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Aluu 4, Uniport Students Killers Arrested (Photos) – Police Told Us To Burn Them Alive
Oct 16, 2012 – Uniport Students, Aluu 4 Killers Arrested (Photos) – Police Told Us To Burn Them Alive
The people who killed the 4 Uniport students in Aluu (Aluu 4 killers) have been arrested and their photos have been released.
According to report from STV on Tuesday night, the killers of the innocent undergraduate students of the University of Port Harcourt including Aluu village chief, Alhaji Hassan Walewa have been paraded.
They claimed they burnt the students alive as instructed by one of the two policemen who visited the murder scene.
Aluu 4 Killers’ Confession
One of the police officers told us to stop while the other one encouraged us to burn them alive – aluu 4 killers confession.

Morine Ibiba
October 17, 2012 at 12:00 PM
wat is dis country turning into.
Make money online
October 17, 2012 at 12:04 PM
Why are they wasting time sef? They should beat them, take them naked around the whole of Port Harcourt, use plank on them and later on, when they’re unconscious, burn them alive.
emmanuel eweezy
October 17, 2012 at 12:33 PM
D pple dat kill those innocent boiz shud’t b allow 2 see another daylight.
While d policeman who told them 2 burn dem alive,bring him 2 me I will react as ff:
1)Cut e ear,boil it den give him 2 Eat
2)Cut e children head in font of him,let him feel d pain receive by d innocent Boiz parent.
May their souls rest in peace,but b4 den let dem fight back
Gina Johnbull Uhunamure
October 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM
they should kill them like animal! and dat stupid police man dat ask them to burnt d boys! should not go unpunished too.
October 17, 2012 at 1:10 PM
Just take a look @ d old WiZard they call a Chief. HeArtless fools. Is Islam all about bloodshed? It is only God that knows d best purnishment 4 us! We humans ar so wicked n heartless!
Yinka Okubote-konwea
October 17, 2012 at 1:50 PM
I pray this ugly looking people be burnt alive just like what they did to those boys, the annoying thing is the woman among them am sure she does not have kids because a mum will not harm another persons kid am a mum so I know may the generations unborn suffer for this, and I pray the whole community be levelled and be turned to an express road.
Ifarajimi oluwadammylawlah
October 17, 2012 at 2:16 PM
Wat u sow u reap.d killers will reap der evil deed,is jus dat der children dat did not know abt it will suffer 4rm it conclusion God will judge dem all,dose caught nd nt caught,he knowns dem all.may der gentle sow rest in peace,may God console each of d family involved.1 luv 9ja!
Joy Erica Aita
October 17, 2012 at 2:58 PM
in my own point of view, dis killers should be set on fire so they can feel d same pain those innocent students went through before their death.
October 17, 2012 at 3:04 PM
those police should be include too
solanke ahmed olorunjuwon
October 17, 2012 at 3:21 PM
God av mercy on d family of does boys bcus is nor easy 2 train person 4rm daycare 2 adult my advise 2 u parent is 2 take heart may God b wit u all is only is only God dat av jurgement at hand
October 17, 2012 at 6:29 PM
D point is dat every body in dat community are very wicked,d police should note dat judgement of dat particular man dat was using dat big stick on dat boys head should d judge differently and d oda guy they came to collect their money from,cox he was d one alarmed thief on dis innocent guys,more so d case of dat police man dat ordered their burning should b properly look in to.
Opiti faith
October 17, 2012 at 6:38 PM
Those useless horrible idiot must be burn to ashes. Stupid, heartless, hopeless,idiotic people.. They must be killed.
Osuji gift
October 17, 2012 at 7:38 PM
Mehn! Damn those police, hrtless nd wickd police,wen i saw nd hrd d news of those boiz,i hissd truot dat nyt.dose pple involvd in d killin must b killed 2,no nid waitn 4 God’s judgement cos we alrdy knw d judgement,God cn nt set dm free,we ar God in d eyes of man,am dissappointd in dis Nigeria hw i wish am nt 4rm dis country
October 17, 2012 at 7:58 PM
Oh God I feel strangling all of dem to death even that woman I know she is nt married not to talk of having a child. Let dem do this killing of dem all fast cos whatever u sow u reap.
October 18, 2012 at 9:47 PM
feel the same way here… just can’t stop crying…
October 17, 2012 at 8:55 PM
Dismissing d sergeant dat ordered their killing(d 4 innocent student)is nt enough, d so called sergeant n d oda should be judge likewise
Chris ayodeji
October 17, 2012 at 9:36 PM
They must die and the village must turn to reserve.
October 18, 2012 at 6:54 AM
we not talking abt police teling to or nt 2 burn talking abt human feelings here..even if d police told dem 2 burn dem nd dey did den dey re also wicked…xo let dem taste of d fire nd let dem kno hw swt fire is….
October 18, 2012 at 7:39 AM
Hmmmm,dix 1 una dey tlk na una sabi oo,4 me,only God knw say if my broda was involve,God4bid oo,i go do dem wetin dem do am,so dat all of us go folow go d heelfire,me i wnt hear 4giv or liv it in d hnds of God,God wil do hiz own me i wil do my own,as 4 dose useless police men,dey deserve life imprisonment both bcos dey r big fools on police uniform,infact no b dia fault,its d fault of d weak government we hav in dis nigeria,imagine nigeria @ 52 stil bhavn lyk nigeria @ 1954.oooo,ugonna,lloyd,chidiaka n tekena,we wil always remenber u guys,u r heros,4 u guys 2 endure dat painful death,u r heros,wish u safe journey 2 d bossom of God.peace.
November 6, 2012 at 11:31 PM
Juliet u have seid it all.
Adeboye ogundipe slimrugged
October 18, 2012 at 9:56 AM
I no wot i want and i also knw wot evrybdy wants 4d pple invol in dis brutal act, but let evry1 calm down i biliv d student ar stil healthy nd strong let d judges pas judgement if u ar not satisfy tel evrybdy in PH dat dis is just d begining of wot u hav done, has jonathan com no, by d tym u stated again without resting dy wil judge accordinly let der be nofin kold allu comm any pple u c der daybyday waste dem by dat tym gov wil no wot dy nid to do 2 d culprit HE WU KILL SHALL ALSO B KILD dat d meaning
Yamai Katung
October 18, 2012 at 10:49 AM
I’m very sad watching that video and seeing all these that were done. If i am a Judge, I will not spare these people but thank God that i’m not one either. Let God that sees in every man’s work judge Him or Her as you judge Others. I never supported this act and will not support their inhuman act in the name of defending these fellows. But in one way or the other some of us may have done or participate in an occasion like this. That is why Jesus say… let him/her that says they have no sin be the first to cast a stone. Some of us have not killed with knives, guns, etc but we have killed with our mouths, thoughts, words and deeds. My prayer is that God will help this country to see beyond their eyes and pray for this country. In Lagos, Kano and other Business areas, don’t they do the same? Then where is the Justice? The Community is not Bad either because if you try to stop them, people may think you’re part of them and i believe that it was part of the reason why some people couldn’t say stop like the case of Jesus and Barnabas! May God help us to start seeing human beings as Humans and not animals. I wish we can find a place of rehabilitating people’s mindset, it would have been better. And if Boko Haram will change and live for good, why won’t peace reign again in Nigeria? I rest my case
Noble Princess
October 18, 2012 at 2:39 PM
anyway, even if these IDIOTS (the suspects) are killed, it wouldn’t bring back those INNOCENT LOOKING and UNFORTUNATE boys… I truely sympathize with their parents. What a GREAT LOSS…? am really short of words to describe all these STUPID, HOPELESS, WICKED, HEARTLESS, ANIMALS (ALUU people) including parents involved in killing other people’s children. Because in my own view, even if those boys are the WORST and MOST WANTED CRIMINAL in the whole world, they didn’t deserve to die like that… God Almighty will definitely JUDGE them (ALUU people) accordingly.
October 18, 2012 at 3:03 PM
i dont know why nigerian govt are to slow.if they cant do enyting let them go to sleep and let god handle it simple.
October 18, 2012 at 3:53 PM
Truly judgment must be pasted on th℮ killer of th℮ allu 4 students but what if th℮ innocent pple re beє̲̣̣̣̥
n punished lëţs consider what th℮ bible said learn hoŵ to forgive not revenge & when I watched th℮ video this guy on white was just looking at them he is innocent
October 18, 2012 at 4:03 PM
Let G̶̲̥̅̊
od judge
terry ikhine
October 19, 2012 at 10:47 AM
For d bible says who kill by gun go die by gun, they should burn those pple dat burn those student bcos is lack of education mak dem to behave dat way.
samuel ikeoluwa
October 19, 2012 at 11:45 AM
try 2 learn how 2 4giv,the bible says he who kill by sword shall die by sword,remember elijah that goes to d heaven bcos he has kil by sword,God send him back n said “my word shall come to pass”,n he is d john d baptism,what did he do b4 he was killed by sword,we need judgement.
October 19, 2012 at 12:21 PM
Men are so wickec, but I was suprise when I saw Woman among them, but is a pity for becuase even she is alive she we never see the fruite of her womb. I want d parent of those gays should go to any let to have their rivange.
October 19, 2012 at 1:08 PM
The fact they were undergraduate made them lose point on my score sheet. How on earth should they dare to track their debtor that way. I was furious when I first watch/follow the story, but after detail insight; i conclude that they brought death upon themselves. They were to get their money in a jungle way, indeed they recieved jungle justice. our pple says – when handshake is beyound elbow, it becomes fight. I pittied the innocent who jumped to follow. RIP
October 19, 2012 at 10:04 PM
All those people that take part in killing those 4 students of uniport shld be dealt with.
October 21, 2012 at 9:41 PM
Ekong you are a fool. A bastard.
November 6, 2012 at 11:19 PM
Ekong is the biggist fool. he must be one of the community pple. all the Aluu pple should be wipe out of the surface of the living.
Segun falodun
October 19, 2012 at 10:43 PM
Ignorance of the law coupled with deficiency in education, aggravated the situation that resulted in the killing of those four boys by those wicked souls.Those boys too were somehow affected by juvenile delinquency bcos I do not expect them to go around that time, there parents cannot blieve there children can even go out by that evil time they went to ask for debt. if justice is to be properly tendered many heads have to roll; the onlookers, the police that instructed the dastard act, the killers,the community chiefs(bcose it cant be only one chief).In my opinion I would suggest that the parents should let God do the fight for them as nothing can be done now to bring those boys back to life. This should serve seriuos warning to everybody. Let me tell u a story of how a robber could have been killed in transamadi
October 20, 2012 at 3:10 PM
My Opinion is that they should be sent to the ICC for crimes against humanity period
Daniel Babs
October 20, 2012 at 8:55 PM
I finally saw the video and have not been myself. I couldn’t stop crying. Too many bloodshed in this country. As for ALUU,it is already a cursed land and so shall it be until their 10th generation. As for all those that commited this barbaric act,they and all their offrings, generations & relations shall be wiped out brutality. Heaven doesn’t sleep and God is always swift in his judgement. I won’t be suprised if the police covers this case up, its not the first time so, God ll fight this on behalf of the innocent boiz.
Pweedy Mojisola
October 21, 2012 at 9:29 AM
Dey are liars…dey jst tryn 2 involve d police so dat dey won't b killed also….dey hav no say…dey were alwedy beatn dem b4 d police showed up…let's assume 1 of d police encouraged dem y dint dey listen 2 d other police n stop…if I hav my way I swear some people won't deserve 2 live…with d luk of tins dey might b freed…bur let dem knw dat some people are out dere prayn n wishn dem death n does people can can go extra milles 2 achieve dat….2 me if dey are nt killed dey will repeat d sametin….let dem all b killed
November 6, 2012 at 11:23 PM
God help me this people must pay for this.
October 22, 2012 at 9:48 AM
Let the government kill these people the way they kill the uniport students. Government should burnt them alive
October 22, 2012 at 12:27 PM
They must die too.
October 25, 2012 at 8:50 AM
Most painful is the fact that it turns out to be all a lie… The guy who sent the false alarm, the police, the villagers killed innocent blood. But tell me Nigerians(i am in Botswana),in broad daylight? Undressed, paraded, beaten – to death, burnt? For goodness sake this is the 21st century..
olayemi mayowa
November 6, 2012 at 8:35 AM
pls, let the Government send mopal to that village to destroy that place so that they will not exit again bcos i know that something that is terrible more than dis will still happen agin. God will save us in this country ooooooooooooooooooooooo Amen
olayemi mayowa
November 6, 2012 at 8:40 AM
if boko haram not exit these will raise again only God can save us these country
Umor bright
November 9, 2012 at 10:43 AM
They should be slaugtherd
i love Nigeria
December 9, 2012 at 4:33 AM
as a law student it should be easy to crack this shell, now they all claim they were persuaded to burn them right? Cool
now lets say the tied them up and waited till mornin b4 they saw the 2 policemen on d street.. And one of the so called illitrates and 5 others followed him to report to d police me ” ah oga we don catch thief o,we don tie them down wetin we go do 4 dem nah.” and the police says ” burn them and beat them joh”
the facts to d above scene.
1) A police man will neva i repeat neva allow d lynchin of anyone in an unlawful manner,they have been hundreds of ppl saved by the police when about to be lynched by d mob.
2) when d police-man heard tht d culprits had been arrested would be a thing of joy and pride 4 the police man to bring them to d station and claim he arrested them or saved them from the mob,, which devinatly will earn him respect and spotlight in his job..contd.
i love Nigeria
December 9, 2012 at 4:49 AM
3) police- men in a patrol van cannot be just two, they are at least 4 policemen in each patrol van..
4) lets look at it from thier poin of veiw,..tht one police man told them to burn them the other said they shouldnt… Is it just me or is this a typical excuse we use as an obvious and easy way out kind of lie?? Lets look at it this way in their point of veiw.. U and a poice colleuge sitting in a car then a mob comes to meet u ..where u’ve been stayin 4 hrs probably bored…wont u take ur first chance to leave tht spot by takin d weight of d “so called” criminals off their hands.and driving them, to d station
Somthing i want to clerify now is tht yes those ppl are hrtless they were unjust and all tht..but d matter of fact is tht they are still more of them out there cos definatly all bad eggs in nigeria are definatly not concentrated in allu..,but somthin i do know 4 sure is tht d rate of lynchin will definatly reduce now…we both know this,.. Nigeria is in a transition any oda developed country now… Lychin was done in d americas was even worse than ours but not this barbaric i must admit… Google it up if u please “lynching in d americas” .. The americans lyched blacks 4 fun..either by public hanging shootin in public ,.,and even stoning to death.. Even to a black pregnant woman… So neva say u wish u were not nigerian.. Nigeria is ur home..and its my home no matter wht… Not all nigerians are bad not all nigerians are evil,,,u have to accept tht…ask urself this are u evil?? If no then why suspect ur neigbour…? Evil comes wen u are suspected by ur neigbour to be evil,and he then proves u right as evil..lets learn to live as one.
… U could add me on facebook with Flamez restro, or on 2go with danley16… …”GOD BLESS NIGERIA”
i love Nigeria
December 9, 2012 at 4:58 AM
The rest of d txt did not show… :( and it was long and adequate :( well its all 4 d best i guess.. U cld add me on fbk flamez restro .,.or 2go with danley16…. GOD BLESS NIGERIA!!
March 4, 2013 at 9:44 AM
Nigrian guys! Why is it that we are not known for good tins? Hmmm, ooooooh God help your children
June 28, 2015 at 11:48 PM
Nigerians get vexed when white people kill blacks buh never get vexed when they kill themselves