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President Jonathan Reverses Petrol Price To N65 Per Litre

goodluck jonathan reverses petrol price to 65 naira

Jan 13, 2012 – President Jonathan Reverses Petrol Price to N65, Desmond Elliot Confirms

The latest news making round is that President Goodluck Jonathan has reversed the price of petrol (fuel)to N65 per litre after an extensive meeting with stakeholders, Nigeria‘s political and labour sector today.

Excited Nollywood Actor, Desmond Elliot Confirmed this breaking news on his twitter page few hours ago.

Read his tweet below.

president jonathan reverses fuel price to 65 naira per litre

Note: This news hasn’t been officially confirmed. Please stay in touch with for an update on this developing story.Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...



  1. Prince samuel s

    January 13, 2012 at 12:29 AM

    I hope the decision has come to stay and not just to take us back to square 1 of the matter,so pls when is d final decision?

  2. Hamzat Abass

    January 13, 2012 at 2:39 AM

    Allmdulillahi Robili Allaminaa.

  3. Tunde

    January 13, 2012 at 5:34 AM

    He is a stupid man.

  4. joseph

    January 13, 2012 at 6:14 AM

    If he wnt 2 stay on dat seat, he shud behave like a person 4rm a pur family as he is. Foolish Man!

  5. Onase

    January 13, 2012 at 6:49 AM

    Good news.

  6. Tomsamuel

    January 13, 2012 at 7:08 AM

    After playing on our intelligence abi? Anywz i dn’t blame tht ijaw guy, he shld be ready 2 pck hs loads out of aso villa aftr 2015 electn. Mumu president.

  7. BUNMI

    January 13, 2012 at 7:30 AM

    he is a stupid man, does he have to wait till innocent blood are shed in this struggle before he reverts it? the blood of these people are on your neck jonathan!

  8. BUNMI

    January 13, 2012 at 7:47 AM

    until he makes it public, the struggle continues, no retreat no surrender.alluta continua!

  9. Engr jubril babatunde son

    January 13, 2012 at 8:25 AM

    dats fine what is he taking us 4, he gat to understand dat we nigerians always bid from good 2 better not 4rm better to worst !!!

  10. daniel

    January 13, 2012 at 8:43 AM

    President Jonathan’s rigid stance( With all due respect) is beginning to look like an ABUSE OF POWER. The constitution in Nigeria should be amended to protect this very delicate area of petroleum pricing. Because in future, any body can just exploit our weak constitution or decrees to raise price of crude oil products any how they like; what if the president had put it at N200 or N300, & protest were going on till a reversal was made, by then people would have died on the streets, in their thousands. ITS TOO BAD.

  11. pastor ojo uyi

    January 13, 2012 at 11:33 AM

    ”its disheartened dat a leader telling us dat he cant resist temptation 4rm corruption said by sanusi”,Any living soul is subject 2 temptation xcept hes dead;ability 2 resist temptation n not 2 fall into it makes u fit 2 be an ambassador of ur creator in dis world of corruption nigeria.if our leader are not able 2 deciet 4rm being corrupt neither can they stop others from being corrupt.corruption is the cankerworm in nigeria we should all fight is not the amount of money in circulation dat mattters

  12. Balogun adewale

    January 13, 2012 at 12:53 PM

    God news ;egbere

  13. Akeni bright

    January 13, 2012 at 1:01 PM

    What a goodnews to hear…

  14. Olarewaju prayer

    January 13, 2012 at 2:10 PM

    All studient we be glad if this can happen,we are tried of staying home.

  15. Spandez bukason

    January 13, 2012 at 7:20 PM

    Goodluck jonathan is trying who say he is not should go and stay there test hw is it to be president

  16. Olumatthew

    January 13, 2012 at 10:51 PM

    This is a wise decision….mr president should forget about issue of fuel and strategize way out on security and dividend of democrazy to the people

  17. taiwo hassan sho

    January 14, 2012 at 12:31 AM

    hmmm,i leave the blood of the dead and the pains the masses went through to comment

  18. hassan adetoun risqut

    January 14, 2012 at 3:00 PM

    Ds is indeed a gud news, and i hope it has come to stay.

  19. Awolola abiola

    January 15, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    Mr. Badluck egbere jonathan u waste our time God will waste ur time, wil want collect money 4rm bank d bank don’t open, wil don’t have money 2 feed our self naa ungry go kil u in d name of allah, mr. Badluck wil don’t want u again pack ur load go 2 ur village back stupid leader.

  20. Chidi amanchukwu

    January 16, 2012 at 4:19 AM

    Anty mi no be so naaa. He needs prayers, dis nation at large also needs prayers, cos dis jonatan dat u re insultin like dis is confused. Bcos i dnt tink he s stil one runin d precidency, he is jst been used. Deep witin him, i dnt tink dis is his wich for nigeria, his problem is dt he listens to dos pple up dere too much. Dats y i said, he s been used. So i employ evry nig to be in serious mood of prayers for dis nation, cos is only God can save dis contry

  21. muhammad

    February 1, 2012 at 10:30 PM

    you have to stop wasting your time by the will of god never let him and his protecters enjoy the throne

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