Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria
Boko Haram Claims Multiple Church Attacks
June 11, 2012 – Boko Haram Claims Multiple Church Attacks
Boko Haram religious sect have claimed responsibility for the double suicide bomb attacks on two separate churches in Nigeria on Sunday June 10th, 2012.
This attack claimed over 10 people leaving close to 60 people injured.
Boko Haram is also threatening more violence in Nigeria.
Here is what the spokesman said today in a phone conference in Maiduguri.
“We are responsible for the suicide attack on a church in Jos and also another attack on another church in Biu,”
“We launched these attacks to prove the Nigerian security wrong and to debunk their claim that we have been weakened by the military crackdown.”

June 11, 2012 at 6:37 AM
we christains ar so lovin, caring nd above al ve human sympathe in us. We respect our fellow humans. IBB, OBJ nd others is nt de problem of dis crisis. (BOKO HARAM) Christains in nigeria ar facing hard time nd dis ar spiritual challenges we need 2 conquor. Dis is time when christains need 2 come in unity irrespective of ur church line. The CAN president shd declare 7 days of prayer nd fastn nation wide… We need 2 act fast nd now. GOD BLES NIGERIA
June 11, 2012 at 8:24 AM
Boko haram , u people are wicked human beings. U all will riot in hell.
June 11, 2012 at 1:43 PM
Nigeria becoming something else. So they can stop this boko haram of a thing. Nawa
June 12, 2012 at 12:53 PM
Why has those sact (boko heram) seem’s undertaking Nigeria as a hole.
God pls preserve ur children.
Those heartless, merciless ad uncircumcise sacture’s shal ever regrate this crises ad conflict they are doing in Nigeria when d anger of GOD falls on them.