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How Patrick Sawyer Intentionally Infected Nigerian Doctor Ameyo Stella Adedavoh With Ebola Virus

patrick sawyer ebola virus nigerian doctor

August 20, 2014 – How Patrick Sawyer Intentionally Infected Lagos-Based Nigerian Doctor Ameyo Stella Adedavoh With Ebola Virus

Details have emerged on how the latest Ebola victim in Nigeria contracted the virus from a Liberian-American Patrick Sawyer at an hospital in Obalende Lagos.

Popular Lagos-based Doctor Ameyo Stella Adadevoh, a Senior Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist, was one of those who diagnosed and was treating Sawyer of the ailment when he was first brought into First Consultant Hospital.

The hospital was where the late Patrick Sawyer, the Liberian-American, was diagnosed with the deadly Ebola disease .

According to the ELITES, when Patrick Sawyer arrived the hospital, the first person he came into contact with was Dr. Ada, the 26-year-old who was also infected with the deadly virus by the Liberian-American carrier. Dr. Ada has since recovered from the infection and discharged from quarantine facility.

Sources disclosed that Sawyer told Dr. Ada that he had Malaria. He didn’t tell her he was coming from Liberia where he had been in contact with his sister who died of Ebola.
The following day, when Sawyer did not show any sign of recovery from malaria, in spite of the thorough treatment that was given to him, Dr. Ada and her colleagues at First Consultants Hospital became concerned. She then invited her boss, Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh, the senior consultant at the hospital, who immediately suspected Ebola and ordered for test.

In one of their close encounters with Sawyer, he became restive, dropped his drip bag on the floor and called for assistance. When the nurse came, he told her that he wanted to see the doctor and not the nurse. When the doctor arrived, she found the drip bag on the floor. She then assisted him to reset the drip without gloves and protective clothing. This might have been the moment of contact with Sawyer’s fluid.

As Adadevoh battles to survive the infection of the deadly virus, the recovery and eventual discharge of Dr. Ada and other victims, has raised the hope of many Nigerians that the popular medical practitioner will beat the virus and bounce back to life soon. Sources disclosed that family and friends of Adadevoh have been rallying round to facilitate medical cure for her. According to reports, Dr Ada was treated by Nigerian local doctors, with immune boosting drugs, antibiotics and symptoms management drugs and her survival is largely attributed to her strong immune system.

May her soul rest in perfect peace (amen)



  1. Dr Jamiu

    August 20, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    But it is against the medical code of ethic to touch blood with bare hands no matter how compassionate she might be, she has broken the rule.

    Other medical practitioners should learn from her demise. Make self protection your number one priority. Life is irreplaceable.

    • fernandez

      August 21, 2014 at 12:08 PM

      sry dr jamiu, did you read the story well? where did you see or read that she touched patrick’s blood with bare hands? moreover, this story is 50% truth and 50% lie cuz the only person that can confirm the story is stella herself. So dont criticize her.

  2. iheoma

    August 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM

    you get luck say aunti Stella na nice woman, if not u for die seventy times for her hand if she catch u there,****** Aunti Stella rest in peace jare

  3. Metu Nyetu

    August 20, 2014 at 9:32 PM

    C wat I mean wen I say dat ppl like 2 insult odas here? Pls carefully read wat Dr Jamiu said & den tel me Y Ihuoma should swoop dwn on him like a hawk doz 2a chick.

    • Dolapo Ijomoh

      August 20, 2014 at 9:52 PM

      No Iheoma is calling Patrick bastard and not Jamiu.

      • iheoma

        August 20, 2014 at 10:04 PM

        Thanks,u got it right,i was actually reffering to the stupid/selfish sawyer

      • Metu Nyetu

        August 21, 2014 at 5:59 AM

        Tnx, Dolapo! I did misundstnd Iheoma. My error! Abeg make nobdy vex!

  4. Anonymous

    August 20, 2014 at 9:37 PM

    Dr Jamiu,

    Your comment is highly rash and insensitive. I am sure you do not know better than her and you were not in her shoes for the decision she made as regards her patient.
    This is your second comment on how wrong she was in carrying out her duties but for God’s sake can you spare the public your opinion of how right or wrong she could have dealt with her patient.
    She is no more anyway, the least you can do is wish her “rest in peace”.
    This woman has attended to me before, believe you me, she was very good. I felt better even without medication. All we can say is “It is well” because only God knows best.

    • Dolapo Ijomoh

      August 20, 2014 at 9:51 PM

      @anonymous what is the problem here, the doctor said the deceased violated code of ethics so did he lie or what? please reason before you attack anybody here.

    • mash

      August 21, 2014 at 9:53 AM

      pls ,dont put sentiment in watever argument on ground,this is public opinion where everyone express his/her thought.
      For God sake,Dr.jamiu is telling us the ethic/role of the proffession and you are saying the woman is computent,who said NO to that and besides,does it mean no one can make mistake? Let admit she made the mistake shekenaaaa.
      May her soul rest in peace.

  5. Unkown

    August 21, 2014 at 6:07 AM

    And who told you guys that she is dead? Stella is very much alive read the story very well. She has recover from the sickness

    • Bouqui

      August 21, 2014 at 11:04 AM

      @ Unknown, i fink u shud go back and read d story well, Sawyer’s 1st contact was Dr Ada, den wen his condition was getin worse she cald her boss! Dr Stella………

    • Isabelle

      August 21, 2014 at 1:00 PM

      The one that has recovered is the 26 years old Dr Ada, not Dr Stella; she died few days ago. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

    • Mimie

      August 21, 2014 at 1:01 PM

      The one that has recovered is the 26 years old Dr Ada, not Dr Stella; she died few days ago. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

    • mash

      August 21, 2014 at 1:08 PM

      Hmmmmmmmmm nawa for u oooooooo.Is Dr.Ada that is alive not Dr.stella

  6. mitchel

    August 21, 2014 at 1:01 PM

    WHERE IS MY COMMENTS.Pls,i want to know

  7. Davido

    August 21, 2014 at 3:33 PM

    I wish i ws d 1 dats gonno judge patrick sawyer he would have regreated both leaving nd dying………R.I.P aunty Stella

  8. chi

    August 21, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    Its unfortunate that the country our soldiers fought gallantly to forestore peace stab us at our back and rob us of impeccable Doctor and citizens. Decontee Sawyer had the effrontery to talk rots. well, Patrick Sawyer as rightly said is a medical terrorist to Nigeria.

    Dr. Stella Adedavoh may your Soul Rest in Peace and God grant the family the effort to bear the irreplaceable lost. God bless Nigeria

  9. unknown

    August 22, 2014 at 8:20 AM

    well, all said and not done, i wish i have some power, i feel like ******* all sawyer’s family both in Liberia and abroad, destroy all fruits of Patrick sawyer

  10. Princess Oleka-Chinedu

    August 29, 2014 at 1:29 PM

    She dictected it was Ebola and told others yet the same she fell victim for his evil trap. Was this the devil at work or a mere coincidence? RIP

  11. Princess Oleka-Chinedu

    August 29, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    She was the one dat detected it was Ebola yet the same “she” fell victim for his evil trap. Could dis then be d devil at work or just a mere coincidence?

  12. Princess Oleka-Chinedu

    August 29, 2014 at 1:41 PM


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