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Photo News: Fuel Subsidy Removal Protest in Nigerian Cities

fuel subsidy removal protest in abuja

Jan 10, 2012 – Photo News: Fuel Subsidy Removal Protest in Nigerian Cities

Below are few of the pictures from Fuel Subsidy removal protest across Nigerian Cities.

Disables protesting fuel subsidy removal.

Youths in Gwagwalada, in Abuja blocked roads and in a burn fire.

Youths in Gwagwalada, in Abuja blocked roads and in a burn fire.

Youths in Gwagwalada, in Abuja blocked roads and in a burn fire.

Protests during the NLC Rally in Abuja.(photo credit: pm news)



  1. Truth is bitter

    January 10, 2012 at 6:45 PM

    Nigerians should wake up from sleep, don’t let North leaders to use Fuel Subsidy Removal as covering up of boko haram killing in the north were they are killing Christians, none of them have protest, now they want to use the Fuel Subsidy Removal to confuse every body. If they have Nigerians and the killing of Innocent people in North is touching them, they would have protest. They are using this to disturb Goodluck governmen, i wonder why Tunde bakare and Buhari never protest since the killing of people is now they know they love Nigerians. Please Nigeria should beware of destroys.

  2. Truth is bitter

    January 10, 2012 at 6:45 PM

    Nigerians should wake up from sleep, don’t let North leaders to use Fuel Subsidy Removal as covering up of boko haram killing in the north were they are killing Christians, none of them have protest, now they want to use the Fuel Subsidy Removal to confuse every body. If they have Nigerians and the killing of Innocent people in North is touching them, they would have protest. They are using this to disturb Goodluck government, i wonder why Tunde bakare and Buhari never protest since the killing of people is now they know they love Nigerians. Please Nigeria should beware of destroys.

  3. Mike

    January 10, 2012 at 11:05 PM

    The norths are now making noise but when the boko haram are out there killing and bombing the place,they all became dumb.

  4. Pastor

    January 11, 2012 at 9:45 AM

    This issue is not issue of boko haram why ur badluck remove fuel subsidy now instend of dt they can settle all dis problem first boko haram. Before niger delta did are own some yrs ago. Govt settle everything accordingly.

  5. Ephraim king

    June 21, 2012 at 4:52 AM

    Stop harding ur Identity as A Pastor. Way will U use de Niger Delta 2 comepare De Boko Haram Bombing Issue an so call Fuel Subsidy? Do U know that what de First & 2nd commat say is what we all have 2 B Lukeing at in Nigeria. Instend of Christians protestin 4 killing an Bombing Nigerians are protestin 4 Fuel Subsidy

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