Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria
Final Solution, Split Nigeria Peacefully
Feb 19, 2012 – Final Solution, Split Nigeria Peacefully
Do you guys remember the 2015 Prediction on Nigeria ? Read it here
Below is another insightful article on this subject matter.
Our great country of Nigeria is leaving under what is known as “Force Marriage”.
Since Nigeria is made up of multi-ethnic groups with difference in culture, religion, language, etc, there can never be peace; North (Muslims) and South (Christians) will be leaving under pretence of “one nation”.
Most Nigeria ethnic crises often emanate from the North (predominately Muslims) against their counterpose from the South (predominately Christians).
The Nigeria civil war between Nigeria Vs. Biafra; introduction of Sharia in Nigeria; Arabic symbol on Nigerian Currency; Islamic Banking; coupled with the three (3) days automaton by the Islam (through their sponsored Sect Group; Boko Haram) on Christians to evacuate Northern part of Nigeria is a clear indication that Northerners (Muslim) & Southerners (Christians) cannot leave together and as such should separate peacefully.
The bombing, burning and shooting of Christians even at their places of worship, most recently and sympathetic is the one of 25th December, 2011 (St. Theresa’s Catholic, Madalla, Niger State).(Read Christmas Day Bombing News)
Christian massacre from 2001 to 2011; Killed = 2,410, Injured = 3,182 (record extracted from, and this is another indication that Nigeria might go into religious war or military will take over power to calm the situation, if not separate peacefully.
The name Boko Haram translates loosely as “Western Education is Forbidden”.
This has political undertone, their menace came immediately President Goodluck won primaries.
Boko Haram is just what Islam/Northern politicians (Imams, Emirs, Ex-Military/Police Boss) are using to frustrate President Goodluck Jonathan’s Administration and possibly Islamise Nigeria.
Boko Haramists Are Jobless Beggars
They use Almajiris (Islam Abandoned kids/youths; usually beggars) from Nigeria and nearby countries, such as; Chad & Niger to perpetrate this ugly act (mostly suicide bombing) in the name of Jihad.
To further prove this statement,
- why is Boko Haram not Bombing Muslims and their Mosques?
- Why are they destroying Government facilities (Mostly PDP and Federal Government Properties)?
- Why are they not destroying schools in north since their religion forbids western education?
- Why did they kill & burn southern Youth Cop Members?
- Why did they bomb UN Office?
- Why have they refused peace talk with the President?
Nigeria situation cannot be addressed because most Nigerian leaders are naturally corrupt and Boko Haram has infiltrated all branches of government and security services.
Nigerian Political Leaders Are Selfish
Majority of Nigerian leaders are only concerned about themselves, their family, their friends and their ethnic group.
These has necessitated the following present unaddressed problems; ASSU continuous Strike (not concerned since their Children are in Private Schools and Abroad) , Boko Haram sporadic Killing of Christians/Southerners, Unimplemented Minimum Wage, Epileptic Electric Power & Water Supply,
Mass Youth Unemployment, Removal of Fuel Subsidy without indigenous Refineries (The money to be realised from fuel subsidy removal might be squandered by our leaders as usual), Insecurity on lives/properties, Corruption in all agencies/ministries, crash of Naira/kobo, Poor Education & Health System standard, etc.
Development and benefits of democracy in Nigeria is centred only at Abuja.
It is clear to all that money vested on security in Northern part of Nigeria would have been used on the development of other parts of Nigeria.
Security Budget for 2012 is set to consume nearly a fifth of the total federal budget.
The activities of Boko Haram in Nigerian has turned this country into a terrorist country thereby scaring away some potential foreign investors thereby taking this country backwards in terms of development.
Our present leaders/their friends/their relations always kick against splitting Nigeria, because they are the only ones benefitting from the present devastating condition of Nigeria. They grow richer, while the masses go poorer.
Final Solution To The Present Crisis In Nigeria
Finally, Christians and Southerners here and in diaspora are encouraged to fight towards breaking out from the North.
Let us use our God gifted resources to create a country where there will be peace, unity and development.
God bless Southern Nigeria Country (Abia, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bayelsa, Benue, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Imo, Kwara, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Rivers). (article by Danjuma Raji )
Please share your thoughts.

John Dant
February 19, 2012 at 7:21 AM
Is this really possible.
Imagine other Nigerians in my own situation.
I’m an Igbo man married to an Hausa woman.
We both (and our 4 children)live in Kaduna.
So do you want me to abandon my wife and my kids?
It’s definitely a tough call.
If they can provide solutions for people like me, then I support the split 100% otherwise, it’s impossible.
Ify Leonard Uniben
February 19, 2012 at 8:57 AM
Hello Mr John,i understand ur grievenes bt i would suggest dt dt ur idea shudnt b d paramount b/c we all agree dt our African tratdition stipulate dt a woman automatically becomes d family of d husband ones bride price hs bn made.I see no reason y u shud put ur family in such jeopardy just b/c ur wife z 4m North.Is ur wife ur husband or wat are u insinuating.U married her wt ur money and i see no reason y u shud risk ur family just4 ur properties.Your children belong to ur tribe not to ur wife.D/4,my suggestion still remains that Southerners should seek secession b/c i see more dangers ahead if things are nt properly done.ONE LOVE4 D NORTH & ONE LOVE 4 D SOUTH!!!
mr real
February 19, 2012 at 12:33 PM
I tink splitn is d best solutn, islam is against doz who dnt share in dia biliv as lng as we remain xtians dey’ll cont 2b against us. I an in suport of splitn
February 19, 2012 at 2:16 PM
Mr Danjuma I like ur write up but i am afread dat u dont knw much abt da north . Do u mean to say we dont ve Christians in d north or Muslims in da south do a thorough job n we shall support dat cos.
February 20, 2012 at 12:00 AM
These is very nice but u re 2 sulfish please people has 2 be thinking in wt ever they re doing. Is it that Boko Haram re killing only christants? Think of how many Muslims died in Kano attack. Is it that only on christmas day killing of people is done? Think of how many Muslims re killed on Sallah day in Jos. So re u talling us dt all this life re not infortant like d life of d southerners. 2 me it wll be better 4 people 2 be thinking on wt they want 2 post.
February 20, 2012 at 6:44 AM
I support it 100%
vincent izuagba
February 20, 2012 at 11:32 AM
being married 2 the northerner does not change anything our ppl marry europians, americans, asians, etc. so if you have married a northerner u need not worry your wife only bcoms a foreigner after the divide. if u re the man of the house u should know that u own ur children nd ur wife, so u must take them with u 2 any part u blong after the split. hence we have peace
February 21, 2012 at 5:53 AM
I support d split 100% If u have not lost people there u won’t be talkin in that manner,those whose source of income comes from d north should find alternatives or instead just change to being a muslim,over d years northeners have been causing mayhem in many sorts.lets see if they can survive with out our resources i mean d south
February 29, 2012 at 5:23 PM
Ojukwu stood like a man and fought for the interest of the southerners, who will lead us to that promise land? We need to split in peace, because these killings in north will never stop and it will continue taking this country backwards because we are already in that war already.