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U.S Marine Corps Ask Michelle Obama Out On A Date

marine corps to date michelle obama

Dec 19, 2011 – U.S Marine Corps Ask Michelle Obama Out On A Date

According to gistxpress magazine, many people dream and fantasize about going on a date with the First Lady of The United States of America (FLOTUS), but could not summon the courage to even ask. But here is a courageous 20-year old Lance Corporal Aaron Leeks requesting Michelle Obama to accompany him to the Marine Corps Ball.

A shocked Michelle smiled and accepted his offer only if President Obama would accept to baby-sit Malia and Shasha for the night.

Aaron, 20, said he asked her out because he’s a fan and admires her work to support the military.

This man get liver o, can you imagine his state of mind, a whole first Lady of the United State of America.



  1. olatunde.o

    December 20, 2011 at 8:04 AM

    There shuld be freedom of expression or speech,so to me Aaron asking the first lady out is no big deal,is only expressing his admiration for the fist lady’s go on mich nd ve fun wit the marines,bt pls,pls nd pls that he shuldnt tire that in naija wit aunty patience or else?

  2. 2pac

    December 20, 2011 at 2:44 PM

    Civilized society see how it was handled, try this in nigeria wit a local government chairman’s wife, the whole senior advocates of nigeria (san) will be in court the following mornin and probably the poor guy would have been dismissed from the army then.

  3. Ebenmosi

    December 22, 2011 at 6:12 PM

    No long tin..guy cari on……toasting no b crime

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