I don’t like challenging people about their comments unless they personally call me out but in this case,Ify nwanyi oma,Ada eji eje mba,Ada obodo oyibo ,i siri na ichoro ibia ala nna ji zoputa ya ma oburu na Obama si ndi agha ya bia yere anyi aka na aka ndi ekwensu na ala obara? Ma i ga eji ala Syria na Afghanistan ma o buru na ya deploy gi gaba agha na obodo ya ? Anya adikwa gi nma ? I bu ezigbo onye iberibe,ala Nigeria achoro udi madu gi.Biko nwanyi oma abiala ebea kparia ndi Igbo bu umu nwanne gi biko.

  7. blaze_boy

    March 3, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    Shiny n reyna dis has nothing to do with gay law so stfu gay is not wanted in nigeria FYI I’m nt a GEJ FAN tho

  8. Prophet Gbenga Rotimi "KINI IWO NFE"

    March 3, 2014 at 9:00 AM

    Glory be to the father, the son and the holy spirit.
    Is another new month Nigerians, Happy new month.
    To GOD be the glory, this is my first message on this media in this month, my great people of the nation, we need prayer, when things happened we will be saying it’s satanic work but the truth remained that something is finishing somewhere among our leaders.
    Have been praying over this issues of boko harm in Nigeria and the Lord revealed some secret behind it which we Nigerians have to be prayer full.
    Let us pray, father, in jesus name, hear the voices of your people praying for the nation “Nigeria”, Daddy, your has power over heaven and earth, we need you right now in Nigeria, heavenly father, Stop the humanity power that is sharing the innocent blood and let our leader know the different in you (LORD) and (SATAN) in jesus name (AMEN).
    Am not in support of any Leader please, am saying what the give to me. * 08038433483 #

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