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Omotola Jalade Curbs Nigerian Government On Wasteful Spending

omotola jalade nigerian government wasteful spendingOmotola at Protest

Jan 12, 2012 – Omotola Jalade Curbs Nigerian Government Wasteful Spending

Top Nollywood actress, Omotola Jalade-Ekehinde, is surely doing well for her post as Amnesty International (AI) spokesperson.

Omotola on Wednesday Jan 12, 2012 called on Nigerian government to first and foremost curb the wasteful spending of maintaining government officials instead of making life unbearable for helpless citizens.

Below is what Omotola said in a tweet to her fans about the 10 facts that point to government’s executive recklessness.

Good morning all, let’s remind ourselves that this fight is bigger than subsidy.

1:-Govt is wasteful and not about service! Facts: 1:- 70 ministers!

2:-Over 20 special advisers!

3:-every minister entitled to 4 special assistants! 4:-Senate President (David mark) earns 88million monthly!!!

4:-DEPUTY senate president earns 55million MONTHLY!

5:-1.4bILLION to maintain NASS, sans said 25% of GDP to feed people who work3 days a week

6:-Vice president Sambo,58 Million to buy newspapers.

7:-The office of Patience Jonathan 500million?

8:-About 500billion on international travels…

9:-Nigerian Governors show level of opulence not dared by presidents of richest nations of the world!

10:-In our 2012 budget, wait for this… We will borrow N1.6Trillion!

A: NASS I’ll be paid from that!

B: Aso Rock will take 1Billion naira for feeding!

C: 1Billion to FUEL generators

She also calls out on State Governors who collects N100 million monthly as security votes and hide under immunity clause with no public accountability. She also lists out what an average Nigerian have to go through to live a near-decent lifestyle.

“While you have been a local govt,1. generating ur own light,2. Digging your own boreholes for water,3.even donating money to repair ur roads   With no alternatives,you will pay more for petroleum products,your children are to keep sitting at home from strikes,you will pay tolls… And there’s still no power for your business to hope for survival!



  1. julius dignity

    January 12, 2012 at 3:52 AM

    omosexy is just as right as perfect.wat an ordinary nigeria senator earns in 4 months is wat obama earns in a year.they’re so corrupted to d point of stinking.i pray ground open one day and swallow them up!!

  2. iyke

    January 12, 2012 at 6:52 AM


  3. odey

    January 12, 2012 at 8:15 AM

    May God bless you Omotola u are really an ambassador GEJ will surely be impeach we tot he will be different

  4. ose

    January 12, 2012 at 10:59 AM

    i want to thank u very much Omotola for this insight.our govt just like u said are so wasteful.
    i have this to share too.

    Let‟s compare the life of the king and his officers in the palace and government with the life of the citizens in the streets of Jerusalem where silver was as common as stones.
    1 Kings 12:1-16 (especially vs. 4)
    The response of King Rehoboam is not different from that of President Jonathan who recently told us that rather than lightening the burdensome service of our people, he is ready for mass revolt. And, by the grace of God, mass revolt is what he will get. What brought him to power is powerful enough to flush him out of power. The power brokers pushing him to talk tough will back off and sell out when they are face-to-face with the rage of the poor and the resentment of those excluded, deprived, and robbed. Nothing calls for the barking of a leader at the people, except he has, in the words of King Solomon, become a wicked ruler over poor people whose demeanour is likened to a roaring lion and a charging bear (Proverbs 28:15)(TUNDE BAKARE)

  5. Ejiola

    January 12, 2012 at 12:57 PM

    Omotola u re right.Let dem cut down their spendin and 4 dose wicked leaders dat are makin life unbearable 4 d poor, i knw they wont live 2 tel d story cos their blood wil b used 2 cleanse d land(NIGERIA)

  6. Monica jija

    January 12, 2012 at 7:48 PM

    Omotola , u were my star ever since i know u, how i wish others are like u, nigeria would have been a better place to stay in.

  7. Nationality

    January 12, 2012 at 10:24 PM

    We Nigerians it is only GOD that will intervene between the haves and the have not and it will surely be judge accordingly by the All mighty GOD, we suppose by now leaving in a good way but the so called leaders (Bad leaders in person like Worstluck were cheating seriously on us this is time to dispose what they are spending to tell the world about them, and their reckless spending. Omotola you re mine and I am urs I love your words.

  8. Christian

    January 13, 2012 at 11:14 AM

    If actually all dis expenses are been spent on the govt officials only den means from Mr.president to the least among dem are more deadly dan boko haram.To be honest,nigeria as a country is widely blessed by God but our leaders oh,sorry,our rulers are uselessing our fund for deir own selfish interest,God one will intervene for his people.

  9. Akeni bright

    January 13, 2012 at 1:25 PM

    Oh Jesus,plz God come nd save us o…omotola u’re genius plz kip it up…

  10. oluremi

    January 14, 2012 at 9:25 AM

    Omotola tank u 4 ds piece,u re indeed a gr8 ambassador.subsidy 2 me is taxation,so d govt shd also tax themselves 1st before taxing d poor masses.they should cut their excesses,its outrageous.I want d civil right society 2 take ds up,let d govt knw dt nigerians re now informed.they re nt fools.its either they cut their excesses or we impeach them.

  11. Oladeji Alawiye

    February 8, 2017 at 12:26 AM

    My Profund Gratitude Goes To Omotola (MFR).In This Our Country Leaders Are Selfish,they Are Nothing But Pradiger,They Garther Nigerians Money Together And Share It Among Them Selves Botherless For Those People In Agony Of Pain.Most Nigerian Has No Apartment,No Security,No Good Road,No Electricity,No Water,No Health Care And So On.Nigeria Full Of Confussion Here And There And We Say We Have Leader Or Government.Imagine Our Senates, Our Representatives Are They Representing Their Constituenies Them Selves.Look At The Sum Of Huge Money(400 Million) To Buy Car For Ex.President For What? Are They Not Paid Their Salary When In Service? After Led Us Badly Without Any Of Social Amenities. Although They Are In Power Today To Do An Undo But Am Sure Tommorow The Judgement Shall Be With God.Lastly Thank You Omotola For Enlightening Us May God Be With You.

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