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Wizkid Claims Paternity Of Son As Baby Mama Releases DNA Test Result

wizkid child support

May 31, 2016 – Pictures: Wizkid Claims Paternity Of Son As Baby Mama Releases DNA Test Result, Singer Paying $5000 A Month In Child Support

The silent drama between Nigerian musician Ayodeji Balogun and his American baby mama Binta Diallo has reached the social media.

Binta took to the social media recently to release a document dated back to March 17 2016 that confirms the singer is the father of her son, Ayo Balogun Junior.

wizkid dna test result

This is how she captioned the DNA test result:

“Read between the lines #DNADOESNTLIE #notjustarumor #facts”

Wizkid is reportedly on the run after a judge ordered him to pay $5000 per month in child support to Binta.

Many have doubted his paternity since he is yet to openly acknowledge his son.

With this DNA result, Wizkid is expected to officially claim his son any moment from now.



  1. Omokehinde

    June 1, 2016 at 12:45 AM

    O BA TAN! WIZKID should publicy acknowledge that his baby-Ayodeji Balogun Jr.from Binta belong to him. Thank God for the invention of the DNA test because prostitutes can easily exchange babies from the rightfull owners to anyone depending on their selfish and criminal intention. In this case, the DNA test has vindicated Ms. Binta Diallo. Congratulations to Wizkid for another baby boy blessing from another baby mama. Bro. you should claim the innocent boy with immediate effect and take responsibility as his father.

  2. bOKEEM

    June 1, 2016 at 1:07 AM

    why would he and why is he running, child is blessing from God and God has also bless him with talent that he can take care of even 100 Children.

  3. Nkechi

    June 1, 2016 at 3:15 AM

    Some of you are ******t and dont know that DNA results, though incontrovertible, can be forged, by swapping the sample of anyone you want to implicate.

    There is a case where a Court ordered a DNA test between a couple, the woman in question only agreed on the condition that “the result must not be made public” because the husband will use it to “embarrass her” amongst the family and acquaintances. The Judge agreed.
    She then went to the hospital before the date of taking sample and colluded with one of the Hospital staff whereby the Sample of the alleged father was swathed with her own sample such that both Sample of her and the alleged father, were actually containing same DNA strands! (Just by rubbing the swab stick together and it takes typically 2secs to do).
    ofcourse, the result came out that the child “shared DNA sample with the alleged father” (since the Child will always share DNA sample with the mother) …and is therefore declared to be the father!

    The matter is currently back in court as the Man is trying to get a second DNA done because he swears he did not have sex with her for at least one year before she got pregnant.

    The lesson is that unless the DNA procedure is really water-tight, it can always be wrong or forged.

    • Cutie

      June 1, 2016 at 4:40 PM

      Read my comment below. This is a continuation.
      Let’s take an STR System TPOX for example:
      Alleged father has 16 17
      Mother has 22 25
      Child has 22 19

      Now that you story says the genetic fingerprints of the mother and alleged father have been mixed, let’s assume it became the mother’s:
      Alleged father 22 25
      Mother 22 25
      Child 22 19

      or even 22 25

      This pattern would be the same for all system tested, which is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE! Because the alleged father is not the mother’s identical twin!

  4. Chemical

    June 1, 2016 at 5:06 AM

    @nkechi stop watching nigerian movies

    • Cutie

      June 1, 2016 at 4:24 PM

      @Chemical…thank you. Nkechi is obviously addicted to fictional Nollywood.
      @Nkechi…and to you Nkechi, that story is an absolute lie! There’s no how a Judge would agree to a paternity test that excludes the mother! (that is if I understand your “Tales by Moonlight” correctly)
      You wrote “…Child will always share DNA sample with the mother…” You forgot to include that there are STR (Short Tandem Repeat) Systems that are exclusive to males and females, or rather, to a mother and to a father. In your case story, the result (or testing) would be conflicting.
      There would also be conflict in the testing in the scenario you described above, where the genetic fingerprints of both parents have been mixed on the swab sticks (I would assume here that the mother was also tested). In that case, (if really it was a success as you painted) the child, assumed to inherit DNA traits from both parents, inherits only from the father (and where are the mother’s STR Systems?)and these traits happen to be similar, making mockery of the uniqueness of EVERY individual! (that, Binta Diallo’s result is not 100 per cent, rather 99,…per cent shows that every individual is UNIQUE!)
      Even at a crime scene, forensic experts are able to “tear” apart different genetic fingerprints with separate Chromosomes to solve a seemingly thorny crime.
      So dear, it doesn’t happen as you just painted it, because we are not in the Stone Age.
      By the way, where’s Ms Eranko? Pls contribute to this piece…

  5. Chemical

    June 1, 2016 at 5:07 AM

    @nkechi stop watching niverian movies

  6. Maryf

    June 1, 2016 at 5:52 AM

    Wizkid the kid father of a kid. Sound right anyways. He should better accept his child and stop playing kid every time.

  7. fifelomo

    June 1, 2016 at 6:09 AM

    Good,another expenses.

  8. betty

    June 1, 2016 at 6:15 AM

    when he slept with d lady what was he expecting he should claim d boy ooooo.thank God for DNA test…..

  9. D Hunter

    June 1, 2016 at 6:53 AM

    Binta Diallo looks more to me like the superstar singer Rihanna with same hair do.

    If na so unna, na im be say Wiz don hama be dat ooo…

    I take a stroll…

  10. buzu-k

    June 1, 2016 at 10:38 AM

    tu-baba na u cause dis pregnancy wahala wey d happen for music industry nowadays o,these small boys r looking up to u as their senior come d impregnant women all around d world,but what i learnt in dis sinario is dat money is not maturity,upon all d money wizkid has he stil run away frm his responsibility.facing ur reponsibility is what makes u matured.

  11. sola olaniyi

    June 1, 2016 at 11:28 AM

    hehehehe..shebi he was abusing Linda Ikeji when she broke the news of his 2nd baby mama..He must now compulsorily cough out $5,000 (N 1,600,000) monthly for lack of self control

  12. Ace

    June 1, 2016 at 1:59 PM

    @ Nkechi I do not believe DNA samples can be swapped, it cannot happen in US. Whiz kid my brother, you can contest the Judge’s judgement in court. $5,000 is a lot of child support payment. You have to stand up for your responsibilities and take care of your child. But paying $5,000 is outrageous, you can talk with your baby mama, so you guys reach a compromise. My Nige brothers, be careful if you know you don’t want to be faced with child support payment. No how you deal with women here, avoid trouble.

    • Kemkem

      June 1, 2016 at 3:46 PM

      Don’t mind all of them! #Davido#Adenuga’s son#wizkid! They think it’s like nigeria where they will be making mouth that they pay their baby mamas 300k monthly. Let him cough out $5000 monthly , that should teach him to stop sleeping around. Yeyebrities!!!

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