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Pastor Creflo Dollar Arrested, Jailed For Allegedly Assaulting Daughter

pastor creflo dollar arrestedPastor Creflo Dollar @ Sheriffs Office

June 9, 2012 – Pastor Creflo Dollar Arrested, Jailed For Allegedly Assaulting Daughter

Popular motivational preacher and the senior pastor of World Changers Church which is based in Atlanta, Georgia, Pastor Creflo Dollar has been arrested.

He was arrested and jailed for allegedly beating his stubborn 15-year old daughter after a heated argument on Friday June 8th, 2012.

Video: Pastor Creflo Dollar Arrested & Jailed


We learnt Pastor Creflo had a serious argument with his daughter on going to a party before the assault.

After the argument, he got physical with her leaving her with minor injuries.

creflo dollar arrested and jailed

According to sources, Fayette County Sheriff’s Office investigator Brent Rowan says deputies responded to a call of domestic violence at the home around 1 a.m. Friday.

Dollar was promptly arrested and put in jail for few hours before he was released on a $5,000 bond. He faces misdemeanor charges of simple battery and cruelty to children.

Pastor Creflo Dollar Released From Jail


Make that girl come to Naija for 2 days ONLY, we go teach her the lesson of her life.

Pastor Creflo abeg pack your load commot from that place come to Naija.

It only takes 2 months to train them!Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

Father arrested for disciplining his child ?

Chei! this America is something else o.



  1. phemmy oludele

    June 9, 2012 at 4:00 PM

    na wa 4 America o.

  2. phemmy oludele

    June 9, 2012 at 4:03 PM

    tanx God u r free nw

  3. Eghe Eguaogie

    June 9, 2012 at 5:09 PM

    It is a shame that America and Americans have left the path of light for darkness and right for wrong. Otherwise, how can a man, pastor or not, go to jail for chastising his own daughter? Need we wonder then why there are so many drug addicts, single parents, teenage pregnancies, teenage suicides, etc? For as long as they choose this path, darkness will reign.

  4. Nwas

    June 9, 2012 at 8:12 PM

    Pastor did no wrong 4 chastising his daughter He did d will of God. The authority that arrested him should pray to God 4 forgiveness Touch not my annoited and do my prophets no
    harm says the word of God.

  5. Danny1

    June 9, 2012 at 8:27 PM

    This is bullshit Americans should go to hell with their dirty laws. Let her come to Nigeria we will teach her manners

  6. Megritzy

    June 10, 2012 at 11:47 AM

    What sort of educated illiterates are the americans?Even the bible says we shudn’t spare the child 4 her mistakes cos she wil continue 2 do so til she gets 4 wat,2 get drunk,raped or killed by those cocained americans.A black man has principles,we luv and want d best 4 our children,we dnt want drug addicts,thieves or prostitutes,homosexuals,single parents,sex addicts,porn watchers,club goers,masturbaters,she males,dos who slp wit animals

  7. Agboola Elizabeth

    June 10, 2012 at 6:45 PM

    Nawa oo dt is serious,well,lets not blame them,dt is their culture.Such thing can happen in any africa countries.

  8. Quincy

    June 14, 2012 at 10:14 AM

    America na corrupt nation with corrupt leaders and culture

  9. Toya

    June 18, 2012 at 1:55 AM

    Creflo Dollar is a Father,he was place in her life for a reason,America has given power to kids and not the Parent,isn’t this the signs of time,my kids are not gonna be disrespectful to me or anyone in Authority,I’m the Parent.

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