Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria
US Refuses To Sell Cobra Attack Helicopters To Nigeria Bcos It’ll Violate Boko Haram Human Rights
Cobra attack Helicopter Firing
Nov 14, 2014 – US Refuses To Sell Cobra Attack Helicopters & Lethal Weapons To Nigeria Bcos It’ll Violate Boko Haram Human Rights – Jen Psaki
US State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki on Wednesday responded to allegations raised by Nigeria’s ambassador to the United States, Adefuye that the US is not helping Nigeria to battle Boko Haram effectively.
In response to Adefuye’s allegation, Jen Psaki on Wednesday told journalists why America has decided not to sell lethal weapons and powerful Cobra attack helicopters to Nigeria
In her own words:
“Nigeria has purchased helicopters that originated in countries other than the US and nothing in our decision prevents Nigeria from obtaining weapons and equipment from other sources,”.
“The U.S. government has up till today refused to grant Nigeria’s request to purchase lethal equipment that would have brought down the terrorists within a short time on the basis of the allegations that Nigeria’s defence forces have been violating human rights of Boko Haram suspects when captured or arrested.
“We find it difficult to understand how and why, in spite of the U.S. presence in Nigeria, with their sophisticated military technology, Boko Haram should be expanding and becoming more deadly.”
But Psaki said that the US refused to sell Cobra attack helicopters to Nigeria due to concerns about the ability of the military to use and maintain them.
“Earlier this year, we denied the transfer of some cobra attack helicopters to Nigeria due to concerns about Nigeria’s ability to use and maintain this type of helicopter in its effort against Boko Haram and ongoing concerns about the Nigerian military’s protection of civilians when conducting military operations. We shared those concerns with Nigeria before this decision and subsequent to it.
“We’ll continue to look for ways to deepen our cooperation with Nigeria to help it acquire the systems and skills needed to restore peace and security. But obviously, we’ve provided a great deal of assistance over the past several months.”

Bilal Nnaji
November 14, 2014 at 5:50 AM
I suppor the US on this one, if Boko Hraam get this aircraft, they will wipe everybody off in the North talkless of the lethal weapon
Uchenna O
November 14, 2014 at 6:44 AM
We don’t even need all this to win the fight, if the hunters can reclaim Mubi, then let Govt put some measures that wil make them to continue with this spirit.
Denis Ray Ogosi
November 14, 2014 at 9:03 AM
@ Bilal Nnaji…dont be fooled they are talking absolute nonesense n you have fallen face down for it..the Nigerian govt should kick them out of Nigeria immediately..their presence has not aided the country in any way shape or form.rather the terror of boko haram is on the increase…how many innocent lives has the Americans wasted in Afghan…Iraq..Libya and around the world with this same chopper which they call colleteral damage or friendly fire…they should state their agenda with boko haram and stop giving Nigeria flimsy excuses just as they did wit the test drug for ebola..
November 14, 2014 at 11:44 AM
I c… Abeg o,they shdnt sell it 2 us o. If nt,our leaders wil jst hand ova d weapons 2 boko haram.
November 14, 2014 at 12:14 PM
Thank God U.S refused to sell the cobra helicopter to Nigeria, because the military can just take it to Borno and start bombarding the entire state indiscriminately killing armless civillians,BH and even the foot soldiers.
the military might even decides to abandon the cobra on the battle field when the battle become tense, and the BH will claimed possession of the cobra which will become more threat to the entire country and the world at large.If the local hunters can use their crude weapon to help the govt recaptured her lost territories from BH, the military should be able to used their experience and semi sophisticated weapon to flush out the insurgent without necessarily relying on the cobra helicopter from U.S
Metu Nyetu
November 14, 2014 at 1:15 PM
The US neva really wanted 2 help in d 1st place. They talk abt human right lapses on d part of our mili3, bt did they not viol8 our own right 2 existence wen they inventd ebola 2 wipe us out? Let dem beta say dat they’r angry wit d Nig. Govt. 4 dealn wit China, & not 2 giv us flimsy reasons 4 their hypocritical outlook.
Lucky king
November 14, 2014 at 5:11 PM
!Oh yeah? When American Navy Seal went to Osama Bin Laden’s house to kill him, they ended up killing his wife, son and other innocent bystanders, what abaut their human rights? What is good 4 d goose is no longer good 4 d gaander eh Hypocrites
November 15, 2014 at 3:39 PM
America has hidden agenda they dont really like black nations they are just pretending though our soldiers may be careless about d aircraft.
November 15, 2014 at 5:48 PM
America predict that Nigeria wont be as from 2015 so they are working seriously to make their prediction come true expect MORE from USA
January 28, 2015 at 11:45 PM
if US sell dis weapons to us they will used it for another tin is Heather they give it to boko haram to kill us or they used it for political fight so what are we Saying is that without that weapons we can still fight boko haram so government should stop deceiveing us