Interesting and Amazing News Stories
World’s Oldest Virgin, Clara Meadmore is Still Alive

March 13, 2012 – World’s Oldest Virgin, Clara Meadmore is Still Alive
Clara Meadmore who is currently World’s oldest virgin came open in 2008 at her 105th birthday anniversary that she’s never had sex in her life.
Clara who celebrated her 107th birthday in October of year 2010 said she has been too busy for intimate relationships.
She has turned down several marriage proposals during her youth days.
Her favourite Sayings: “No sex – is secret to long life”
Clara Meadmore will be 109 years old in October 2012.
Whaooo how did she do it?
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March 13, 2012 at 12:13 PM
Gud 1 for her, bt is that posible
March 13, 2012 at 12:58 PM
Suprising bt dos it explain dt sex shortens d life span, doctors ar u der?
March 13, 2012 at 9:17 PM
Aww, that’s nice. Past 100 years old and still celibate. I’m 18 and I’m still a virgin, but I personally look forward to marriage. Anyway, this woman is doing something that God wanted us to do: either wait till marriage to have sex–and keep it within marriage–or don’t have sex at all. I applaud her, she’s an example for us all.
Jimmy Rustles
July 29, 2012 at 9:14 AM
Okay, firstly, touting that God is a valid basis for abstaining from premarital sex is inane. The Bible has no specific passage which specifically bans that specific act. At best, it says to be loyal to your wife and not be ‘sexually immoral’, which, using contextual clues, can be interpreted as ‘deviating from monogamy’. Secondly, using such a fucking archaic, unsubstantiated document as the basis for your assertion is positively moronic. There is no evidence to support your position that it is, in fact, God’s word.
I respect the fact we’re autonomous beings and should be free to think as we wish, but it irks me when people such as yourself use baseless claims to try and exercise some sort of control over people’s actions.
It wouldn’t have been so bad had you worded your response along the lines of, “I believe this is as God intended us to behave, but I still think people should be free to do as they want.”
September 1, 2012 at 3:34 AM
Awe shut up would you, if it is her way of thinking leave her to it. Jeez.
March 9, 2013 at 7:58 AM
i agree with you briana
February 24, 2013 at 6:06 PM
To each his own.
However the concept that being A-sexual will increase life span is thinking impared. Sex between consenting adults is not only good excersize but it it proven to help the body by increasing various hormones, etc that benifits us.
A quick good search for people over 100 will show each one belives that thier blind luck is due to various kinds on none sense. I remember a centurion for east India that attributed his gift to a daily smoke and drink of….whatever is traditional over there.
Consumption and recreational habits aside; lifespan is largely due to genetics, diet, sleep, stress, etc. The concept that refraining from I sexual intercourse, when not married or otherwise, is absolutely, positively, most defiantly, without a shadow of a doubt a falsehood at best. This advise, if taken by someone in a relationship, could be harmful to the relationship.
Source: The combined 39 years my wife and I have as doctors.
(I am a urologist and my wife is a cardiologist)
Dr. Andrew.
September 26, 2016 at 3:21 PM
so what!!! does this make your opinion more valid than anyone else’s what does your profession have to do with it! frankly the fact shes single and not married to IDIOT MALE is why she has lived so long no stress
September 4, 2019 at 1:48 AM
charles clement
June 12, 2013 at 2:02 PM
Well said babe, u seem an honest babe.
August 10, 2013 at 5:54 AM
You are so dillusional to think that she was waiting for marriage. She clearly said she had been too busy. If that fulfills her she dosen’t need to have a root.However do animals need gods praise to have sex? No. If you think being a goody two shoes will send you to heaven good riddens to ya.
Gilbert Gladys
March 13, 2012 at 10:03 PM
So she deprived herself of SEX just to live long? Forgetting that no matter how long she lives” she can’t still live forever. Anyway LUcky her
February 1, 2013 at 8:45 PM
Yes She’s still alive… but she’s not LIVING… How old you are has nothing to do with how much you’ve lived.
Evang Uche Monye
March 14, 2012 at 2:29 PM
WoW dis is a pacesetter indeed. Gud of u.
Bello gidado
March 16, 2012 at 11:33 AM
Well, to me HBD CLERE wish you many more. Hope you have people to take care of you have a nice day GRANDMA!
March 16, 2012 at 3:10 PM
So u mean she has never tasted the most sweetest thing in life….. No amount of happiness,money or anything in the world, if there is no sexual intercourse.. It is not complete. Well some people do things to get records like the man that buried himself alive that wants to make record. He lost he’s life at the end of it.
June 23, 2012 at 9:19 AM
see its true virginty is key to health longevity and peace with our own self in sexual urges we often try to extract happiness but does it stays it vanishes after orgasm there is limit to sexual gratification but no satisfaction celibacy is key to satisfaction by renunciating gratification clara meadmore is live example to world present by renouncing pleasure one can achieve true peace she is so peaceful regardless she has lived an noble life sex seems to be sweetest thing in world but even poison can be sweet but it kills sexual craving are poisioned honey which takes away your health peace of mind vitality and more importantly your precious life span no one yet sprang up with an example of to live more than even 80 now a days so rare answer is we lost our life at heed of sexual passion and got distracted from our duties and done somany forms of sexual misconduct which was a disguise of happiness underneath it is hiding illusion say to yourself at a time in your life you also might had in you mind enough this sex is cause of breakup and makeup of wedding and divorce so much bothersome maximum part of our life get invested in sex and at end what remains is death which is common to all but rewarding to one who has lived it wisely madam meadmore certainly has she is my inspiration hats off to clara meadmore
May 16, 2013 at 4:32 PM
what are you saying
darling mills
April 23, 2012 at 9:36 AM
Its her own decisiona.Congrats
patrick ekeocha
May 16, 2012 at 5:13 AM
It is very good of her look at her age now , she started it when she was a little child which other girls can endure not having sex now they start having at the age of even 10years. Grandma you did what impress me.
June 21, 2012 at 7:13 AM
Well, now I don’t feel so bad for being a 38-year-old virgin. Holy :)
Unidentified Guy
June 28, 2012 at 1:42 PM
Same for me and I’m just 26!
January 20, 2013 at 4:42 AM
I am 43!
December 17, 2014 at 12:37 AM
I’m 45. What you haven’t had you don’t miss.
June 22, 2012 at 8:42 PM
How did she do it? She did it by not doing it lol.
Listen no one will have her beat. She mine as well just find the oldest virgin male, pop some Viagra in him (and her too) and just do it. She should try everything!
Kingsley mark
June 28, 2012 at 4:57 PM
Having sex is not bad stay without sex is not bad,having sex will not make u live long or die young,living without sex will not make u live long or die young….life is all about u.( congrat grand ma)
September 4, 2019 at 1:51 AM
Right cause all about getting the right sized pot and mort and pestle and watch The Witches of Eastwick and donut be scared of nuffin ALL UP TO U!!!!
July 23, 2012 at 9:15 AM
I’d rather die early and have had the sexual experiences I have been lucky enough to have (3somes, having an open marrige, and so on) rather than be over 100 and never know how incredible sex can be
July 28, 2012 at 4:44 AM
Live a long life without sex? Why bother?
Mohammed Abdu
August 21, 2012 at 12:33 PM
Why do you guys call her Grandma. I mean she never had sex and therefore never experienced motherhood, so why calling her Grandma?
Anonymous female
August 23, 2012 at 9:41 AM
I was wondering the same thing Mohammed. And also, it states in the article that she says she has always been too busy to have an intimate relationship, but I mean, how busy could she be without having to raise any children? Was she working 5 jobs? =O
Jay Prettyboy
September 5, 2012 at 6:47 PM
my Gooooooooooooooooooood!
October 5, 2012 at 8:24 AM
she is great, but still she is a young girl of 12years, since she don,t have children, she is not grandma yet.
Melanie Pierce
October 16, 2012 at 12:54 AM
Wow..cant miss what you never had.
Charles McIntosh
October 18, 2012 at 9:14 PM
Hmmmm…J/S LOL
November 23, 2012 at 1:56 PM
Eeemmmm. To God be d glory dat a virgin is been found in our present generation. I pray an ANGEL visit u as he has visited Mary… HAPI BTHDAY WULLNP
November 23, 2012 at 2:12 PM
Thank God dat dia is stil a virgin in our generation. My prayer is that an ANGEL visits u as Virgin MARY waz visited. Happy BTHDAY. WULLNP….
December 11, 2012 at 10:11 PM
If she ever masturbated, then she is not a virgin!
September 4, 2019 at 1:53 AM
I disagree if she just use fingers but if a vibrating or not plastic schlong and/or schlong vegetable I agree!
December 17, 2012 at 10:01 PM
Wow I lost mine when I was 14 and I thought i was behind every one in my school then I did it and found out every one was still a virgin
December 29, 2012 at 1:52 PM
Well it is scientifically proven that sexual intercourse does keep you healthy, cause its a way of cardiovascular exercise. But the fact that she lived to this age just for being a virgin could be done even without being a virgin. Also in the Bible, it doesn’t point out “Oh, you must be Virgins, to be holy.” No, yea its nice to know that we have a very old virgin, and she just may have a special seat up in heaven when that time comes. But all I’m saying is that you can reach longevity without being a virgin. Still I have respect to this woman.
September 4, 2019 at 1:56 AM
Well but it is scientifically proven running or even just jogging/jumping jacks/front jacks/pushups etc. are more hardcore and better cardiovascular exercise cause can move faster cause u don’t wanna move FAST during sex can injure your wang or hololio/hololios.
April 3, 2013 at 7:30 PM
my sister will be turning 50 April 26 2013 and she is still a virgin.
September 4, 2019 at 1:58 AM
Oh yeah how similar to Ariana grande does she look? Can I have her phone # and/or email?
June 11, 2013 at 6:14 PM
I think I’ll stick with refraining from smoking to live longer. Twenty-one years was long enough to wait as it was….LOL
September 4, 2019 at 2:02 AM
Good but remember smoking from your ass is good for u cause when u inhale hydrogen sulfide in a fart it reduces cellular damage which decreases chance of having a stroke, arthritis and heart disease.
September 4, 2019 at 2:12 AM
In fact might as well fart as much as possible cause if a little hydrogen sulfide is good how can’t a little more be better. I mean u would never be able to fart enough to be able to inhale a deadly amount of HS so but yeah probably no sex life in that case cause nobody wants to be around a fartknocker and I bet if they did a study they would find virgins doing that lived longer than non-virgins ALL THE TIME! And it’s still a quality life cause u can still FAP/RUB ONE OUT!
September 4, 2019 at 2:13 AM
April 13, 2014 at 9:38 AM
things that make you go hmmmm!
Not a virgin
August 6, 2015 at 10:21 PM
She definatly needs a good pounding
Victor Jnr
May 31, 2017 at 1:29 PM
The reason i have not had sex at 27 is because i have not found a virgin myself..
September 4, 2019 at 2:04 AM
Lol that’s what I told myself at 27 then I went to the bunny ranch in Nevada and the “bunny” was so into it she seemed like a virgin so I said FUG IT GOOD NUFF FOR ME!!